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Posts posted by Leeson

  1. From the chatter on this forum, it makes you think that any male out at the mall may of had hair restoration. Yes, maybe even that cat making your sandwich at Subway.

    I've noticed Bosley has been advertising like crazy where I live. I see a TV ad by them at least 3x a day.

    With so many undergoing the knife, it still seems forboden to speak of it, like a dirty little secret.

    So the next time you run into an old friend you haven't seen in a while and you can't quite put your finger on what's changed about him, instead of, "have you lost weight," come right out and say, "you've had a hair transplant." He'll be so relieved to have it off his chest, he'll thank you and might even treat you to a meal.

    Just a thought.

  2. From the chatter on this forum, it makes you think that any male out at the mall may of had hair restoration. Yes, maybe even that cat making your sandwich at Subway.

    I've noticed Bosley has been advertising like crazy where I live. I see a TV ad by them at least 3x a day.

    With so many undergoing the knife, it still seems forboden to speak of it, like a dirty little secret.

    So the next time you run into an old friend you haven't seen in a while and you can't quite put your finger on what's changed about him, instead of, "have you lost weight," come right out and say, "you've had a hair transplant." He'll be so relieved to have it off his chest, he'll thank you and might even treat you to a meal.

    Just a thought.

  3. Usually hairlines are packed at higher levels around 50-60 per cm2, sometimes 70. As the doc works toward the back, he decreases the number. 35 per cm2 would be really thin for the hairline. This is one of the problems I had from Cole and had to get my hairline thickened. A thin/sparse hairline really stands out in a bad way.

    Many top docs have been densly packing hairline with great success.

  4. Depending on how dense you would like, a 2,500 for the front 1/3 will give you decent density, depending on forelock. 1,500 would be somewhat thin. This of course depends on where the hairline is placed, temples, forelock density, hair count and characteristics, etc.

    Still, without a pic, I'm kinda guessing blindly.

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