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Posts posted by Leeson

  1. In '02, when I was losing some due to propecia losing its effectiveness, I started taking avodart the week it came out. Around 6 wks later, I noticed my hair growing back to were it was prior to propecia losing its effectiveness. I did have seasonal shedding later down the road (1 year later), but it grew back and after the first few years of seasonal shedding, I don't have it now (maybe last 3 years, knock on wood). As to other sides, I didn't notice any when I made the switch.

  2. It seems all doctors have a difference of opinion. HW seem to prefer avodart (IMO). What I understood, from previous research, was dutasteride (aka avodart) never proceeded to phase 3 for hair loss, due to Glaxo smith kline not seeing enough of a monetary reward in going forward. The drug does not work for everybody and I'm sure there have been negative results. I guess it can be like the marines, either your best friend or your worst freakin' nightmare.

    Peace out!

  3. First, it wasn't God, you can thank one of your parents/ancestors some where up the line looking for a mate and saying, "Hey, that bald dude looks like a good match," and voila! To answer your question, someone here asked that same question and the most plausible theory was something of a signal to send to women that we're primed to breed (i.e. androgens raging). Easier for women to zero in on that bulls-eye of a crown than baldness above the ears. I guess that means those poor full-head of hair guys rarely had any action. But then again, that could be wrong.

  4. There's a poster called Gringoloco posting on HLH stating the terrible job L. Shapiro did on him. I think the word "plugs" was mentioned. He also puts down Bauman in S. Florida for his repair work. From the thread, seems Bauman's not the skilled surgeon either.

  5. She's been deceptive in her references, twice claiming to be recommended her (after being removed) and has been asked to not post on her site that she's being recommended by this site. Second, just type in "charlieb" under the find feature. If, after that, you still want to go to her, vaya con Dios!

    It's good that your not jumping the gun before you check out all your docs and options (i.e. proscar/avodart, minox, buzzing your head).

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