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Posts posted by Leeson

  1. Density refers to the # of fu's per cm2. word is one doesn't notice hairloss until one loses more than 50% of their hair in a given area. unlike fullness where hair characteristics come into play. density only refers to the amount of fu's/cm2. non-hairloss density in caucasians is normally 90-120 cm2, so 50% would mean the doc transplanted roughly 45 fu/cm2.

  2. I did alot of research on Hasson and Wong and heard nothing but great reviews, so after seeing his art work and his hairline designs, I felt this dr. best went with what I was looking for (i.e. dense packing in the hairline and his style of hairlines seemed to go with my face and well). To be honest, I was pretty set on Dr. Hasson from 2006, when I originally consulted w/ them, but I didn't feel like traveling to far (again, being lazy), I had a personal preference for Hasson and Wong's clinic, it just felt right to me. My list was

    1.Dr. hasson

    2.Dr. Wong

    3.Dr. Shapiro

    4.Dr. Feller

    I never really researched Dr. Rahal, but from what I heard, he's on pretty much everyone's top 5 list.

    The docs. I listed are all excellent surgeons, and I would be lucky to have anyone of them to be my surgeon, it just comes down to whom you feel you are best suited to.

    I could easily tell you who I would choose, but with all the top-notched dr.s in the coalition here, this would not be fair, as I would say Dr. Hasson is the best, but that's my opinion and others would say drs rahal, Feller, Shapiro, etc.

    Do your research and e-mail the docs you like and come to an INFORMED decision. If you do your research, you can't go wrong.

    Good Luck!

  3. It's more of a personal decision and preference to many on this board. You will have many help you decide and will give their reasons for their personal decision over choosing one great doc for an equally skilled doc. it could be many

    1. location (if 2 surgeons are equal, then it might come down to proximity)

    2. cost

    *these first 2 should ALWAYS be the last 2 determinative factors when deciding, so forget these until you have you list down to a few dr's.

    3. To shave or not to shave (I didn't want to at first and was just going to do the hairline, but said the heck w/ it. it'll grow back and I took care of the areas I've been covering up).

    4. Report you get from the dr./staff/

    5. his past work (consistent results over and over again) and his style meeting your preference.

    6. follow-up w/ patient to ensure satisfaction.


    There are others as well, as I'm sure you will uncover.

    This forum has a coalition list of all dr.s that have been thoroughly reviewed and critiqued and anyone of these dr's I feel would be a safe bet, as in this forum, if one has a negative review, it will be investigated, and possible suspension from coalition if true and is not resolved.


  4. I'm saying at that current progress using that last session as a guide, it would take at least 4. What I'm saying is review patient pics here and look at their before after pics from 1 session. I feel you could have this done in 1 session with an ultra-refined HT offered today. using techniques that are out-dated like small session (hey I use to feel 150 grafts for the frontal 1/3 at once would make a difference, now they place that many to just add some density to the hairline.

    Seeing just the loss on the frontal 1/3, A doc could easily perform a great HT in one session, IMO.

  5. This looks similar to one of my earlier procedures (by the density level I mean). You think it will add nice density, but unfortunately, you will not be happy with the density from this session. The good news is the doc was conservative with the hairline, so one of the world-class surgeon, like many docs on this site, will be able to help you decide proper placement as it has not been pre-set for you. Also good, is the grafts do not seem pluggy or any two multi grafts placed side by side.

    The major down points are

    1. Will take at least 4 sessions to get even cosmetically acceptable density. Even after 4 sessions (see 2)

    2. when you inspect the hairline (you are your own worst critic) in the mirror, even though others may not notice from several feet away, unless looking for it, you will notice. By notice, it's not the size of the grafts so much as the distance betwteen each graft.

    3. This is not ultra-refined work as I'm sure you could of had for around the exact same price. You may be like I use to be (I was lazy) and say getting a passport, maybe shaving head, having to fly to another country is too much trouble. hey, I'm sure there's another surgeon just as qualified in my area. It took me 2 years to from cancelling my appt. and finally realize the fault in this logic and re-scheduling. It took 7 days to receive my passport, airfare was comp'ed by my doc. as well as room. I left the country on Tue. morning and was home in front of the tv by Thur. night. Done!


    In all, the work is fine for THAT level of FUT, but it is not the gold standard that is available today. It is human nature to want instant gratification, and the closest way is to do larger sessions to hit the mark we are aiming for as quick as possible (i.e. mega session).

    With proper research, you will find a surgeon here. And like others have said, you didn't sacrifice much donor hair, your in a great position to knock this out in your next session, so use this opportunity to consult w/ docs on this board. Good luck!


  6. The way I feel, the name Bosley has be tarnished and betrayed its clients in the past. Once you've lost trust, it's difficult and sometimes impossible to redeem. If I was a HT doctor that was worth my salt, I would not choose to work at Bosley. A skilled surgeon would not have a difficult time finding work elsewhere. But hey, that's just my opinion.

  7. 1. Yes

    2. Some report shedding in the beginning, but usually w/ propecia/avodart.

    3. No, only shows minimal/moderate regrowth for the crown, maybe some on the top (vertex).

    4. Some respond in the back, you might be one. Would recommend you talk to a dermatologist about avodart (since some say this is strong enough to possible effect the front as well as the back/top, as propecia doesn't seem to affect the front, but does help the top/crown.

    Hope this helps.

  8. My first HT in '94 was from a former pres. of the ISHRS, Dr. Daniel Rousso of Birmingham when he was w/ Dr. Mcoullough's clinic and this hack still practices. I just turned 21 at the time, and just had some light frontal thinning and in a consult he said he could give a very natural result by replacing 1 hair w/ 3. They were still using standards plugs on some of their patients and was an option in the info brochure (using open donor technique), flaps, and just got into mini grafts (w/ old open donor turned into wavy line closure technique) Thank God he didn't give me plugs. My friends dragged me into Sammy's (strip club) a few years later and who did I see in there But that SOB. He now has a clinic called the Rousso plastic surgery and spa in Mt. Brook, AL. Looking back, I'm not even sure I was losing my hair and just over analyzing my hair. B/c of that SOB, my life has been alter for my entire 20's to mid 30's.

    sorry for the rant, but certification means nothing!




    Dr Rousso is internationally renowned for his contributions to the field of facial plastic surgery and limits his practice to this area. He commonly performs facial rejuvenation procedures including face lifting, eyelid surgery, nasal plastic surgery, laser surgery, endoscopic surgery, and hair replacement surgery. He is the author of several publications on facial plastic surgery and has been the director of multiple courses teaching other physicians the artistry and techniques of these procedures.


    Dr. Rousso has served on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and as the President of the International Society of Hair Replacement Surgery. He is a Director of a Fellowship Program, which trains young physicians under the auspices of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.


    Dr. Rousso is board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, and the American Board of Hair Replacement Surgery. He is also a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.


    Even my next doc at Lathams (not much better) said how bad his work was and how he had to correct alot of his grafts.

  9. I had surgury w/ H&W and they never mentioned quitting smoking before or after surgery. They were pretty thorough on listing all things to avoid before and after surgery. If it was harmful to you growth, they'd of mentioned cigs when they tell you not to drink alcohol, so I'd guess smoking does not do damage to your hair, but then again, I could be wrong.

  10. You need to take finasteride daily, as it only has a 6 hour half-life. Cut proscar into 1/4 tabs. Taking 5 mg. at one time doesn't show more benefit vs. 1mg. Avodart can be taken once every several days due to the 6 month half-life. Hope this helps bro.

  11. It all depends on what's more important, hair or possibility of sides? I've been of the meds for 10 years and have no real sides and the compliments I've recieved on my breast are really flattering! Just messing w/ you. No breast. I've maintained the top and back for 15 years now. If you do have sides you don't like, just get off. Proscar has only 6 hour half-life, but avodart has 6 month.

  12. I use to spike up the parted side and let the right side flop over, but I will keep some length on top, maybe ~2-3" and trim the sides and back. (kinda like a flock of seaguls, but not that long or hippyish, just best way I know to describe it). My main concern was my hairline, especially under low lighting you could see the old hairline and barely even see the new hairline, had to part it more toward the center to camoflauge this.

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