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Posts posted by Leeson

  1. Chargedup is right about not shaving (and the staples), if your hairloss is to the point where your hair is "see through" and scalp can easily be seen. Also, top docs usually limit this to ~2,500 FU's. Even Shapiro's rep. Janna said they once did someone w/ ~2,800 as the largest w/o shaving. The shaving is determinite to the amount of hair you already have. But whether to shave is a big decision, as some top docs require this (Feller, H&W, Rahal). I opted to shave, b/c I never got the density and results from not shaving, but this is probable due to the docs I chose. But shaving, many docs claim, makes a big difference in large sessions like the 3,000 your talking about.


    P.S. Chargedup, I gotta have more cowbell!

  2. Rethink the meds, the docs aren't pushing the stuff b/c they own shares of GSK/MRK. It works and by the looks of your pics, you are a good candidate to stop HL in its tracks. Then you can just worry about filling in front w/ HT. Plan B, take No meds and after you fill in front w/ HT, you can wonder should I fill in my crown w/ another 2,000 fu HT?

    But its your call in the end. Who knows, you might be one of the lucky ones who gets the front to grow back in again.

    Wait at least 6-12 months after being on meds, then decide on HT.

  3. I switched when it first came out. Proscar lost effectiveness after 4 yrs, but would of switched regardless. I regrew what I lost when proscar wore off and have maintained. Studies show more growth, up to 50% more than proscar w/ 2.5mg dose(5x recommended). I think many stick w/ proscar until it starts to lose effectiveness or don't see any results w/ proscar.

  4. I remember in 1994, the usual time was 3 months. The doc was telling me after post-op about setting up my second procedure in 3 months. Glad I got the hell out of there. I got my second 5 months later by different doc. They didn't seem to have a clue about growth times/scar streching, just wanted to get you back in the chair. Looking back, I think alot of clinics in the SE USA recommended 3 months. Crazy!

  5. Does anyone remember that movie where Stacy Keach was fighting his hair loss and finally went to that clinic ran by aliens and they implanted alien worms in his scalp that looked like hair? He woke up the next day looking like captain Caveman and his girlfriend thought he was so gorgeous she suspected he had another girlfriend. It was cool for him, that is, until the aliens ate him.

  6. Read a post that involves Charlieb. His post-op pic clearly shows stadium row seating pattern. I would run. She still claims on her site she is recommended by this site, which is a lie. You only have yourself to blame if you read these post and being informed, still go and things don't turn out for you.

    Best of luck.

  7. Stopped dead in its tracks and regrew all hair from thinning due to propecia losing its effectiveness. propecia 1998-2002. Avodart 2002-present. No signs of losing effectiveness. Basically the thinning of the vertex I noticed in 1998 has been halted and been that way since 1998 with some thickening. One caveat is I do have seasonal shedding every year or two for a short time that makes the vertex look thin, but it could be the way my hair grows in different directions in the mid-vertex area and don't get me started with my double crown. But, it always grows back.

    Look at my weblog, I'll update w/ a pic of my hair from the back on their also. I would of probably been a 5A if not for avodart. In the past, I pretty much only had HT work done in the frontal hairline area. The rest avodart has kept.

  8. Think of it as a ceiling fan and the clockwise/counter clockwise switch is finasteride. When you switch it while the fan's moving, it have to slow, then stop before reversing. The improvement can usually be seen starting around month 6 an continue improving(sometimes) up to the 2 yr mark. It can lose effectiveness after some years. For me, it was 4 yrs. Switched to avodart and never looked back.

  9. I think there should be a sticky here with docs that have a questionable rep. This way they can scroll down the post to check their potential doctor, they are thinking of going with, to see if there are any skeletons in that doc's past. Just a thought.

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