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Looking for HT

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Posts posted by Looking for HT

  1. On 3/24/2019 at 11:23 AM, ahmedabad_guy said:

    Hi Guys,

    So here I am after many years of research I have made my mind up to get my HT done from Dr Pradeep Sethi and Dr Arika Bansal at their Delhi Centre on 24th April. 

    Apologies in advance I can’t keep this post short because I have been one of the silent readers on this forum for many years and now, I think it is time to share my experience with others. I know there are many people out there like me who are reluctant to travel to India from UK. I hope they get some inspiration and confidence from my post. It took me many years to make up my own mind to get my HT done in India there several factors like long travel time, cost and skills of doctors etc but now I feel there is one Centre out there in India which produces world class results within. I am saying this because I have spoken to lot of their patients in last one and half years and few of them have even posted their results here on this forum. I also know lot of celebrities got their HT done from Dr Pradeep some came out in open and shares their experience and some doesn’t want to for obvious reasons.

    I have known Dr Sethi and Dr Bansal for more than one and half year now. Spoken to them several times about my concerns and questions and they have my answered my question without getting frustrated. When I first started following them on their YouTube channel they were not even recommended here on this community at that time. I used to think if these guys are so good how come Bill and his team have missed it. I am glad Bill has found them and recommended here because this has given me some confidence that I was on right track and given us more options within India. Even after Eugenix got recommended I waited for their patients to post their results here before I finalized them because personally, I trust the results shared by patients more than posted by clinics. I have compared Eugenix results with other clinics within India and I don’t see any doctor producing FUE results which is equivalent to the results they are producing. Some can disagree with me, but this is my judgement. I have also seen results from doctor who are recommended here and produced some bad results, but I guess every doctor has produced bad results occasionally and it could be due to various reasons.

    Important notes to fellow HT candidates:

    Do your research contact the clinic speak to their patients and once you are confident then make up your mind because that is what I did. I have not found any negative results from Eugenix yet. Don’t be put off by negativity surrounded on forums. This is public forum where anybody can post anything about clinics. This happens lot in India because of competition. I did see one negative post from one forum member recently which has put doubts in my mind. I have just called Eugenix and clarified what has happened I am satisfied with their response. We should always hear stories from both sides. Guy who has posted these comments didn’t had surgery with Eugenix but decided to share someone else experience because he himself has chosen different surgeon. I don’t believe in justifying my reason why I have chosen Dr Pradeep Sethi I will post my results here and will do my results do the talking. I can also go on about other doctors and clinics and criticize them why I didn’t shortlist them for my own surgery but I don’t think it is ethical. If my results are not good, I am happy to take criticism and accept blame. I am not sure what was the motive behind him writing negative comments about other clinics. Anyways this post is not about him or others this post is about my own surgery.

    Little bit about myself 

    Ethnicity: Indian 

    Age: 35

    Norwood Scale: 3

    HT planned for frontal area 

    Grafts recommended by Drs: 2500-3000 

    Surgery Date: 24th April 2019

    I will try to post my update every month along with my pictures and will continue to share my experience about Eugenix and surgeons to keep this community up to date. Even though I feel I have made the right choice I am bit nervous that how my results will turn out because for doctors I am just another patient but for me it will be life changing experience. 

    I will continue to post my update to help fellow candidates and I look forward to seeing your comments and feedback. Happy to answers questions about my experience after my surgery.Long way to go.






    Hair pulled .jpg



    Hey mate. Thanks for posting this and I wish you all the best with the growth.

    Is it possible for you to posts step by step procedure done on you.

    I know this will take some of your time so no rush but it would great to know the steps at each stage.

    Many thanks

  2. 14 hours ago, gillenator said:

    I use fibers in my crown and frontal zone...I am very careful about shaking very softly and evenly so the result is evenly distributed.

    It seems that fibers do not work as well if the existing density is too low or too high.

    Would it be recommended to use fibres after 2 weeks of transplant or will it damage the grafts?

    I am going with the no shave option and only getting frontal part done. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Kevin20 said:

    Hello everyone. I have been thinking to get a HT done for a while now. Shortlisted two doctoral, Dr Yaman from Turkey and Dr Sethi,  from Eugenix India. Got email consultation from Dr Yaman that he can do it at hairline frontal and crown. Also, consulted at Eugenix clinic and I think it was Dr Sahoo who suggested that since I have a diffuse thinning so it will be better to do only the hairline and rest of the area with finesteride. So I wanted to get all of ur important valuable opinion

    Thank you 






    Hey mate

    i also have thinned crown and was told to go on Fin but hairline needs to be done so booked my surgery with Eugenix in December this year. Have you decided on Doctor yet? It would be good to know people who are in touch with Eugenix and what are their thoughts.


  4. On 5/8/2019 at 3:07 AM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    How many of you guys have had hair transplants and use hair fibers? If so which ones do you guys use and recommend?

    How Can Hair Fibers Improve My Hair Transplant?

    Hey mate. I did not have HT yet and from past 8 years I have been using nanogen aquamatch , hair fibre and hair locking spray. Expensive but cant be without it. Hence one of the reasons that i finally will be going ahead with HT this year :D

    You might shed some light on that I am going for no shave HT as doing my frontal and hairline so once shedding starts, could I sprinkle fibres on that area and spray locking spray? Plan is to bring longet hair on back t cover frontal part until it grows.Will this damage the growth of new grafts?

  5. 1 minute ago, ahmedabad_guy said:

    Yes @Rawkerboi i am not looking forward to the shedding phase. My current hair style looks lot better then before.

    Hey buddy. All the best. Think my head looks exactly like you. I mean the one before the surgery.

    Did you go with option1 or option 2 as I need to know the real difference as so far only difference I can see is 100% incisions done by Dr Sethi/ Bansal in option 1.


  6. Jut to let know that Eugenix has now the pricing on their website and the difference between Option 1 and Option 2 is basically that in Option 1, 100% incisions are done by Either Dr Sethi Or Dr Bansal and will be supervised every now and then.

    Option 2- Dr Sethi/Bansal will only do incisions of the important areas and rest of the incisions done by other doctors. This is also supervised by Dr Sethi/ Bansal but not sure what truly is the supervision %

    When it comes to supervision in both options, I am still unclear about the involvement in %. It would be good to know the clarity from someone who went with Either Option 1 or option 2.

  7. 4 hours ago, Phil36fromaus said:

    Hey buddy,

    I recently asked the same of my Dr and they said that taking protein powder was fine (in fact most people don't get enough protein in their diet which actually promotes healing and hair growth). I was also suggested to begin taking Vitamin C one week prior to surgery just to aid the healing process.

    I believe the issue with supplements (like a multivitamin) then might come if they contain Vitamin E that would thin the blood (the same way aspirin does), which would not promote healing. 

    But this is just my current understanding. Perhaps someone with some more medical knowledge can add more info/correct me if I'm wrong. And as always ... best to ask your advising physician.


    Thanks mate

  8. 1 hour ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Really? It’s for medical reasons, maybe you should call back and tell them you’re having surgery and don’t mention its a hair transplant.

    Cheers mate. I booked another seat. Last one near window. Think should be fine

  9. On 5/1/2019 at 6:05 PM, ahmedabad_guy said:

    I am just glad that they have posted  their cost on website this will get rid of confusion some members had. I think they have tried their best to be as transparent as possible and clarified what services one will get if they choose any of their three packages. I had surgery with Dr Sethi and I can tell you even though he has completed hairline design, 100% slits and local anaesthesia he was monitoring my surgery from his office and was visiting operation theatre every one hour to check my progress. He did some grafts extractions  too in my case.

    Hey mate. which option did you go for. Rs120 or Rs 75?

  10. 7 minutes ago, Lennney said:

    Row 88 or 60 are good if you could get the window. Any seat is fine if you're careful. I think an exit row seat would be nice, but I personally didn't want to be bothered. I ended up pretty swollen on my trip back (30hours of travel!), I just didn't want to have people question my ability, especially with me wearing a medical head cover.

    Your call, but as long as you're careful with your HT, you're fine with any choice.

    Thanks. I wanted exit seat but told by airline that I cannot cos of hair transplant .

  11. 1 hour ago, Looking for HT said:

    So I deposited Rs 100000 today and the dates have been booked. 

    I was emailed with the confirmation but the surgery date is wrong  as it should have been a day before so I am waiting for Nelson to reconfirm the correct date.

    Also, in the email it says:

    You shall be required to perform certain blood investigations. Please send in your blood reports at least 4 days before the procedure. 

    Hb, Platelets
    TLC, DLC
    BT, CT, aPTT
    HBsAg, Anti-HCV, HIV 1&2

    I was under the impression that the blood tests will be carried out once I am in Eugenix a day before the surgery as this is what I was mentioned during my conversation with Nelson.

    Again, I am waiting for Nelson to reconfirm this.


    Nelson and Dr Sethi gave a quick response.

    Confirmed the correct date of surgery and all the tests will be done in Gurgaon, India upon landing.

    I am happy so far with the response times and looking forward to December.

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