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Looking for HT

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Posts posted by Looking for HT

  1. 1 hour ago, LeftHook said:

    Hey man.

    I had a similar conversation with Dr Pradeep regarding finasteride. He explained that the main purpose of finasteride is to curb hairloss from progressing. I've been told I'd need 2500 grafts for my HT, and I'd like that number not to have to increase. After the HT, non-recipient areas can still continue to be affected by hairloss, and so Dr Pradeep suggested continuing 1mg of finasteride for 6 months to a year, before cutting down dosage.

    I've been on Finasteride since the start of the month, and even I'm a health and fitness fanatic (I don't smoke, drink, take fizzy drinks, workout everyday at 5am, 6 pack abs, etc), and so I was nervous about it also. As far as drugs go, i've not even taken an aspirin for decades, so I hated the idea of taking tablets.

    The side effects are indeed frightening... but the common side effects apparantly effect something like 2 or 4 percent, and then after a few weeks the side effects pretty much go. 

    I've not experienced any side effects thus far. I hope it stays that way. I can, however, feel some stubble starting to pop up from my bald spot in my crown. Now I have to wait and see what happens.

    Thanks mate. What happens once you stop taking the medicine or do you plan to take for coming years? 

  2. 14 minutes ago, AltonMeyer said:

    Just want to thank everyone from my side too. I almost went ahead with Dr. Bhatti a few months ago only to pause for a bit after reading a few negative reviews. 

    From then on, I've only seen terrible results from Darling Buds. 

    The scarier part is how the reps have blamed the patient for the failure in every case. 

    My only hopes of getting a decent transplant seems to be from Dr. Bansal now. Will have to research Eugenix a bit. 

    Hey mate. I nearly booked with Dr Bhatti but in the end going ahead with Eugenix in December. Did you contact them yet? Would be good to know more folks who are looking at Eugenix. Cheers

  3. 1 hour ago, Rawkerboi said:

    So scared of such a mild drug? Hair Transplant without stabilization is a potential death sentence.
    Finasteride will not only benefit you for a transplant but it will thicken existing hair. Your native hair is the most important element and factor towards a successful transplant. Your Norwood and history is what surgeons generally use as a long term plan towards your transplant goals, and future procedures.
    Without finasteride it won't end well. Essentially it will require much more work to make the balding transition.

    The side effects of going bald opposed to trying finasteride and most likely responding well is an easy decision. A marginal percent change, you have sides that are easily reversed!!

    What people fail to realise that even those with male pattern baldness your entire scalp slowly erodes to the final pattern. Not just the recession areas, all though those are more prone within the pattern
    Without finasteride you are speeding the rate at which you bald by over 80%

    Wow !! What a feedback. Mild drug? Mate , you really need to do a bit of a research. My decision is after consulting the doctors in Ireland.

    Below are the most common side effects of Finasteride:

    • impotence,
    • Prostate cancer
    • loss of interest in sex,
    • trouble having an orgasm,
    • abnormal ejaculation,
    • swelling in your hands or feet,
    • swelling or tenderness in your breasts,
    • dizziness,
    • weakness,
    • feeling like you might pass out,
    • headache,
    • runny nose, or
    • skin rash.

    Please dont spread false details about a drug that has left many in distressed state and calling it a mild medicine !!

    Just to give you some information, Transplanted hair is not dependent on Fin. The donor hair follicles are genetically different from the follicles that are effected by male pattern baldness. Donor follicles are not sensitive to normal levels of dehydroxytestosterone (DHT). Once transplanted to areas of balding scalp these follicles will continue to produce living hair. Finasteride lowers DHT levels reducing the effect on native (non-transplanted) follicles and by doing so helps to control progression of male pattern baldness.
    Hair restoration specialists use Propecia and Minoxidil preparations in conjunction with hair transplantation not to maintain the transplanted hair but to prevent as much as possible loss of native hair from the balding scalp.

    Hope you get the point. Fin is not needed for new transplanted hair.

  4. Exact 6 months to go for my HT from today.

    In past few months, I have done some research on Finasteride and due to its association with side effects, I have decided not to take it after my HT.

    I had a call with Dr Sethi and he has mentioned that Fin is not for the new transplanted hair but to keep the existing hair and therefore taking this medicine is optional.

    I am a bit of a fitness freak so there is no way I want to put my health in danger.

    I would love to know the views of other patients who did not take Finasteride and did it affect the growth of the transplanted hair.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Badresults said:

    Hi @Looking for HT, yes I was prescribe finestride, for 6 months. However I’m still taking it now. What Bhatti said was with finestride and minoxidil, they hair growth would be up to 90% success and without it would only be 50%. Logically, hair transplant shouldn’t be dependent on finestride, but that’s what the doctor said.

    Mate, I am going for HT in December with Eugenix in Delhi and Doc said Finasteride is optional and only required for existing hair. I decided not to even try this medicine so its really up to you. I have to say Bhatti and his team have been a let down here. Did doc tell you about possible side effects of this drug?

  6. So what is the outcome here? Before taking the patients case, all the questions asked by Shera should have been asked by the doctor. 

    Going into the defensive mode instead is not what a patient is looking for.

    I am curious to know the final feedback from the doctor. 

    By the way, why was Finasteride given to the patient considering the side effects? Did doc go through the side effects with the patient? Fin as only used to keep the existing hair and not for new tranplanted hair.


  7. Thanks everyone for the input folks.

    I have spoken to the surgeon and he has said that Finasteride is not required for the new transplanted hair at all and is only taken to keep the rest of the hair.

    Therefore, I have decided not to take Fin. at all.

    I am going with HT for my frontal part which includes hairline and temples. My crown is a bit thinning but I would have another HT on crown in next 5 year perhaps. I think if frontal part gets fully grown, thinning crown is easier to manage if hair from frontal is bought back and hair fibres could further help to cover it. This is my thinking anyways. I will not put my health on risk by going on Fin.



  8. 4 hours ago, E39 said:

    Ht growth doesn’t depend on finasteride. The drug can make it look a whole lot better tho. It can make an average ht look like a home run. Or a subpar ht look average. Whether you take it is up to you of course, but think about this, if you don’t take it and are not happy with your results, your doc will say I prescribed it why didn’t you take it? 

    Thanks mate. I am certainly thinking not to take it at all and why should I when the side effects have been proven. I will be letting the doc know and take it from there. 

    Its actually unbelievable that inspite of dangers of this drug, its still pushed and recommended by the doctors.

  9. 10 minutes ago, hairman22 said:

    I got side affects.

    2 years later still not fully recovered so I would not risk taking the drug.


    Doctors who insist on taking it are putting their clients at risk.

    :( Thanks for your reply.

    If you dont mind, can you please tell me for how long did you take it and what side effects are you still dealing with?

    It must be horrible to go through an irreversible experience.

    I dont understand how doctors themselves can put patients at risk  !! I read on this forum how some people openly suggest to try it without thinking that how a person can react to it.

  10. Hey guys

    I have booked my FUE for December and Doc has advised to take Finasteride after the surgery for 3 months atleast.

    I have been told that i might not get any side effects.

    However, I have done my research and I am worried that if I come across the side effects  and I stop taking the drug, Sometimes it  could lead to permanent damage.

    Small percentage of men (less than 2%) will experience erectile dysfunction and a low sex drive while taking finasteride and potentially after stopping it.

    My mind says DO NOT even try it. Is it necessary that I take it or just get the FUE done and take the supplements?

    I hope I can get the sensible answers from someone who actually has or had the side effects and that will help me make a decision.


  11. 21 hours ago, Useless Stuff said:

    Which one is better at the present time- Dr. Tejinder Bhatti of Darling Buds or Dr. Pradeep Sethi/Dr. Arika Bansal of Eugenix? Please share your experiences and feedbacks.

    Hey bud. I had the exact same question and made my decision on what suits me the best.

    You should do the same. Speak to both the doctors on a video call and show the baldness areas and take down notes, go through the work done by both and you should be able to make a decision. Both doctors are good as per the forums.

    All the best.


  12. On 5/22/2019 at 12:01 AM, Battling hairloss said:

    I’m taking finasteride since two years now, my crown was thining and scalp was getting visible in crown, verter and midscalp, basically Mohawk region but after 6 to 8 months of finasteride did wonders for me and covered the entire region. I was hoping it would get back my entire native hair but it didn’t since finasteride only works for follicles which are there even if its miniaturised .

    Now i have 2 Cm receded hairline with 50% density in MPB region and hairloss is stable. But finasteride lowered my libido and that rocky firmness was gone. I had experienced mild side effect. First I was in denial but then my little brother was never fully awake so I tried the blue pill just to wake him up completely and within 30 mins he was up!

    Then I did some research for alternative and came across yarchagumba ( Cordycep sinensis) and after consuming it within two months it started showing results and in 3 months i was better then before which was extremely surprising . It is so effective that it boosted my libido with a rock solid firmness , increased my semen and stamina like its an overall performance package. Now I’m always fresh and energetic like I can sprint for 100 meters and my heartbeat wont even go up. My breathing has changed and improved drastically. My dosage is 2 pieces in a day for 3 days then 4 days nothing , then again 2 pieces per day for 3 days then 4 days nothing. This dosage was recommended to me by a trader in Kathmandu Nepal .Since I live in India I visited Nepal . This yarchagumba is so potent that you wont imagine that something like this really exist. It has so many other benefits as well like it cures lung diseases, anti cancer and a dozen of other things read it online. It is only found in the Himalayan region and that too at 14000 feet. Only wildly harvested yarchagumba (cordyceps sinensis) is potent rest everything is shit. You can buy it from Beijing market in China , Singapore , Japan , Nepal , India and nowhere else . In China its for 100000 usd per kg , 130000 usd in Singapore and Japan , in Nepal its for 35000 to 55000 usd and in India its illegal to sell, you can also find it in Bhutan buts its not worth the quality. 

    The best quality and most potent yarchagumba is found in Dolpa region of Nepal and the entire thing is exported to China , Singapore  and Japan by wholesaler’s who source it from traders and they buy it from farmers in dirt cheap prices like 5000 to 8000 usd per kg. It is so expensive cuz supply is very limited and it is only available for 2 months of the year which is June July which is also the harvest season. In August its out of stock everywhere.

    I went to Kathmandu met a few traders they showed me different varieties , medium sized are best its bigger then a match stick and around 350 pieces are there in 100 gm which is more then enough for a year. Don’t order from websites they insert metallic wires inside to increase the weight and u cant catch them. Visit China Singapore Japan and visit a shop and buy from there or ask them to deliver . Don’t try to take it from Nepal u will get busted since it can only be exported from Nepal .I could have got it from farmers for 1000 usd but i didnt wanted to take a chance , people keep on getting busted in India also . I got it for 3500 usd for 100 gm from a reputed trader in Kathmandu and it was delivered to me by a local herb retail company in India .

    Please do not share this information to General people who are not using finasteride since they will abuse it and eventually we will have to pay much higher price in the future

    My mate with glasses use to weigh 150kg. He took some magic pill and in 2 weeks he lost his glasses.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Nebulosity said:

    Yea thanks. I’m going to wait 8 months, maybe longer. Besides, I don’t want the cost of the repair to interfere with my life too much. The most expensive option could run 40k usd including flights and hotel.

    I’m planning to wear my hair longer for the next several months, to cover up the hairline and donor area. I’ve got a nice gf who doesn’t care about my hair, a job, goals in the gym, business goals, etc. I’m going to use this setback to focus on progressing in those areas, and come back to this hair transplant problem later. I’ll keep this thread updated with progress pics and info.

    All the best mate. Dont think too much about it.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, Nebulosity said:

    Hey there. You’re right. Just read the last few pages of this thread and all will be clear.

    Sorry.My bad. I read it and quite surprised as Dr Bhatti has quite a good reputation. I hope you get a full growth back at the donor side and surely you can sort the hairline once it fully grows. Who knows you might actually start liking it.

    • Like 1
  15. On 1/23/2019 at 12:01 PM, Baldrick101 said:


    Why not mention the Dr's name? This isn't a case of slander or anything untoward. Nebulosity has simply provided the community with pictures and information of his surgery. I don't see the problem with asking, "Dr x did this transplant. Here are the pictures and my experience. What are your opinions?". That is just what I did for mine. Indeed, this is the whole point of the forum. The community can decide for themselves the quality of the work and make their own decision in the future. It would also give the doctor the opportunity to walk us through your case and provide explanations for his actions. In fact, an ethical doctor will have no problem standing by his/her work in an open forum for all to see. Taking this approach should have no bearing on whether you get a refund or something else.  

    I completely agree. I chose the surgeon through this forum and I will openly say who will do my HT and share the pictures etc. What is the point of this forum otherwise !!

    • Like 1
  16. On 1/18/2019 at 2:54 AM, Nebulosity said:

    Hey y'all. I'm chill in my actions, but I'm not chill because I expected a higher standard of work and attention to detail than I think I received, and I need a plan NOW to feel better. I already feel better now that I've discovered my options and made a plan. Probably I will look somewhat more attractive in 6 months than pre transplant. But my plan is to most likely get it revised, raise it a little, add some density, and fix the hairline to look more natural. Thanks for the input everyone.

    Hey mate. Think you should wait atleast for few months and decide accordingly if you actually need to repair it

  17. On 5/20/2019 at 7:16 PM, don174 said:

    Anyone heard of this clinic - hair of Istanbul. Pics look pretty good on the site . They charge by the procedure not per graft. Anyone done it by them and know the cost


    All I can say is to do a thorough research as I have heard horror stories from people who went to Turkey to get the HT done. Only a handful of reputable surgeons are known. You can check all the forums and reviews to start with.

  18. On 5/18/2019 at 6:41 AM, Ashishmehta said:


    I seen that you are happy to go for Eugenix. And trust me you will get your new look as you already seen.

    Its Its something else what Eugenix treating us. They created relationships with. Not only business. So just trust on them and think positively. That you going for good one. Believe me once you happy with your results you will never think about money what you paid little bit more compared to others.

    Eugenix Doctors said to me. Do it once Do it best..... and I mean it today after 9 month 

    So go with positive thinking and do it. 

    Trust your doctors and his results. Tell them what you want how you want and go with your old pics. What kind of hair line you look for. So they will give better then that.



    Hey bud. Not trying to be funny here but you sound as if you are merely doing marketing for the clinic. 

    Trust me, this tactic puts off everyone and does not work.

    This forum is quite transparent and let everyone do their research before they make a decision.



  19. On 5/17/2019 at 9:03 AM, LeftHook said:

    @Looking for HT Really cool to hear that you've chosen Eugenix in New Delhi. Like yourself, even I've considered the European options, and whilst Turkey was a write off, the other European clinics have higher fees, and although that isn't the be all and end all, it seems that the patient experience and satisfaction with Eugenix tends to be notably greater. Whereever I look I only tend to find positive things written about Dr Bhansal and Dr Sethi, as well as their clinic and team.

    Even I'm 90% certain that I'll be having my HT with them next summer, for pretty much the same reasons as you (and some other forum members) have expressed.

    My situation might be similar to yours in one respect that I have a thinning area (hairline), but it is not a complete write off yet in terms of baldness. So I might end up receiving the same advice as you, albeit for my hairline, that I shouldn't bother getting that worked on for another half decade or so. My crown will be what needs work.

    I'm interested to know, in due course, whether you'll go with their pricing option 1 or 2.

    Hey buddy. I am going with option 1 as I am told that 100% incisions are done by Dr Sethi/Bansal and they are pretty much involved throughout the surgery. I just want to have peace of mind considering that its my head :D

    I would suggest that you have a video call with the doctor and let them see the areas on your head that needs HT. In my case my crown is thinning and not completely gone bald but my frontal part has receded quite a bit including hairline and temples.

    Let us know how you get on.


    • Like 1
  20. 14 hours ago, Kevin20 said:


    I have been having this concern ever since I joined this forum that while it's great for the transplant centers to post their successful HT surgeries, I feel they should also mention what package did the patient choose. Like many clinics nowadays have different packages,  the most expensive one where the main surgeon performs the incision/ or most part of HT to the other packages where they aren't much involved hands on. Like for example , Eugenix has 3 packages and they have been posting great results but I wonder,  if Dr Sethi/ Dr Bansal themselves performed those surgeries or the patient went with the other packages. Hoping to get all of your opinion on this

    Hey buddy. I signed for option 1 and 100% incisions are done by Doctor Sethi/Bansal. The rest is partially done by them and supervised. Cost Rs 120 per graft. They offer 20% discount if you book 3 months before surgery date. 18% tax is extra. In Option 2, 100% incisions ARE NOT DONE by Dr Sethi/Bansal. Think their involvement might be around 20-30%. Not saying results wont be good but you will have to choose what you feel is best for you. @DXB001 had similar query and so did I. This is what I have gathered. Have a video call with Dr Sethi and please ask them directly as well and update us too. Cheers

    • Like 1
  21. On 5/14/2019 at 5:16 AM, Kevin20 said:

    Hello everyone. I have been thinking to get a HT done for a while now. Shortlisted two doctoral, Dr Yaman from Turkey and Dr Sethi,  from Eugenix India. Got email consultation from Dr Yaman that he can do it at hairline frontal and crown. Also, consulted at Eugenix clinic and I think it was Dr Sahoo who suggested that since I have a diffuse thinning so it will be better to do only the hairline and rest of the area with finesteride. So I wanted to get all of ur important valuable opinion

    Thank you 






    Hey mate. You Need to re- take pictures by putting all your hair back as I think you bring the back hair to the front to cover baldness.

    Once you do that, I can compare with mine. I think you might need around 3000-3500 grafts  and only frontal and hairline. crown might need to be done in next 5-8 years maybe depending if you take Fin.

    In any case , please take new pictures. Cheers

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