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Posts posted by Mycroft

  1. 2 hours ago, HairNTear said:

    Thanks @Mycroft I wholeheartedly agree and after walking around with such an unnatural hairline previously it is life changing what he has done.

    I notice that the hair colour is a lot darker and that also stands out a bit but I can’t remember whether this will improve and become lighter. Any thoughts as to how the colour will mature?


    Everyone's physiology is different so it's hard to say for certain, but I'd guess that any contrast you're seeing will lessen with time. If nothing else those hairs will be seeing more exposure to sun and other light than they would on the back or sides of your head and that should make them lighter over time. I wouldn't necessarily expect them to be as light as your original hairline hairs because 1. They're obviously not miniaturized and 2. The hairs in the donor area tend to be thicker and darker than hairline hairs in general, although hairs towards the temples or nape tend to mimic the hairline hairs a bit more closely. The thicker hairs also work in your favor though, because they provide better coverage so a lower than natural density is still able to have that thick look.

    I don't think the contrast is very evident in the photos, so it may very well sort itself out. As a general tip in the meantime hair obviously looks darker with a spritz of product or wet, as you've demonstrated. A very light application blended into all of your hair will probably make color appear more uniform.


  2. 4 hours ago, johnfish123 said:

    Afraid not. I have also had a hair transplant at HDC that is failing. It was transplanted only 3 years ago and all the hairs are now dying off leaving a terrible appearance on my hairline that I can't hide. I'm back to wearing hats, apart from at work where I can't and It's hell. Everyones eyes always flicking up to the hairline, makes me feel pathetic and ashamed. It's horrific. I am trying to work it out with them but if it that doesn't succeed I will be doing full threads as well as a website outlining the full failure of the transplant and HDC.

    I'm sorry to hear this, but if the grafts grew initially I'm not sure how your case is the fault of the clinic. There isn't a surgeon in the world who can guarantee transplanted hair won't be subject to miniaturization, especially if you're not taking medication.

    A case with subpar growth could be attributed to errors made by the clinic, but if you had the desire growth and began losing hair years later, that isn't something they have any control over.

    The OP's case is a completely different scenario in that he had poor growth as well as some kind of dermatologic reaction which may or may not be related to the clinic's surgical approach. In his case it is worth discussing that possibility with the doctor.

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  3. The work is still holding strong. I hope things are all right after that freeze. We managed to get by without too much issue but I know some folks like you got hit harder. 

    The confidence you've gained really comes off in your posts. There's a certain air about your writing that is different from when you first started the thread. Very happy for you.

    • Thanks 1
  4. At this point Derek is probably one of the best go-to sources for a condensed lesson on how/why hair loss happens and what medication is available to treat it. He's not very familiar with transplants but he is very upfront about that and doesn't pretend to be.

    Great resource for training and nutrition knowledge as well.

  5. 2 hours ago, deeside81 said:

    I had a bad case of folliculitis on the donor area of my scalp. Not on my recipient area at all. I was put on a few antibiotics over the last 6 weeks and I still get the occasional boil. 

    I have persistent redness in the recipient area. Area still quite numb. Getting a tad stressed that the redness could be permanent and would look horrendous if the hair transplant fails. Cause if it does I’ll want to shave it and get on with my life. Also I have seen Rolandos hair design and it looks pretty symmetrical. Mine really isn’t. Anyway I guess the infection has put a lot of doubts in my head.  

    You're only about two months in. I've seen cases where redness lasted much longer before dissipating. Don't stress this too much right now, especially because you had the folliculitis.

    As far as your hairline design goes I think that is mainly in your head. It looks fine as far as the pictures you've posted here.

    I'm not dismissing your concerns, but you're very early in the process and most of this is common so you shouldn't worry yourself over it just yet.


    • Like 3
  6. 24 minutes ago, Ittiaz1 said:

    Hi all

    I know many of you have asked for updates, and spoke about there being agreements with the doctor and me not to post on here but that is absolutely not true. 

    I emailed Dr Ferreira about my concerns and we both agreed i would update him every month until the 10 month mark. To be quite honest, he was actually happy i made a post on here. Each month i show him photos and videos if how its going and he analyses it. His after care is actually very good as he does care and wants the patient to be happy. Thats the feeling i am getting anyway.  A free of charge touch up is offered if the result did not meet the expectations. Not many clinics offer that. 

    So, an update. Its been 8 months and yes there has been some improvement but i would like to wait until the final result has been achieved before i show more photos.  I would have expected  more coverage at this stage especially in the frontal area but i will wait the course before making any judgements. It looks better than it did at 6 months, thats for sure. I do believe i will need a touch up and am sure that will give me what i want. Furthermore i know dr Ferreira will want the desired result probably more than me. 

    Ill keep you all updated and thank you for showing interest in my post. 

    Thanks for coming back and updating us. I agree that the level of aftercare described and shown here on the forum is top notch. 

    I think if you're still seeing some additional improvement since the last photos, you're likely going to be in a position to reach your goals even if it does require another operation. I know it would be ideal to have that home run result on the first go, but since both you and the doctor are committed to getting you to a result you can both be satisfied with you are going to be just fine. It may simply take a bit longer than initially expected. 

    I applaud you for taking a step back to evaluate your situation as calmly as possible. I'm sure it's a bit distressing but that big picture mindset is really important for this sort of thing since it's a lifelong struggle. I'm looking forward to your next update and hoping that you'll keep us in the loop all the way to your expected result.

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  7. I am actually unclear whether any of the photos thus far represent the peak strength of your transplant results. The way I've read it all photos here reflect your hair after the additional thinning you described in the original post. Is that correct?

    It's hard to comment on the original result without being sure of what I'm looking at, but I agree with others that it doesn't look terrible, but I also see why you're frustrated with it. 

    You said you're 11 months on Finasteride, but in the original post you referenced a previous thickening with meds. Was that Minoxidil or did you have a previous stint with Finasteride?

  8. I agree with other posters that a transplant is probably not for you. I think a hair system is a possibility if you decide to go that route, but I'd definitely start on some medication to preserve what you've got left if you want to have that option. It's a marginal investment to get one or two to experiment with and try it out. You may like it, you may not, but you can always go back to the shaved head look.

    I'm sorry I don't have better news for you, but I can't imagine any ethical doctor being willing to operate with your particular circumstances.

    • Like 2
  9. 8 hours ago, Raphael84 said:

    Thanks for your question. I remember following some of your crown restorations back in the day so great to see you active again and doing well.

    Dr. Bisanga recommends and prescribes  5mg oral minoxidil. Hypertrichosis can be a "side effect" of the medication with increased hair growth in other body areas. 
    Whilst I haven't heard of too many examples of an increase in eye brow hair, I personally feel that I have experienced this but in a positive way as mine were thinner. Some patients use topical minoxidil and apply that to the beard with some success and so the mechanism of the medication would suggest that this is logical.

    On the subject of eyebrow hair, I'm not sure if I have MORE but I do think the individual hairs are growing a bit longer on average and just a little bit thicker as a result. This is also true of any non scalp body hair in my case. No visible hair where there wasn't before though.

    Also 5mg daily, for those wondering. Just an anecdote.

  10. 2 hours ago, Rolandas said:

    First of all appreciate kind words.

    Now the most important part - HOLY MOLY. Microneedling improved your donor? I was thinking about such thing for a long time whether it's even possible. David DiMuzio said he had done some "holes" with FUE punch in his recent surgery into his FUT scar and just after 4 days he sais it looks a bit bettern. Of course that's very premature, but it got me wonder...

    Do you have any pictures to compare before & after microneedling?

    If you're still doing it - keep me updated!

    If you're interested you may want to look further into how microneedling is used on the face to treat acne scarring. I'm sure the same principles would apply to donor scars, though you of course have the extra complication of hair all over that area.

    I've seen some indication that a good PRP protocol might also have benefits as far as improving marbling of scar tissue, and that may be an option as well. It was used for treatment of injuries long before anything to do with hair rejuvenation.

    The thing I've been wondering is specifically how much went into the crown vs the midscalp. Before the second surgery you were thinking you would likely need less in the crown than the midscalp thanks to medication. Did you find this to be true, or did the doctor comment on it?

  11. I think you could get a fairly good improvement for 1,000 grafts or less as far as the crown goes, but it's always kind of tough to ballpark the crown in diffuse situations. Still, the area doesn't look that large and it's also not slick bald either. The biggest thing to consider is whether you want to risk the shock loss given that your donor isn't the best to begin with. Might be worth asking a doctor directly how many grafts they'd recommend and then asking how it might impact the result if you had permanent shock loss of the natives in that area.

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