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Posts posted by BjornBorg

  1. On 2/12/2020 at 4:31 PM, MachoVato said:

    Here's a great video on finasteride dosage. 1mg 3x/week is ideal according to these guys.



    To be honest their theory on dosage is kind of a game changer if proven true. Not doubting their expertise but it would be interesting to hear a few Drs on this board share their view on the suggestions given in the video.

    Particularly this: doing 1mg three times a week gives you the same benefit as 1mg per day but reduces the risk of sides. Sounds too good to be true and why haven't I read about it before?

    @Melvin-Moderator What you think?

  2. If after the in-person consultations it turns out your donor is suspected to be too weak for a hair transplant, then you are facing two options:

    1. Look like a normal bald guy with a shaved head and a proper look.

    2. Going for the hail mary and risk ending up in a position where people turn their heads to stare at you because you look like an accident.

    I'm sorry I have to put it that harshly. But sometimes it needs to be done.

    Think of it like this: you could have lost a leg or an arm. You could be born with a life limiting disease. You could have a disease that will kill you in a year.

    You are healthy and you have a good headshape. Things could be worse.

  3. On 12/20/2019 at 9:58 AM, Adam87 said:

    Month 5 and 2 weeks

    Hopefully you can see why i said i would want to maybe lower my hairline slightly at the angles














    Nope. That's hair greed of an unprecedented level on this forum. :D

    I'd take what you have at 5 and a half months for a final result. And obviously a lot of improvement to come.

  4. 2 hours ago, Adam87 said:

    Month 4 - 128 days

    Adam 1.jpg



    Adam 4.jpg






     You can't be anymore Norwood 1 than the person in these pictures. You should never again spend a thought on lowering your hairline.

    You are also ahead of the curve at 4 months. Now just enjoy the rewards of making the best decision in your lifetime.

    • Like 1
  5. Will you stop before you look like this?


    Jokes aside. I think I'm not the only one getting a bit worried for you. I do see a huge improvement in appearance from your nose job though. That was a good call.

    But no person would ever look twice at the lips of a male. What the hell?

    Women who fill their lips get nothing but weird looks and people feel sorry for them because of their insecurity. A male doing so is just unheard of.

    Come on, man...

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