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Posts posted by forgotpassword

  1. looking good so far; congratulations!



    Looks like I'm getting better in recent weeks . I definitely see a growth of new hair :)

    Attached some pictures in different lighting .



    Hello everyone,


    I finally hit my 5 months and so far I'm very pleased with my progress. I look at the mirror and can't believe how this hair transplant has framed and changed my face!

    I still got almost 7 month to go untill I reach my final outcome... Can't wait to get there!

    I must say I have had a real positive experience with the HDC clinic, they were great!

    Attached one pre-op picture and a few pictures from the recent days for comparison.


    Good luck and happy growing to everyone .

  2. Thank you @ HTREGRETS

    I will work on trying to get pictures and measurements of the scar

    When I went for a haircut 15-17 days ago, my hair dresser had a hard time finding it


    This looks excellent, thank you for sharing all of the pictures! I'm sure with the amount of loss, grafts used, and your hair characteristics that this will be a home run! Things are about to get exciting.


    Do you have any close up pics of the scar? Also, do you know how long it is?

  3. Day 8

    Cant' remember if this was the day I had my first shower without using a bottle to pour water.. if it wasn't this day then it would have been the next day


    I used flash for these pictures as I was in a darker room and it was harder to see the grafts without them.


    Some will say flash is not realistic light so I'm not using this to base my results but to try and indicate where the grafts were placed and how I'm healing





  4. Before I continue posting pictures wanted to share the experience as I"m sure I missed out on a few points


    You're asked to get to the clinic by 630 am and they prefer that you eat breakfast before getting there. I was so nervous I could barely eat half a bagel. The clinic provided a room at the local Hilton so was able to grab the shuttle and make it to the clinic at 6:40ish. One of the nurses greets you and ensures you've brought the presciption meds with you. Then the usual questions followed by a movie list and lunch menu. Made one last call to the missus as my nerves were really kicking in.


    Then walks in Dr Cooley and he's coolness personified. Very calm and answers all of your last minute questions wanting to put you at ease. You're his only patient so the focus from the entire team is you.


    Due to my being unable to take propecia etc then Dr Cooley did say I could lose more hair around the grafts so he wanted to warn me that eventually I may have to come in for a 2nd round. He didn't push me to start taking the meds again and supported my reasons. (in a couple of weeks I'll write about how I'm in the process of doing IVF with my wife so even more of a reason for me to be cautious)


    You are then taken to the operating room, change into the gown and lie face down to have the strip removed. By this time you have had some pills that give you the sleep that you need after a night of nerves. I think we started about 7:20-7:30ish?


    Took a break for lunch at about noon. When you need to use the restroom the procedure stops and your head is wrapped up so you can do your business. A hospital cap is always on so you can't take a sneak peak of the surprise that awaits you.


    I believe the slit incisions were done solely by Dr Cooley followed by graft insertions done by both Brandi and Dr Cooley. They were the only 2 working on my head. There were about 4-5 technicians working on removing the grafts from the strip. I may have said this before but they were a very well oiled efficient team. I think we were done between 5-530.


    A week before the procedure I told Lollie my biggest concern was getting an infection as this is surgery. She understood my concerns and was able to get me some antibiotic meds to take in the week leading up to the procedure. After the procedure you're given meds to take for about a week along with the spray and the gel creams to put on the suture line.


    The next day had my first wash and I really liked what I saw. I haven't brushed wet hair back like that for a few years and I felt it was not obvious that any work had been done. Hopefully you'll see in the next set of pictures how quick I healed. I believe it's due to the skill of Dr Cooley and team.


    During the procedure we spoke about some clinics that aren't recommended on here using SEO to get a spike for google searches and youtube views. Unfortunately there are many patients who get scared about losing hair and instead of doing indepth research jump at their first click. This community is very important to spread knowledge and education so that patients can make an informed decision. Clinics that use a ton of marketing to get you in may have money as their intention. Some clinics have the focus on patients. I'm not trying to say who is right and who is wrong.. I'm saying do your research so you don't have any regrets.


    Dr Cooley has an unbelievable work ethic. When he's not doing procedures he's doing research. Not to ruin anything on but before I left on day 4 we had a quick chat and what he's working on is very exciting. From my research on him, he's always looking for ways to improve the industry.


    No matter what I say, at the end of the day this is a game based on results. I had a good experience and I wait for the results to make this a home run.


    Two of his surgeries stand out to me (amongst the many that the clinic has shared) and this helped me in taking my dad to see Dr Cooley which eventually led me to him as well






    Thank you for reading

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