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Posts posted by Tbcruz

  1. 11 hours ago, Tb12 said:

    Honestly it’s so relieving hearing someone else describe the same exact problems I’ve been dealing with lol, i absolutely cannot wait until I don’t have to wear a hat anymore! Hoping I get good results so that’s possible haha but yess definitely, where are you traveling from? 

    Yea this forum is pretty good I’m not going to lie I’ve been reading people’s stories and researching doctors for a long time maybe since 2015. I learned so much about hair transplants and I know that we made a good decision on the doctor. 

    hang in there the good times are right around the corner lol I’m just jealous your going to reach them before me haha the important thing is we get there tho. 

    With my last procedure I was wearing caboki right until the ugly duckling phase (hair falls out) and it helped hide the redness which was great but once the hair fell out I had to wear a hat until something started to grow and I could use caboki again.

    im traveling from Jersey it’s about 45min hbu? 

  2. 3 hours ago, Tb12 said:

    Great, I’m definitely curious to see how your experience is, and to be brutally honest sleeping with the stoles kinda sucks, just because when you put pressure on them it was pretty sore, for me anyway, but once then came out it was a lot better, I still have some pain which I think is normal and will go away but definitely invest in one of those travel pillows that goes around your neck to help you sleep!

    Yea, as it gets closer I get more anxious and more excited for it lol. I know I made a great choice in Dr. Bloxham But I’m not looking forward to the hat phase again and hiding out and trying to wear a hat to all family functions or making excuses why I can’t go to them lol.

    Last night I bought one of those pillows ✔️.

  3. 2 minutes ago, hairlossPA said:

    i’m possibly eyeing up a FUT with H&W as well. I think even the slightest possibility of having a better result via FUT rather than FUE is a major point. atleast for me. The scar and recovery are what make me nervous however

    Yea that’s my thought exactly. Just knowing that the odds of me getting a homerun result are greater Is the deciding factor. Also that if my hair gets worse I know I made a good choice going fut because I will be able to get more grafts and at the end I can do touch ups with fue.

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  4. On 1/25/2020 at 6:24 PM, Tb12 said:

    Hey man, the morning of the procedure your gonna be like what the heck am I doing, Atleast I was asking myself that anyway but trust me it’s totally worth it! The pain is really not bad, if you take the pain meds it will make a world of a difference! The staples coming out feel like someone is pulling hairs out, it’s really not bad, it’s such a relief when they come out. My head is still somewhat sore but it gets a little better each day. And I took off 3 weeks I go back this coming week, I’m literally just going to wear a hat everywhere, it looks like I just shaved the front of my head and the hairs have actually started falling out. If you have any other questions I’d be happy to stay in touch with you, it’s nice to talk to someone who is going through the same thing haha 

    Thanks for the response! 
    how was sleeping with the staples? 
    Yea I’m taking 3 weeks as well and i can wear a hat at work so I’ll be good (thank god).

    yea sounds good this will be my second procedure. I’ll post pics and a review once I get it done so we can follow each other’s progress.

    happy growing!! 

  5. Looks good Tb, 

    im going in for mine in 10 days super nervous about getting it done (fut) . 

    hows the scar any pain removing the staples? 

    how many days you took off work?

    im trying to grow out my hair so it covers the scar while it’s healing but the front is what’s going to be hard to explain lol how has it been for you ? 

  6. 22 hours ago, jjsrader said:

    Hey!  I had a procedure 2.25K grafts w/Dr. Feller in 2004 with a similar balding pattern & similar grafts up to then (1400 grafts).  Bloxham will pack 'em in tight and you'll have at least 5-6 years of good hair if you do probably 2.5K grafts or so.

    As a 1st strip you'll probably see really good results by month 5 to 6 (believe it or not).  I was completely transformed in the frontal zone & hairline by month 8.

    If you have regular laxity - your scar (say 2k-3k grafts) will be most likely neglible except at the lowest haircut level.  Feller & Bloxham never do megasessions, so the scar shouldn't be a huge issue for you.

    Sure staples sting a bit having 'em taken out after like 12 days - but it won't take long.  My sister did that for me (she's a nurse). 

    Having strip is a major surgery - stay on top of the pain meds and you'll be fine.  I won't lie - it is crazy having a chunk of your scalp excised out of your head and stitched back.  It will be tight and sore for several days.  And numb.  But just deal and be careful and after a week or so you'll be used to it as symptoms lessen.  From there on out it will become less and less noticeable especially after stitches are out.

    Since you are a balding guy before 30 - and probably started before age 25 - if you want to conserve the quality of your donor and delay balding in mid-vertex into crown as long as possible. 

    Consider Dutasteride (Avodart) or Propecia & at least minox 1X per day (if foam) or a very small dose of oral minox.  Also consider laser therapy 4-5X's per week to keep your current hair in the best healthy state & a longer growing cycle.  This will help delay the inevitable depending on how fast you bald as you get older.

    Hairloss continues and sometimes accelerates in late 30's into mid 40's - we never really know.

    About 7 years after my work was done by Dr. Feller I noticed more balding (I was 44 by then) in the mid-vertex and going into my crown. 

    So, if you are 30 you can probably get by until near 40 before another surgery if you continue to bald into your crown and vertex.

    Good luck!  The clinic you are going to is outstanding - a bit pricey - but you'll get excellent results & bang for your buck for many years.

    Keep us informed!  Keep those painkillers handy - but you are local and not having to fly after strip surgery is a big bonus (pressure from flight levels right after surgery are painful in the strip area).

    Don't drink for at least a week after surgery and if you can - get daily aftercare at the clinic for a few days after if you can.

    Thanks for the response. I’m very confident in Dr. Bloxham giving me the result I want. When I’m there I will ask him for his take on what meds I should take.


    19 hours ago, anzel2002 said:

    Had an Fut procedure at T and D

    the pain during, was very minimal, just a few times getting the needles, maybe a 2 or 3 at most

    the pain the next 12 days was also very minimal, hardly took pain pills, only for precaution 

    and taking out the sutures was also pretty easy, maybe a 2 or 3 for a few seconds on some of the stitches

    such an easy process over all


    i hope the same goes for me thanks for the response 


    19 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Good luck Dr. Bloxham is an excellent choice

    Thanks Melvin 

  7. 5 minutes ago, LaserCap said:

    Did you have FUT the first time?  Sounds like the doctor is old school.  (It was believed a separation in between grafts was needed to allow for graft survival.  The global concept was that grafts competed for blood supply).  And typically, during a consultation, a second procedure was discussed.  My first question, how much native hair did you have back then?  Did you do/are you still doing any type of medical therapy?  Your belief you've stabilized is a "deranged thought." The fact is, if you've shown the propensity to lose, you will continue losing.  You may be stabled for years and, all of the sudden, you'll experience aggressive loss.  Or, the loss may be so gradual you won't even notice.  Please get on something.  This will help you with overall density.  

    Staples? That's a thing of the past.  Should be sutures and these are normally removed 10-14 days post op.  It is not fun but it only lasts a few minutes. For optimal healing, do not sleep on your side.  Rather, sleep sitting up to avoid tension.  Also, avoid any type of neck exercise.  Push-ups, leg presses are OK.  

    First time no I had a fue. The first procedure made a huge cosmetic difference But the density very low and on closer examination some hairs did not grow. (Link to that thread below)

    based on what I know now about both procedures (fue & fut)i want to make sure i put my self in the best possible situation for a good result now and further down the line to do more.

    no medication but once I get the procedure done I’m thinking of giving fin a try. 


    here is the thread for first procedure.


  8. 2 hours ago, hairlossPA said:

    can you post pics of what you'll be starting with? I'll be following. Dr Bloxham puts out good work. I may be eyeing a FUT procedure in my future as well. How long are you taking off of work? That's what I'm most nervous about. disguising it.

    Tomorrow I will post pictures for sure. I’m getting it done on a tuesday So I’ll be off from work the 4th(Tuesday) til the 24th(Monday) about 3 weeks should be enough time I guess plus I’ve been letting my hair grow so hopefully by then the back will be completely covered and the front I’ll be wearing a hat for awhile again. I’m not so nervous about hiding the scar because the hair will cover it. I’m mostly nervous about going through this process again. Wearing hats and not doing much til I get some coverage and over thinking about when I do go out if I’m in a situation we’re I’m forced to take off my hat. I just hope this time around I’m happy with my results.

    38 minutes ago, 1978matt said:

    >I wanted to start this thread to document my upcoming procedure with Dr. Bloxham (feb. 4th).

    Good luck.  He seems a stand up guy.

    >Any one that has had an Fut procedure how was the recover as far as the scar ?

    Depending on how much is taken (mine was quite wide - 2.7cm at its widest!) it could feel quite tight for a week.  I found that then all of a sudden the tightness seemed to recede a lot after 2 weeks.  It did take a gradual 12 months until things felt fully 'normal'.

    The most critical period seems to be while the scar remains 'pink'.  Once it become 'white' in color the risk of stretching has pretty much gone.  I think for me it took 4/5 months.

    >Pain wise what was the worse part ?

    Sleeping on sutures (use a travel pillow).  Annoying but you can get through it with pain medication and shouldn't last more than 2 weeks and once suture are out.

    >How was the stable removal did it hurt ?

    No not really.  The odd suture stung a bit but nothing major.

    >and has anyone ever got smp into the scar to help camouflage it and if so do you have pictures ? 

    Hopefully you wont need to and I'm sure Dr BB wouldn't be reckless with too big a strip.  FUE into scar would be a better option but only if you are desperate for shorter hair styles and confident you will never need more HTs (or it's a waste of money).

    Thanks for answering my questions btw your results are great lol I’m praying my results come close to yours 🤞🏻.

    how low can you go in the back with the scar ? 

    did you get fue put into your scar ?

    If so how do you like it ?

    How far down can you take the donor with fue into the scar  ? 

  9. I wanted to start this thread to document my upcoming procedure with Dr. Bloxham (feb. 4th).

    A little nervous about getting this done not only because it’s fut but because my first procedure didn’t give me the density I wanted.

    My hair loss has stabilized at least that I know of it’s been the same before my first procedure and hasn’t changed after. As far as my native hair.

    Any one that has had an Fut procedure how was the recover as far as the scar ?

    Pain wise what was the worse part ?

    How was the stable removal did it hurt ?

    and has anyone ever got smp into the scar to help camouflage it and if so do you have pictures ? 

    thank you! 
    btw my 1st procedure was documented on here if you search it with Dr. Nader in Mexico.


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