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Posts posted by Guy73

  1. 1 minute ago, Mike V said:

    Amazing! Looks great. How many procedures did you get done? 

    Total 3, but I had some bad crown issues that got me back in the chair the 3rd time and we cleaned up the front while I was there.  So happy I went for the 3rd. Now I am totally fue which I know bloxham would absolutely not recommend but hey, I turned out fine! ....and trust me I was pretty much bald in front. My hairline began past my ears before! 😂 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Mike V said:

    I attached some photos. First surgery really covered the bulk of my thinning..second should get my hairline to exactly where I want 

    The 2 pictures with lines drawn are my hair completely pushed back (I don’t style it that way right now)

    you can see what I’m really going for with the new lines- I’m basically keeping the center line and just giving it a straighter hairline by lowering the corners 

    (The lines are roughly drawn in by me-Dr Bloxham will make the official decision day of surgery)  




    I totally get it. I was is a similar boat about wearing the hair straight back. Especially with product in  your hair. When you hair clumps together like almost not washing your hair for a few days, it can look thinner. Now that’s all I do wear my hair pushed back even with the sun shining in my hairline I feel comfortable. So go for it!


  3. 53 minutes ago, Mike V said:



    I just booked my second surgery with Dr. Bloxham for December 15th. 

    surgery plan is to lower my corners/straighten my hairline and densely pack 1800 grafts in that area. I’m super excited..the goal is to really be able to push back my hair and feel 100% comfortable doing so.


    stay tuned for updates !



    Wow! Your hairline looks great! You have any bad pictures your not showing? Lol , can’t imagine that being much lower unless your going for the  John f Kennedy’s 👀 look. And density should be fine pushing that straight back in current form? 


  4. Did you not agree to the hairline design when they ✍️ it out? Most everyone gives you a mirror before putting you in the chair before surgery. I know in my first procedure I wanted it slightly lower and some adjustments on the temples corners before we both agreed on the balanced hairline. To avoid more hair placed in one spot vs another a grid of placement and even numbers of grafts in each grid would definitely reduce that oversight. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Mycroft said:

    I may be misremembering, but my recollection from the description of Doctor Wong's method was that he was still doing premade slits but utilizing pens for the implantation of the grafts in order to minimize graft handling. This doesn't sound like it's full blown DHI so much as simply implementing part of it.

    Don't quote me on this though, because it's been a while since I've seen the video.

    You are exactly right! Dr Nader started doing that technique back in 2004 or so I believe and said he had better or just as good results than his FUT and made the switch. That’s why I said dr Nader still makes slits but still uses the pen tool.  Dr Wong recently started the same technique or at least has used it. Not sure how often he does. 

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    That’s not what I was told by Doug their patient coordinator for the past 20 years. 


    Good interview. Yeah something must have convinced DR. Wong in the last 2 or so years that changed his mind. You have to remember many of the seasoned experience doctors go to these conventions and other events and pick up bits and pieces and might change direction. I know Dr. Nader did fut for many years before switching to DHI fue. Regardless it’s not some black market thing. If you think about it, it’s possibly easier to place direction of hair and the ability to get closer together with DHI.

  7. 6 minutes ago, 1978matt said:

    Apparenlty Wong uses DHI / Implanters for FUE but Hasson doesn't.

    Yeah I’m glad you mentioned it also because I said this almost a year ago because Dr. Nader mentioned it to me. But nobody seem to believe me. Then I seeing Joe Tillman on his last procedure explaining Dr. Wong using a new technique DHI. That just confirms it. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    DHI in my opinion is one big hype job, almost all of the black market clinics do DHI. One of the best clinics in the world Hasson and Wong don't do DHI. The lateral slit technique has been the gold standard for over a decade, and this technique which stipulates the surgeon create the slits and the technicians place the grafts has been the gold standard for ever. 

    Melvin you are totally wrong. First of all Hasson and Wong recently have implemented DHI in their practice. In fact Dr. Nader talk to Dr. Wong at a convention where Dr. Wong was impressed with his technique and was using the same. You could also confirm that from Joe Tillman whose last procedure was done DHI by Dr. Wong.Second the slit thing is common but in conjunction with a implanter pen it is not. Many clinics that do DHI do not make slits but I am sure some do. But I think the whole design of the implanter pen is to be direct implant hence the term DHI. 

  9. @jimcraig152 you are definitely knowledgeable on the subject and right on target! The only thing I am not sure if other DHI doctors do, Dr Nader makes incisions prior to using the implant  punch tool. I forget the reason behind it but also the blunt tip has something to do with his technique. Either way his skill is definitely elite and sometimes over looked. No comb forward or parted to the side results here, just a reality of my true results. I see other amazing results here also so plenty of other good doctors. I will check out your post for sure!!

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, jimcraig152 said:

    @Guy73, with so many units extracted, how does your donor feel? Any lingering effects or loss of sensation?

    As for the long hair thing, this was me prior to my procedure:


    I was NW3 in that photo and had to part my hair in the middle to cover up the receded corners. Locked in the hair around the corners with titanium-hold hairspray. But I pulled it off though! Always wanted long hair. Will keep my hair short during the recovery process (now 2 months in), but can't wait to grow it out again. This time I can allow it to be free-flowing as it should be!

    Yeah donor feels normal. Does not feel like anything was done. I am sure if I take it down to a 1 or 2 guard it might seem thin. But not sure because I am looking to cut my hair anytime soon. The only thing about long hair I notice, is you lose more of it when washing and brushing. Definitely noticeable than short hair. It seems to grow back because I don’t have any areas of concern. I will say the longer you grow your hair out the more your density or lack of will show.  I am at the point where density is not a issue is any light. 
    how many grafts did you get? Love to see your final results! Keep us updated!

  11. Just now, Melvin-Moderator said:

    You should see my gfs brush, it looks like Chewbacca. The longer the hair, the easier it is to break when combing. Nothing to be worried about in particular.

    Thanks man I really been sweating it! Never really had long hair. I tried to grow it after the first transplant the longer it got there more obvious the density wasn’t there. After the second it looked much better but once it got to the point of laying down because of the weight of the hair there was some spots that looks weak so I ended up cutting it short again. After the third my  density is almost if not 100%.

    I probably have more density on the top of my head that I do in the back or the sides but I’m OK with it.👍

  12. I know this is pretty nasty but I have no idea what’s normal for a guys brush. Obviously this is not one day and my hair is pretty long. But always makes me nervous looking at it. I can’t tell what is breakage From actual hair shed. I almost want to cut my hair short so I Don’t notice it.9E815DF4-E954-4C5D-A1BF-047F7DFF9260.thumb.jpeg.7f8d2c31e3db11dd55d6989a7dc6c3c9.jpeg

  13. 45 minutes ago, ontop said:

    Thanks buddy for your info. 

    Yeah that Igrow looks a bit Funky to me but who cares aslong its maintaining what you have right?  That's a pricey unit right?

    You can get a used one on eBay cheap. If your on a budget that’s what I would get. If money is no object than much more comfortable ones out there. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, ontop said:

    Well like the wife says....If it's not broken dont fix it bud lol. 

    But....saying that shes probably thinking of that vacation or new Kitchen lol.

    Nah all jokes aside what makes you think another unit be better what you got? Is it more coverage like from 148 to 272 lights is that your thinking of?   I read some are more powerful than other's,  some are made cheaply & dont give you what they claim & all that as there are lots of companies claiming best Caps, best results blah blah.  So as a prospective buyer in your opinion what's the red flags what's good or bad laser caps?  Just asking your input as doing my researching asking questions blah blah blah.


    The igrow is a little uncomfortable but it must work. It took about 1 year for me to think so but I am convinced after 4 years and I am very consistent. Irestore looks comfortable. Lasercap might be better but don’t I would see any more improvement beyond what I already have. 

  15. On 8/21/2020 at 7:26 AM, guizza111 said:

    Hi everyone,

    I've been looking for the best hair surgeon for a dense packing procedure in Europe (as it is still not possible to travel to Canada bc of Covid - Hasson&Wong would've been my first option)

    Do you have any suggestions? Who do you think is the one with the most natural looking results? 

    Dr Couto's waiting list from FUE Expert  is 3 years long... 

    Thanks for your suggestions!



    Extreme dense packing can be a hit or a miss. I would caution anyone putting more than 40 grafts per sq cm at a time. It’s safer to do at least two passes 1 year apart. And even 40 grafts per sq cm will not be dense enough to walk in department stores under harsh lighting and not have “see through”. Just my opinion   
    * unless you have thick hair and even then it’s not 💯

  16. 17 minutes ago, FoxtrotChi said:

    It’s been just about 3.5 months. Just got my first haircut.  TLDR: some new growth has started!

    Starting at about 100 days, it became cosmetically noticeable, my temples are now a darker shade as the peach fuzz like hair fills in and darkens.  A few days ago my girlfriend commented that she noticed new growth, which was a nice confidence boost!

    Everyone’s timeline is different, so don’t get discouraged if you aren’t seeing “early growth.”  I do think this forum creates un-realistic expectations in that regard.  Dr. Nadimi said that I shouldn’t see a big change until 6 months, so anything earlier is a bonus.






    Absolutely! My hair looked horrible up until about 6 months. But I think my confidence was around 7-8 month mark after that I would worry, but you a few months away from hopefully a great results! Then maybe you can go back to your ponytail days? 🤣

  17. On 8/13/2020 at 9:48 PM, hybonix said:

    Hasson quoted me roughly the same price as Diep and wants to do 3 - 4K grafts. They have been more informative on the process than Diep’s assistant, but I gotta admit, I like Diep’s patient’s hairlines better than Hasson. Hasson’s hairlines seems more conservative, while they don’t look bad, they are not as prominent as Diep’s. This may be the deciding factor for me...

    Keep in mind on hairlines, most people distance from bottom on nose to bottom of chin is equivalent in distance to the brow line and forehead. That is most likely the frame you were born with. Hence people like me with a long face have a bigger forehead. Trying to go beyond this ratio can look unnatural. Now that being said some people on this site think my hairline is conservative but my ratio is perfect for my face. Also you never want to implant in your frown lines for the most part. So once you have your starting point going back into your recession points can be made appropriately. These are things I learned in my process. 

  18. On 8/13/2020 at 2:25 AM, Tentpole91 said:

    I didn’t look at Hasson when I was making my decision, because I felt that his clinic was a bit too conservative in the hairlines that they design. Probably not a smart call in hindsight  

    I chose Dr. Diep because I thought he would be a safe bet given the sheer number of people who have had transplants from him on the forums stretching back to 2015. I thought that if he was good enough for all of them, he’s probably good enough for me. I also was a fan of the density he is able to achieve, which I didn’t really see in other doctors  

    Today, the pattern is pretty frustrating. It looks unnatural and I’m not comfortable exposing that side of my hairline. But then again, plenty of people are unhappy with their transplants at six months. I’ll have a better answer for you towards the end of the year once the hair has had a chance to soften, mature, and grow in any straggling singles. Otherwise it’s not super fair to Dr. Diep to call the results a success/failure before the hair has fully grown in. 

    Now if the pattern remains prominent 6 months from now, then I would definitely cash in the hypothetical card to swap surgeons. Who wouldn’t? lol 

    I not trying to be negative but at 6 months it’s almost impossible to assume hair will fill in front of that spot other than a few stragglers. Don’t get me wrong 6 month mark is not the final result but I believe I am correct in saying the skin in thinner on the scalp from front to back. That is one reason the further back you go like crown area it takes a little longer for the hair to grow. I could be wrong on the skin but my front was always the first part to grow and thicken , my crown always took longer. Hairlines are important, too jagged doesn’t look good and too straight looks just as bad. 

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