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Posts posted by Guy73

  1. 23 minutes ago, maltesefalcon said:

    It is possible that he placed the grafts too close together which causes a competition with blood flow. Although a alternative method is to spread out the grafts more on your first pass and likely need a second. This way 90% of your grafts will hopefully grow. Now everyone is different and sometimes people scalp act different to trauma that’s why the approach I mentioned works for most people.  

    Actually I think I posted that comment on the wrong post! I think your fine for the timeframe you are in. 

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  2. It is possible that he placed the grafts too close together which causes a competition with blood flow. Although a alternative method is to spread out the grafts more on your first pass and likely need a second. This way 90% of your grafts will hopefully grow. Now everyone is different and sometimes people scalp act different to trauma that’s why the approach I mentioned works for most people.  

  3. On 3/13/2019 at 11:11 PM, Raphael84 said:


    Great response in posting your up to date comparative photos of your centre parting. You are in a better position than you were pre HT in regards to visuals. You have more hair.

    Considering the graft count, is the outcome sufficient? If not why?

    As I mentioned I feel that the hairline is too low and too straight especially considering the 4350 grafts used. Don't get me wrong, that is a mighty fine number of grafts, but the scalp is fairly large too. Density was always going to be a concern. At what density was your hairline and behind implanted at?

    The ludicrous and unhelpful posts from .... I can't even remember his name.... are as useful as Bill Gates on a Mackintosh. Ignore him. He went from 10% to 5 % and who nows what is next.

    It does look disappointing, but you have much hope yet and with a solid subsequent HT, you can rebuild/reinforce the hairline and behind. 

    Would I go back to Dr Nader? There is obviously a reason why you chose this physician in the first place. How do you feel about that? Whatever your final decision, do your due diligence. There are some amazing physicians out there. It is essential for you that you choose the right physician for your next surgery. Consult! You have time over the next months to consult with your other "favourite" Doctors. Hear their opinion, get their recommendations. Ask Dr Nader his thoughts, transplant density in the front, how much he perceives has grown % wise. I would agree that the 500-1000 graft recommendation moving forward is not going to achieve what you are looking for. I hope I am wrong.

    You seem to have a great head on your shoulders and are approaching this very well. Again, consult with other Doctors. Dr Nader is not your only option.

    Anything I can do to help, please just let me know.

    Wishing you the best over the coming months.




  4. Although it's been 8 long months I decided to go back for a second in a few months.

    Process takes some time but here are my results. One thing I notice, in florescent lights the thin spots really are noticeable which help me decide on my second procedure.

    I had 2700 fue in front and 1100 grafts in back. I was told 2000 more in front and 1000 more in back will give me full density.

    I posted images the one will show shockloss!

    First one was done in a 2 day session and I guess the second will be done the same.

    I am told the grafts have a better survival rate this was and the surgeon can take his time. Can't wait! Except for two day thing.lol




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