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Posts posted by Caradubaxu

  1. 1 minute ago, SeanToman said:

    Your SMP will also help mask that you got a transplant during the ugly duckling phase. :)

    Actually it's doing that job superbly well. I decided to get the HT while my wife was away for a month. I never told her about it, only a close friend knew. I got it the 1st week she was away. I was able to get the transplant, recover, and remove the scabs all while she was away. She hasn't noticed a damn thing, and she gets pretty close to me ;). Only thing I've noticed is that the SMP has faded quite a bit. That's because of all the fluids that were inserted on my scalp for the surgery. I'll get a touch up on the crown area next year. Just want to get out of this ugly duckling phase I'm in where I don't really see a ton of difference than before. 

    I had 4100 grafts put in. I'll be posting a testimonial soon. Thanks @SeanToman for your replies

  2. 5 minutes ago, SeanToman said:

    Got my first SMP session not too long ago; here is the before and after for reference;



    If done right I think SMP can look fine in the hairline. :)
    You need at least three sessions for a realistic result.  After the first session SMP will look flat.


    If you've already had this much, I'd say keep your SMP before the transplant.  It will give a nice textured look under your scalp.
    Remember that the sun is an enemy to any hair transplant.

    Thanks for posting this. It gives me hope. I'm thinking of removing my SMP (hairline) at the end of the year but I'd like to give my HT at least 8 months. My SMP was really good and I'm really happy with the artist. None of my friends ever noticed it as well. But I just have become more self aware of it. I just need to be patient and 1) See the transplanted hairs growing 2) Give the new hairs time to see how it blends with my SMP

  3. 1 hour ago, lack of bludflow said:

    Agree. Norwood 3 is probably the limit. 

    Geesh, don't tell that to the mods.  Basically what I'm seeing is if you're above a NW3, just give up. I agree with people on not going to a hair mill. But there are doctors who are experts in high norwoods. Dr Pittella, Eugenix, HLC, Hasson & Wong just to name a few. They're a bit pricier, but are worth it. 

    OP, don't be discouraged. 

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  4. I had a HT last month and want to start letting my hair grow. The SMP is working well because I have buzz cut. Only thing is that when let it grow (in a couple of months) it will look weird with the SMP. Will the laser remove my new transplanted hair? When is it safe to remove the SMP

    I’m in the US east coast, any recommendations for SMP removal?

  5. @NARMAK the urge comes from me knowing...

    1) I won't be able to get full coverage on my 1st HT. My crown will be untouched in the HT. So I don't want to grow it all out until the crown is covered.

    2) I may like the combination of buzzed with SMP and so maybe decide to keep it and not do the ht procedure.

    Also, to clarify, I don't like the slick bald look but the no guard + SMP suits me well

    PS: I have had SMP done

  6. I'm a NW6 and I had SMP. I loved the results of my SMP. I would like to enhance it by having FUE (about 2000 grafts) scattered over the crown, middle and front. I would

    also like to keep wearing my hair short (SMP appropriate buzz) Is this doable? Has anyone gotten FUE after SMP to enhance the look? What does your donor area

    look like now?

  7. Hi all, I'm a 29 male and I've been flirting with the idea of having FUE surgery with doctor Nader. However, I'd like to get a stabilizing regimen before. Does anyone know where to buy Finasteride? Do I need a prescription. I live in the east coast US and would rather not go through the embarrassment of going through a doctor.


    Any recommendations on a regimen I can order online a follow through with discretion, i'm really self aware :)


    Thank you all, this forum is great!

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