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Posts posted by Britanium

  1. On 3/3/2024 at 6:33 PM, LeonBlack said:

    incredibly impressive indeed…. but are you concerned about the longevity of the hairs from the outskirts of the dht-resistant safe zone? Is it fair to say we don’t yet know how this approach will go long-term?

    I'm not concerned as I'm not the op. But since you asked... Look at the guys before pics, who's to say in this case it's outside the DHT reisitant zone, furthermore everyones will vary, I can't see any issues so far in Dr P cases.

    Time will tell, it always does. Both Dr P and Dr Z are pushing the boundaries of FUE. We can all look back in 5/10/15 years time 😉

    • Like 2
  2. Just now, Haris said:

     I will be moving to Australia very soon. I was wondering from where can I buy topical minoxidil Is there any particular brand, which actually works better ?
    Will I need a prescription to get a topical one?

    And, I’ve few bottles of topical minoxidil each contains 60ml.  Will I have to declare that while entering ? 

    @Gatsby.... One for you 👍

    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, laverita said:

    It is all part of a chain and it is important to have excellent doctors with competent techs who will do their part. Great doctors with poor techs = poor outcomes, as does great techs with poor doctors. It is only as good as the weakest link and so look for doctors who have very well trained and experienced techs. 

    Yup one can easily mess up the other, Dr or Tech, worse case scenario is both perform badly. 

    Occasionally we see one tech doing good work on one side and another doing sub par the other. 

    It's really not surprising there is so many risks attached to a successful hair transplant, they are tough enough to get right without any weak links. 

  4. Neither would really work well without the other, the best teams will have a decent Dr at the helm and is supported by a well trained tech team. 

    They both have to be right to get a decent result. A purely tech driven team never works out well. And a Dr doing too much of the procedure will be subject to fatigue. 

    I can't separate them too much, it's very important to have a Dr do at the least do the most important step (Incisions) and then I have no issue in just how many steps the techs will then perform.

    But it's very important it's led by a Dr. Preferably one that doesn't just pop in and out occasionly. Supervison is key, yes there are some absolutely fantastic Techs out there being led by not so great Dr's, and the opposite is true too. Aiming for both should be paramount. 

    • Like 3
  5. 7 hours ago, Cyzkm said:

    How many grafts do you think would be needed to fill in the corners and look dense? More like 1600-2000

    No that's way too many of you're valuable grafts potentially being used. 

    I don't think it's needed, but any Dr shouldn't be using more than around 1000 at most. 

    I don't know what you're particular donor area might give, but think that it could be anywhere between 5-8k you need to plan for not just now but the future too. 

    Dense packing is one thing, grafts fighting for a blood supply is another. Permanent shock loss is a very real issue too. Most Dr's will not go overboard when dense packing. 

    A transplant will never match natural density. 

    • Like 3
  6. Good research, you're already finding what I was alluding too. And yes all clinics will show off their best work. Every single Dr has less desirable results, but some more than others. 

    Any Hair Transplant comes with a element of risk, even with the most elite Dr's.. 

    Its good you're spending more time looking at real world patient results, they are the best way to gauge each Dr's result. 

    Some recession in a hairline is expected as we get older, if you can maintain with meds then you're in a good position. As you have also noticed you're loss at present is pretty mild. 

    • Like 1
  7. Some clnics/Dr's bundle In PRP at no extra cost. But let's face it elite Dr's are not using it and there is a reason for that. At best and done properly it "May" help somewhat in the early stages, but it's not exactly needed. You will heal anyway, and it's certainly not worth spending extra £$€ on. 

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, Cyzkm said:

    Thanks! Any thoughts on Hader? Personally I would rather do fut if the results are more likely to preserve natural density and it preserves more donor. Why don’t you think I nececessarily need the HT rn? 

    For such a small amount of grafts needed you really don't want a FUT. It does not necessarily preserve more of you're donor area, the advances of FUE in recent years means FUT is mostly not even needed. 

    Go look at the results being achieved with FUE alone, Dr Zarev, Dr Pitella, Fuegenix and Dr Sethi as just some examples. For you're case which isn't going to require many grafts if you do go ahead? Definitely not a FUT, you don't want a linear scar for life for a relatively low amount.

    From what I can see and the graft counts I can see being quoted the risk is a obvious disparity between you're current thick native hair and what would be implanted at  much less density per cm2. A transplant should always aim to look as natural as possible. 

    So did Dr Bloxham say he was planning to do FUT

  9. 5 minutes ago, Cyzkm said:

    Thanks! I have a consult with Panine on Monday. 

    what don’t you like about Bloxham? He was very responsive to my emails and gave thought out responses to each question. I think he used to be a mod here? On Reddit I saw people saying he used bad technicians but it’s Reddit so idk. 

    I find his hairlines unremarkable. He particularly likes doing FUT, most Dr's are now mostly proficient and perform FUE in just about most cases they do. 

    Besides which some of his results don't turn out particularly well. Just do a search on as many sources as you possibly can before you make any decisions. You however may like his work, personally I put him mid range. Nothing amazing, with maybe more misses than other Drs.

    Definitely don't take my word on it though, or any other members, here or anywhere else. Research as many results as you can find and make you're own mind up. 

    The Dr himself (Blake) is very knowledgeable and yes he was a mod here years ago. I like the person. 

    Dr Panine I just see better work, of course he might not be the right fit for you're particular needs, hence why I mentioned to keep looking for other possibilities. 

    So many decent choices worldwide, the list here is not exhaustive but it does have more than it's fair share of good Dr's. 


    • Like 1
  10. No to the Dr's on you're list apart from Dr Panine. Dr Bloxham I feel is very mediocre (just my opinion). 

    Consult with Dr Panine, it would be interesting to see how many grafts he would be suggesting. Personally I don't think you necessarily need a ht right now. 

    Stay on the meds sure. Just be careful when considering a Ht, get a few consults done. If you can travel then look further afield, some really good Dr's out there, some are not on the recommended list. 

    As you mentioned @Dr. Vladimir Panine though I will tag @mavigo

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    • Thanks 1
  11. This is a very poor extraction pattern. Looks like they took more than 1.5k worth of grafts too. 

    I hope that is some shock loss, but if not it's really going to need attention at a later date. 

    Unfortunately for now all you can do is wait and see how it progresses over the coming months..

    Next time it needs to be a Dr who can actually properly take care of the donor area. This was anything but homogeneous. Please do name the clinic! 

  12. 5 minutes ago, hairman22 said:

    NW 7 means you need a big budget or else no point imo.

    no Turkish surgeon can repair a Nw 7 bar maybe Pekiner possibly

    For a NW7 its Zarev,Pittella or Sethi. Hasson & Wong too a good option.

    Lower packages for Eugenix are hit and miss.

    As good a choice as Dr Pekiner is, he just doesn't take on cases that are larger than 2-3k grafts, he is pretty selective in his patients. 

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