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Everything posted by leftygolfer71

  1. I'm at two months today and would like to get a "trim" to kind of clean things up and make it look uniform. When did you guys get a haircut after your HT?
  2. It's fluid that needs to work it's way down - there is nothing you can do about it. Embrace it...
  3. No offense to the rising star doctors, but this isn't the type of surgery I want a "rising" star to gain experience on me...
  4. Most people experience some for of shock loss. Mine was at 5 weeks. Just want you to be prepared...
  5. Most people experience some for of shock loss. Mine was at 5 weeks.
  6. You might want to look at some pics. Redness can and will last for MONTHS not weeks...
  7. Yes, I agree. It would have not changed my decision to get a HT, but had I known the redness was going to be around for months might have changed when I had the HT... Today I had to do a presentation to complete strangers and I never noticed anyone staring at my tomato head, so maybe it's not as bad or they're just polite...
  8. It's funny you mention hot showers. I take really HOT showers...will try a little colder..:-)
  9. I disagree. I think the fact that you can't see a hairline makes it look unnatural.
  10. The redness sucks! I'm at almost two months and red. I've been told it gets better - hope so.
  11. I just wish they were honest. Every time I asked any clinic during my evaluation period it was always "only a few weeks." I will be at two months next week and my head looks like a fricken tomato
  12. Not sure why the "wow?" Just my opinion. If he's happy that's all that matters.
  13. I just don't think it looks natural based on the pictures. I know a guy with a hair system and although it's good, it can be spotted as a "hair system" as soon as you see it.
  14. I'll try to get someone to take a closeup of the scar. I had 3700 grafts. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/181606-dr-rahal-3700-fut.html
  15. Take a look at my profile\posts. You and I are very close in terms of hair loss and my scar is already covered up at 7 weeks. I went to Rahal.
  16. Do A LOT reaading on here and narrow it down to three surgeons or more and then contact them for a consult where you either go on site or send pictures to get an evaluation. Good luck!
  17. Do you have better pictures of the hairline?
  18. You're doing everything you're supposed to be doing. Most people go through a shed and there is nothing you can do...
  19. Thanks! Sounds like the Dr. didn't implant 3000 grafts then...
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