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Posts posted by Djlazerblue

  1. It is really up to you. If you look at my link, I was only a NW 2 and could style my hair in a way that no one could tell my hairline was receding. The rest of my hair was really thick and still is. Looking back though, if I could do it all over again, I would not have gotten a HT. I look pretty good with a buzzed head and I think I could have hidden my hairloss well into my 40s.


    Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with the results of my HT, and the reason why I got it was to be able to style my hair however I want, which I can. The thing I regret is really thinking it through in terms of whether I would get further HTs if required later down the road. At this point in my life, I do not think I would want to keep playing catch up. I don't like the idea of losing more donor hair. I can buzz the back of my head at a number 1, and the FUE marks aren't visible, and i want to keep it that way. In the future, if I continue to recede, I plan on doing laser hair removal on my transplanted area and just buzz my hair down to a number 1 all around. I am almost 2 years post op and my hair is still hanging in there without obvious signs of recession behind my transplanted hair, but who knows what nature has in store for me in the upcoming years.


    My only concern with my plan to buzz my head is that the recipient area is still pinkish after I take a shower. I have read that scars can take up to two years to fully mature, but am not sure if this is a permanent thing or something that will eventually disappear over time. If it doesn't fade away over time, it will be concerning, and I am hoping there are topical creams or lasers that could fix that as well.


    Sorry for the long post, but IMO after having gone through a HT (a very successful one), I personally would not get one unless you were at least a NW 3. This way, even if you slowly lost your native hair, it wouldn't look that bad. For me, I only had my corners done and if I further lose hair, it will start to look really bad. If you plan on multiple HT to catch up for the rest of your life, that is something you will have to think about when deciding on your HT. For me, I am one and done.


    This is really good advice

  2. DJlazerblue,


    Sounds like you work for them, asking for proof! I am sharing my experience therefore entitled to do so however i like. This company deserve to be slated, they have a history of not doing this properly and lied to me throughout the process. Therefore, I am letting people know so they don't make the same mistake as I and many others have already.


    No I don't work for them and there are plenty of people who can verify that here, you are a newbie coming straight on here to slag off a clinic and give it a bad rep without any evidence, I've seen many positive results for KSL, so back your claims up with proof then your be believed, from my experience it's normally someone like you who works for competitor


    You have included hardly any info, i.e how many grafts you had, price you paid, how long ago you had it, your results

  3. If anyone is considering KSL for hair transplant I would think again. They are cowboys, steal your money and leave you with little or no improvement. Actually they're made my hair worse, I have lost a lot of hair. They threw extracted hair in the bin after the receptionist, yes you read right, the receptionist was implanting them!


    I am trying to get a group of people together to take these cowboys to court. If not I will be contacting the daily record to give them my full story!


    Their employees are either brainwashed or in on the scam! Their customer service is shit and feed you utter crap to keep you off their back! It's ok though they will fix your mess of a transplant for free! The transplant that they gave you! Anything but ask for money back because they won't do that. I am suspicions that they are hiding their money in a different account, probably tax dodging. For the record Leigh Griffiths and Anthony Stokes use hair filler because they too are not happy with the work they have done. The testaments on their website are written by KSL not the players themselves.


    If your going to slander a clinic at least provide photos

  4. cheers mate, didnt realise he was on here i wonder why he decided to go public im guessing ?? if thats the case good luck to him thats what i say. Looking at hes pics im still standing by my 30-40% density crown as typical looks sparse but always will be the case with transplants, having said that hes been thru the ringer and hes happy within himself now

  5. What is wrong with you?




    Look at the link. Do you honestly believe I said that? Can you read? I cannot tell if you are genuinely stupid or are trying to slander me.


    Again, I came to your thread to HELP you by offering medical studies on ketoconazole. Now you insult me and make things up.


    Please refrain from using such foul language towards me yes I see you edited the post but I still got it in the email sent,


    You bully people in other forums with your aggressive stance but not me, I'm going to sum up what's in store for you


    You had male pattern lost at 22 crown and hairline, your 100% going to be a Norwood Vll (law of averages) you choose to have a transplant at 22 by an unethical DR whom clearly hasn't taking your future into account, you will never have enough hair to cover the top of your head, I've got 10 years on you and more hair I know the longer I wait if there are advances or if I decide on a HT in the future it will look 10 times better than what your head is going to look like, your be heading down the SMP route with no hair (due to and unsafe donor zone being moved to the top of your head) and thousands out of pocket


    And that's the bottom line and if there's anyone who disagrees with me let it be known


    Thank you and goodnight

  6. I think this debate is over for you now, PROOF your a sales man. PROOF Your telling people to go to a fue factory in turkey


    As MR T would say in the situation I know a fool when I see one and JeanLuc you are a FOOL

  7. JeanLuc said "Turkey is among the most popular destination for hair transplantation since the quality of the result is satisfactory and the prices are affordable. I made my hair transplant with only 1900 euros with hotel and internal transportation. I really enjoyed the city too.

    You can check this clinic and if u fill their form online they will call you immediately and give you all the details https://mcanhealth.com/en/hair-transplant-turkey


    Don't listen to Amro he's a shill for this dodgy, pathetic company. They steal before and after pictures from Hasson and Young and pretend they did them."


    Wow 1900 euro yeh you deffo went to a recommended surgeon lol


    Yeh I'm really making it up aren't I now who's the lyer here is the link people


  8. I think jeanluc is dilusional personally let me quote you from another forum


    "2.5mg Dutasteride reduces serum DHT by almost 100%. You can further reduce scalp DHT with azelaic acid and topical finasteride. It is impossible to lose hair on 2.5mg Dutasteride in conjunction with topical finasteride, unless your hairloss is not related to androgenic alopecia."


    Sounds like you putting the whole works on your head no wonder your bald at 22


    Your also extremely rude and insulting to people, people can judge your persona for themself have a read of how warped this guy is.



  9. The sheds don't happen from coming off it , the sheds happen from continued use of it, it will dry the scalp and hair shaft out causing premature shedding, it's a shampoo for a medical condition of the scalp it has very harsh ingredients, you continue using it anyway because your doing so well from it


    Btw JeanLuc I've seen your posts on other forums encouraging people to go to turkey for a HT so why are you even on this forum we don't support surgeons in fue factory's are you a salesman?

  10. Wrong again my friend, here in Japan dutasteride is approved for hairloss and in my country your is short hand for you're are you going to go down the typo mistake route on grammar now because you have lost this debate? You act every bit your 22 tender years

  11. I could sit here and post videos and links all day arguing my point aswell but im not going to, what makes me laugh is the Drs who your producing you didnt even go to you had it done on the cheap in turkey by an unkown DR


    22 with a unpredictable hair loss pattern your in for a hard time lots of surgerys and loads of money just to recapture 30% of your density, not to mention the permanent shock loss your going to encounter, you will forever be playing catch up.


    What if you go to a full norwood 7 you wont even have enough donor to cover the top of your head, not to mention your previously transplanted hairs aging and becoming thinner, its not a good look for you


    HT on young patients dont do well at all google wayne rooney 25 when he had hes looks terrible now, where as on older people with fully established hair loss they seem to do really well, you should of came here before instead of registering after and going into panic mode you would of got some proper advice.


    im 32 and i have been on propecia for 12 years and just started avodart, you probably wasnt even born when propecia was approved for hairloss, i probably still have more hair than you and i havnt even had surgery, you have gone about things totally the wrong way, you should of been on propecia till at least 30 but you have jumped the gun and made in my opinion a fatal mistake with your hair


    lets leave it at that shall we


    also nizoral is NOT APPROVED as a hair loss shampoo by any organisation were leave that there aswell

  12. You seem very misinformed, if you want facts I'll give you them, nizoral was never marketed as a anti androgen shampoo it was never marketed for hair loss, infact if you read the side effects it states it can actually cause hairloss, it's sold and FDA cleared as an antifungal medication used to treat fungal infections of the skin, so when using it in the hope it stops DHT you run the risk of every side effect listed, it's a medicated shampoo that your using in the hope it stops further hairloss, not one ethetical DR would prescribe it for AGA and those are the facts, so you calling it a anti-hairloss shampoo is false that's what you believe but don't state stuff that is purely incorrect. You have your own issues to deal with I think you've been a member here for less than 2 months and already posted 129 times, that's more than me and I've been here over 2 years, I would not take any advice from a man who has had a hair transplant at the age of 22 like yourself utterly barbaric and wholly wrong I'm guessing you had that done in turkey where they would operate on a minor if they see $$ signs

  13. Nizoral is clinically proven as an anti-androgen and effective against androgenic alopecia, particularly when used in conjunction with propecia and minoxidil. This is just a fact, and shown through at least ten studies I have seen. Shedding is a feature of all of these medications, so its no surprise what occurred, its something that if you start using you should continue.


    I had seriously bad dandruff all my life, and only recently have I successfully got rid of it, first through use of nizoral which causes my scalp to exfoliate and kills fungus. This originally caused another issue with the flaking, however when I added coal tar t/gel shampoo it fixed both and stopped my itching. Absolutely zero problem with inflammation or dandruff now using both of these twice a week.


    I seem to be one of the rare people who says this, but I love the way nizoral makes my hair feel and it does better to make it look thick than anything else. Like Bill said, it wouldn't hurt to add a good conditioner.


    If I were you I would keep it up twice a week. To say nizoral is ineffective is to argue against the science and studies.


    I'm glad it works for you, but be carful over applying this stuff or leaving on longer than recommended cause your hair to fall out and your scalp dry as a bone, there are better shampoos out there

  14. Although the DR could be right regarding AGA, I also like to add many people who don't suffer AGA have overactive sebaceous glands, I think your own DR is correct in saying stress and anxiety can cause these glands to work overtime, Also since I've been taking Avodart I saw a decrease in the sebum on my scalp so I don't know is it lowers it in some way, perhaps DR Bloxham can clarify, hopes this helps

  15. DJ,


    Nizoral is great but if you are using the 2% solution, it can be a bit harsh on the scalp. As a result, it's best to use no more than 2 or 3 times a week. They say every other day is fine, but I personally like to give it more of a break than that. Also, make sure you use an excellent conditioner after you rinse off the Nizoral so you nourish and moisturize the scalp and hair follicles/shafts.


    Best wishes,




    yes its very harsh on hair and scalp, ive ditched it tbh i stick to sulfate free shampoos now

  16. Never had a problem with Nizoral myself .


    Used it 2 to 3 times a week post op and it really helped with my scalp . Still use it now , around once or possibly twice a week on occasion .


    Maybe you were using it too often or have possibly developed a reaction to it . I'd certainly be wary of using it more than twice a week over a prolonged period .


    possible, but be careful i used it for ages no problem then all of a sudden it started to really dry out my scalp and hair, even my barber asked me what i had done to my hair because it looked fine, this is the 2nd time ive had the massive shed after using it, my hair was just dropping out and 100% sure its the nizoral

  17. Been off it for about a month cos I noticed a lot of shedding probably been over using, used it last night for the 1st time after the break thought I'd try once a week but today had a massive shed and dry skin 200 hairs plus, deffo putting it down to nizoral that stuff is deadly cutting it out for good only plus it ever gave me was slightly fuller hair, my scalp is flaking loads of dry skin when I brush it now, going to give e45 dry scalp shampoo a go for a cure.


    Any input welcome

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