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Posts posted by Djlazerblue

  1. No I probably wouldn't date/ marry a bald woman regardless of body type or physical fitness. Would I hookup with a bald Angelina Jolie? Sure why not, but It's not that hard to find a girl with a good body. It's just called not settling and going to the gym. And I wouldn't take the risk of rewarding my children with my potential partner's horrible genetics. I'm sorry, but if you're a bald woman before you enter into marriage, you've been eliminated from much of the evolutionary contest. It is engrained in males to look for attractive partners, which is why personality matter so little to most younger men. In the words of Chris Hitchen, "You don't need to make us laugh, we already find you attractive, thanks." Women look for security, dominance, wit, status, wealth, etc. We look for tolerable attractive patterns with whom we share a few common interest, to be blunt. But certain physical traits like balding often signal poor genetics, plain and simple. It's a turn off to both genders. This may sound sexist, to the more liberally inclined, but there's really no way to argue around this.


    I'd hate to be you, I'd rather be a happy bald man than have your way of thinking very perculiar

  2. Unfortunately I don't have a face suited to any shorter fade cut, and keeping the sides long allows me to cover up the frontal areas. My hair is a very light brown that almost looks like it is greying especially with a short cut and with a 3 on top I look like I'm a norwood 5 from a distance due to diffusing and my light hair color. Not going to work.


    I do agree for most it works well, but only for a darker shade of brown.


    I looked at thousands of results across multiple forums, and Erdogan is clearly the most consistent, competent with donor management and dare I say best FUE surgeon globally. Also far cheaper than the other top FUE doctors. Couto's results are arguably more impressive and aesthetically pleasing, however his waiting list is 5 years. What doctors do you feel are at the top of their game?


    Is your hair loss carried throughout your family history?, Dr Feller has produced some of the best hairlines I've ever seen, also their is a dr in the uk Edward Ball whom again I feel is right up there

  3. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/186728-asmed-koray-erdogan-3070-grafts-april-10th.htm



    I'll have my 5 month up in about 4 days. Still hoping for a lot more up to month 6 and 7, but already I've had a definite cosmetic improvement.


    I'm planning another run through in 2 - 3 years to perfect the frontal third and add density to the crown, but I'm in no rush.


    Have you tried buzzing your head down to around a 3 just till it grows I think it will look a lot better, you know one thing I've learnt that a lot of good Drs out there go under the radar because everyone flocks to the surgeons recommended on here, that just leads them to be over worked and over booked, people's standards do slip over time I'd be more drawn towards an up and coming surgeon with youth on he's side, There are a lot of dinosaur surgeons hanging in their in my opinion are outta touch, just a thought for you. You want a 1 on the sides and a 3 on the top your look much better

  4. Yeah somebody's pissed about being bald. The fact is, if I were female or gay, there's not a goddamn chance I would date a bald guy. So she's entitled to her preferences, she's not a monster. It's not attractive to a lot of people. To some people it is, but far fewer. That's why we've invested so many resources into keep our hair. You sound like an immature, shallow, monster, for not coming to grips that being are allowed to not find you attractive. Harsh but true. Maybe she could keep it to herself next time. It sucks that it's out of our control. But people are going to continue to be shallow, buddy.


    Interesting, I'd ask you this. Would you date a woman who had the body of a super model and the face of angelina jolie? But unfortunately is suffering from female pattern baldness ?


    it seems the younger generation are the most vain, women I know look for facial looks over hair all day long, you could have Brad Pitt hair but the face of Stephen Hawking


    Ever notice bald guys seem to have nice gfs and wives?


    Look at it from that angle you might just agree with me and have a bit of acceptance with what life throws at you

  5. To each their own, unfortunately the vast majority are far more attractive with hair than without. I have talked to many girls around my age (their 20s) about this and every single one agrees balding is one of the most unattractive things possible for a man. I was with a mates girlfriend the other day at a club and out of nowhere she pointed out a youngish dude with a massive bald spot at the crown and went "ewwwwww". Most women genuinely look at it as an illness, especially on younger guys.


    What it really comes down to is money, donor, time, usage and success of medication, awareness of risk, and research for a for a surgeon. If the right boxes are all ticked, if you're worried about it you should get it done. If you can't tick those boxes, then don't. That simple really.


    Well I'm unsure the women you befriend but my lady friends don't look upon baldness as an illness that's for sure, it's life it happens to nearly all of us including women, that said the way you felt when you started losing your hair at such a young age and got your transplant at 22, imagine at 32 if you progress to a full of Norwood 7 and trust me 32 is no age you won't have enough donor to cover your top, propecia/Avodart doesn't last forever your donor will be desiccated I've also seen a lot of guys on here in the last 8 years whom had transplants at your age and because there baldness was so aggressive that even fell out aswell, you will feel 10 times worse than you did, let's hope you have some nice body hair

  6. I think he makes a great point I don't think he's discouraging anyone he's just just letting people know what they could be in store for, imagine if he done he's transplant when he was 23 and he's lost so much hair in 14 years he could be in a far worse position now especially as he's donor got weak aswell, id never discourage noone I just hope people pick the right time

  7. When i was around 23 years old i noticed hair falling out a lot, more notice in the crown i then started going to clinics for hair transplant treatment. At that time i was told i could have about 3000grafts in the crown. Now had i done that at that time right now that would be nothing for me because i've had much more hair loss in the crown since then 10 years and from the front and mid scalp too where the limited donor hair should most be saved for.


    Only in these past few years has my hair loss most reduced and i've been on meds and supplements to try and improve and save what i got.


    Now at 36 i'm still kicking bass and feel now is the right time.


    When your young you get used to looking like you do but as you age and loose hair you want that look back asap but there is more to hairtransplants it might be diffferent if you got loads of donor hair and money then you can keep up with things.


    Another thing when you are younger I think your looks matter most so people want ht right away but they should not rush into it as i have learned to keep on meds and supplements and try and hold a ht off.


    Now turning 37 in a few months i wonder this is the right time especially sine i noticed a very slow down in hair falling out.


    Any way i don't want to be famous anymore just hope some poor sod reads this and contemplate!


    Very good advice and very true.


    I understand how young people feel when they start losing there hair and their mates all have nice hair styles but your 100% correct.


    anyone doing a transplant at that age will probably not only regret it but will deffinatly loose more hair over there lifetime and will require multiple transplants,


    At your age 37 your transplant would do quite well your case looks a hard one tho as your loss is quite substantial and the donor doesn't look the strongest, this could be a problem as weak donor hairs do not seem to survive the trauma of a transplant and you will deffo need FUT surgery as you need to move a lot of hair and your donor might struggle to cover the scar. whether your ever be able to receive full coverage I'm not too sure, even tho I myself would never have a transplant at 37 i think in the right hands you could well achieve a better look for yourself,


    If indeed your going for a transplant my advice for you do NOT skimp of price go to someone held in high regard


    One life live it and don't regret it, if it doesn't work out for you there is always ATP to cover the damage



  8. And, an even better, eloquent reply.


    You make a good argument, to some it up basically a hair transplant is a gamble it's like putting all your money on one horse and hoping it comes in, if it Dosent you just live with the loss, my advice and I stand by this if your under the age of 35 please do not get surgery, from what I've seen 35 hair loss is normally quite established and Dosent change much from there on, people this age and over seem to do very well and have good results

  9. Amazes me with all the HD camera smart phones we have today people with hair loss still post poor pictures I wonder y! Lol, anyway yes is the answer you run a very high risk of collateral damage to your surrounding hair especially in turkey where there are poor clinics, the crown is no job for a cowboy don't bother, go somewhere with a good reputation, stay on fin give it a longer term

  10. Been going through this for years but recently stress is causing me to shed 100 hair per day plus,



    I thought maybe mpb but the hair grows back all the time i just can't stopped the sheds I had my dht checked and they were practically zero intake 2mg fin a day prostate levels were zero on check so dht isn't causing it I'm sure it's chronic TE all shed hairs are white bulb on end everyone


    Any help how to stop this please


    Thanks laze

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