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Posts posted by Djlazerblue

  1. This looks like a classic sign of a over harvested donor area, Did you go to a FUE factory in turkey by any chance? This is where I hear of it happening the most.


    This is why people should always op for FUT 1st time it gives you more options.


    That being said if your hair Dosent improve keeping it short with a few rounds of SMP is a good cure

  2. As with most things in life nothing is a 100% guarantee.

    This forum was established to protect prospective hair restoration patients, patients like myself who had a failed procedure with Bosley years ago.


    It serves this function and purpose extremely well.

    Helping guide people in the right direction is a good thing, scaring them based on apprehension alone is not.


    Death and taxes there's 2 things in life for you that are garunteed


    Again I'm not trying to scare nobody as the post is titled it's MY reasons for not getting one and I'm sharing



  3. I know that there is a shortlist of elite surgeons that produce few if any poor or subpar results, I know this from personal experience and from being an active member here on this forum for close to seven years.


    If you go with an unskilled surgeon with a poor reputation you will have poor results.

    Conversely if you go with an elite surgeon with proven published results your chances of an unsuccessful procedure are very low.



    I gently disagree even the elite aren't 100% guaranteed

  4. I agree at first I thought it was a post making peace with shaving his head, now it sounds like a warning from someone who hasn't undergone surgery in the first place. Very strange, I've seen these type of posts before from repair patients but never from someone who hasn't even had surgery, perhaps he's placed to much time researching the repair victims, he admittedly takes finasteride, so I wonder why he "gambles" with that, it would be like someone making a thread "reasons why I won't take finasteride" and going on about gambling with sexual health. Does it occur? Yes absolutely, but how many guys take it without any issues, how many guys benefit from the drug, I would say there are more men who experience negative side effects from Finasteride then men who are repair victims, this is my theory of course based on my years on this forum.


    I have not had surgery your correct, and my post is to inform people the stark reality before jumping into to something thats going to need years of saving and commitment,


    nothing to do with medication so don't understand your point there

  5. Do you actually know the official statistics of how many hair transplant fail? It's more than a small amount. Unfortunately people never want to share a bad hair transplant and tend to stay one of the silent brigade.


    I'm not saying they don't work because it's obvious they do to some degree, my problem is that people's expectations are never met at the 1st time of asking and this is not clearly explained to patients by some clinics.


    I put this post up merely so people don't jump into surgery without making a big mistake and potentially ending up in a worse place they were in before they done it.



  6. looking at your hair and your age I'd say your deffinatly heading for a full Norwood 7


    If that be the case the your donor could become rather weak and unpredictable over the years, your results could be quite sparse and leave you disappointed.


    Bare in mind a full Norwood 7 does not have enough grafts to cover the top of the head normally they would op for frontal coverage and leave the crown (as that's what you see when looking in the mirror)


    You need to be on some kind of prevention before jumping into any surgery but if your feel that's not for you then FUT would be your only option to begin with


    SPEX has given you the best advice and I 100% agree with him

  7. I think the crux of why your post is terrible is this "Be warned if your only slight reeceding Norwood 2/3 and your not happy your greed for hair could backfire and cause the rest of the surrounding hair to permently fall out behind." Just pure pseudo-science. If you have a legitimate argument against transplants, you wouldn't have to resort to falsehoods. Your comment about migranes is another outright lie and makes no scientific sense.


    If you're fine with lowering the standard of the physical attractiveness and careers of the women you date, looking 10 years older and being less attractive to potential employers due to image issues, then go ahead, but don't kid yourself into thinking that the vast majority who go to great surgeons don't lead much better lives. Transplants are all about stealing a few extra years back for your youth; 2-3 procedures over a few decades is an easy choice for drastically improving your quality of life.


    I hope this finds your well,


    Maybe you don't read so well, as I stated what I wrote is based on actual facts I've studied over a 3 year period not as you put "falsehoods" if your only problem with hair loss is your standard of women and your job prospects I suggest you might have some deeper issues perhaps see a psychologist.


    Myself I'm happily married with 2 children and a well paid job in teaching, like millions of other men. What would you do if there was no hairplant industry like many years ago?? Just get on with your life, your in the world your breathing there's more to life than hair my friend

  8. Hello all,


    Been researching for 3 years now and I've decided I won't ever get a transplant done here is my findings in 3 years this is meeting with surgeons and people that have also had it done including friends.


    I'm a borderline Norwood 3 so my hair lost is not major but still I was concerned with my hairline.


    What I've found is that between the two procedures FUE & FUT that while some people don't like the fact of having a scar FUT is by far the better option and yields the greatest results, simply because FUE causes great trauma to the hair follicle and many are lost while being ripped from your scalp (think of a plant being pulled from the dirt but the root snapping off and being left in the ground). Also with a hair transplant you run the risk of permenant shock this is because of what is called "collateral damage" if the hairs are planted to close together they compete for blood supply and simply can't survive so you face loosing hair surrounding the transplant hairs and it won't grow back hence why your always playing catch up once you have had 1 surgery.


    The crown is also a problem area and very hard to transplant even the best surgeons struggle and tend not to get great results


    Also the probability is that you will loose more hair in the future and even finastride and dutasteride regaine etc won't keep it as it will wear off eventually all these medications peak then like anything your body will start to reject it. The truth of the matter is your always playing catch up, surgeons who say you only need 1 transplant I'm sorry are lying you will need 4/5 and even then you will only gain around 25% of your original density, if your heading say to a Norwood 7 there simply is not enough hair in the donor site to cover the top of your head and that's a FACT, you can pour in 1million Pound there is just not enough donor hair there and don't forget only around 90% of grafts survive even less if you op for FUE,


    My advice to anyone is take medication try and save what you have if you are to far gone just shave your head, wait for advances in technology or just simply get on with life, it's not worth the disappointment, from the people I've spoke to that have had surgery many suffer from scalp pain migraines and numbness, also they still use concealers like toppik as there results aren't as they expected which for me defeats the whole purpose of having one in the 1st place, IMPORTANT advice


    Like your body your hair will age even your doner area will get thinner and your be left with holes from FUE or a visible scar your hair will look moth eaten and even a shaved head won't hide it, that's my findings and that's why I'll be sporting a shaved head if my loss gets any worse


    There will be a lot of surgeons mostly sales reps out there who will paint a hair transplant as a wonder cure for your baldness, they don't care about you they just want your money, they will pray on your insecurities.


    Be warned if your only slight reeceding Norwood 2/3 and your not happy your greed for hair could backfire and cause the rest of the surrounding hair to permently fall out behind.


    I Will stress there are great DRs out there 3 of whom turnt me away and many of whom produce great results if anyone wants to know them please contact me as I won't mentioned names here as I'm not a salesman it might just help you in your decision if your stuck in your ways and are 100% going through with one.


    This is my opinion on the procedure and I'm not trying to put no one off it, it's your life it's your body you only live it once so do what the fuck makes you happy


    Please correct me or debate anything you feel is incorrect




  9. I don't need to save up, my income is quite sufficient thank you, as I said previously go and troll elsewhere. Once you have had a procedure and posted photographs you might be of use on this thread.


    I havnt had surgery as I'd only go with Dr Feller and he won't operate on me as he said I've not lost enough hair yet and to hold off, but when I do I'll be paying for quality work I won't be paying a couple of grand like yourself for beauticians to carry out a procedure on me, you've had a lot of grafts with a below average result, in the hands of a proper DR the amount of grafts you have used would of yielded a much better result, I have a friend who went to beauty 24 and they overharvested he's donor which now looks moth eaten, that clinic has no ethical approach to hair transplants they employ unskilled staff, lets have it right you went there because they are cheap and that's the only reason, my friend regreats using them as you will, no one recommends them on this site so move on....

  10. I'm going to stick it for 6 months and see what happens, I'm thinking it could be Telogen Effluvium also maybe made worse by the DUT I will say word of warning the DUT seems to have some sides, I feel very fatigued also orgasm seem weaker and I've noticed weight gain


    Thanks for your reply so guys

  11. Hi all a bit about myself I'm 32, I took propecia for 6 years started to see the effects wear off so I decided to go straight onto dut I've been on it nearly 3 months solid now, I always shed hair daily but recently in the last 2 months I've seen big sheds today probably the biggest I lost about 200 hairs I feel my hair is thin, I can run my fingers thru it and I get loads of hairs with white bits on the end can anyone help me to what might be going on


    P.s I had a blood test for thyroid and everything is normal


    I've attached a picture of the hair shed


    Thanks steve


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