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Posts posted by Djlazerblue

  1. dude il be honest that doesnt look like 3000 grafts...


    I’d agree, it looks very sparse for Just over 3000 grafts, might be worth checking in with dr ball at the maitland clinic he’s down your sort of way Portsmouth I belive, very good Dr and will tell you what’s going on

  2. The survival rate thing is valid and while I agree if I was doing all including my crown I would have needed a lot more grafts but ultimately I didnt want to be greedy and I was adamant I didnt want another scar so that ruled out FUT.


    Time will tell, Im hoping the areas I wanted filled in grow and Im happy with the result.


    Ive seen guys on here that are looking to have a full density of hair to when they were like 19 years old- I'd look ridiculous if I did that.


    im sure your be happy, i like your last quote, you havnt set your expectations high thats very important as everyone knows your never going to regain your orignal density

  3. There is no such thing as a Norwood 2.5, I’d put you as a Norwood 3a as yout temporal peeks have moved back and your frontal section is thinning with deep recession at the temples, that said you Havnt showed your crown either, also no top surgeon is going to remove your hairs and replace them with donor hairs tats crazy talk man common,


    Have you done enough research before you go ahead with your surgery? Please make sure you do because yes you will loose more hair over the years you could also loose some of your native hair after surgery to shock loss which can be permanent, I don’t want you rush into something that your be dissapointed with, if I was you I’d hold off for now and continue of meds to maintain for a while your hair loss is not major atm.


    Whoever drew on that hairline has no idea sorry mate it’s too low and has no definition your 29/30 it needs to be higher and rounded looks far to feminine you will be wasting a lot of grafts for future loss going that low

  4. Thats how it started actually...and then just random itchiness, on my wrists, legs mostly that turn into hives and then disappear...I thought it was a food allergy but ive never been allergic to anything. Then i thought maybe a fabric allergy ...even a down comforter on my bed. Got rid of everything, by process of elimination, and then cut the does of Fin down to 1.25 every other day, and still get random break outs.....iam perplexed at this point and im considering getting off the drug as its the absolute only thing thats changed in my life that this can point to.


    This drug seemed to absolutely change my hormones to some degree, the 1st 5 weeks my libido increased seemed like my T levels went up...no sides....that was at 1.25 every day generic fin. (I switched to propecia around week 4 or so.) But then around week 6 i up'd the dose to 2.5 E.D. and noticed my libido leveled out no worse but no better...and thats when the allergic breakouts started.....i then went OFF Fin for 3 days straight to see if the allergy would diminish but it didn't...so i went back on Fin at a lower dose 1.25 e.o.d and thats where iam now...but still getting random hives.


    I would personally stop it for a longer period until it clears up, then maybe retry it if it happens again you know your having a bad reaction to it, so you could try a lower dose per week or just stop it all together, it’s not worth your health mate

  5. Well I can’t see he’s photos I think he’s removed them, but from what he described he’s baldness is very advanced and he’s worried about he’s family and friends suddenly seeing him with hair, if that’s the case I would say why would you put yourself through anything if you feel that uncomfortable from the start about how others are going to perceive you

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