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Posts posted by mav23100gunther

  1. Looking back on the past year the first 4 months were very, very rough. Between months 4-7 I was cautious about social gatherings, especially where there was any chance of bright lights. From month 7 I was in the clear, and there was no looking back!


    I've continued to see improvement since my 7 month update, and I'm very happy with the final outcome.


    Congratulations buddy - you won! An absolutely outstanding result and the hairline is perfect. I reread the thread, and think your case is the perfect example of how red it really gets, and for how long it can stay red for. So many surgeons just brush it off, but as I also experienced, it is very real.

  2. Agreed with the softening approach, you have basically a killer hairline in terms of height and density behind it.

    Going with an elite surgeon to iron out the fine touches to remove the pluginess would perfect it.


    One of the hairline kings would be my suggestion, Konior, Bisanga and also maybe Dr. Cooley as mentioned

    good luck


    You did not have Dr Rahal mentioned in the same sentence as hairline King. I would add him as this is his specialty.

  3. Hello hsrp10,


    I am honestly very confused as to which doctor to see about a potential hair transplant. To me 50 grafts/cm2 is not enough. That would create a see-through look. I would like 70 grafts/cm2 though. Maybe you can help me decide if you do not mind.


    Looking forward to hearing from you about this!


    I'd look at Dr Rahal and Dr Erdogan. Both do great at dense packing. I believe the needles used by Rahal are effective in achieving such high density. Erdogan also seems to consistently perform high density cases.


    Stay away from Armani.

  4. Right on thanks guys much appreciate the feedback yeah I'm kind of reevaluating everything and a bit more confused then ever now about what to do below was the response I got from Dr.Konior


    "The photos you sent show the very early makings of what may become an advanced hair loss pattern. This statement is based on the photos which show miniaturization throughout the overall male pattern balding region. Although it is possible to begin surgical restoration if you have conservative goals, surgical restoration will provide only a short term density boost since the preexisting hair will continue to thin over time. It is important for you to have a perspective of what your final pattern will be since your surgical options will be based on that final pattern and on the limitations of your donor area. This is even more important in light of your inability to use stabilization medications. I believe the hairline you have drawn is a bit too aggressive considering the fact that donor supplies are limited and there is no way to fully restore the entire thinning zone front to back. A tight scalp is sure to limit a donor harvest. Your frontal zone looks as if it will require about 2000 grafts for a decent hairline restoration. Exactly what can be harvested in a single day can only be determined by an in-person consultation. I would suggest that you consider a slightly higher hairline design as this will better allow distribution of your limited graft reserves a bit further back into some of the other thinning areas that are of concern."


    I know it would be ideal for me to be completely bald then get a transplant but i see tons of guys getting work done that have more hair than me but of course maybe they are able to take propecia. Ideally I would like to have some work done now & over time so lots of people don't notice i had a HT versus waiting 5-10 years to go totally bald and not being happy with my hair for those 5-10 years and then get work done and have it be super obvious.


    Kind of thinking the one Hasson suggestion of doing 6k grafts now would be a mistake for sure after hearing Konior suggestion better to save grafts for future when mid scalp really needs it. Which maybe leans me towards Rahal get the front redone to reframe face maybe a bit in mid scalp but basically get the rahal hairline bit higher up than originally wanted and just save the rest of the donors for future procedures ??? Side note we can't be more than 10 years away from cloning hairs are we ? They can print a fricking organ for god sakes why do guys still need to go bald at all!!! :) joking of course. Thanks guys!


    I had to make a similar choice as you. See my write up in the thread below. You may want to also consider Dr Ron Shapiro. He would be a good hybrid between Dr Rahal and Dr Hasson. I do like your approach to going with Rahal for the hairline and frontal third, and then Hasson to do the mid-section and crown. Your key question to the doctors is ask them what they think your lifetime grafts are estimated at. Then plan accordingly.



  5. Hey Mav, in regards to your question I think 500 grafts would make a good cosmetic impact on the midscalp, you'd have to go FUE route, the doctor would take the thickest multi follicular units in the donor, assuming hair per fu is 2.2 you're looking at 1,100 hairs for that small area, I think it would make a big difference especially when grown out and layered.


    Thanks mate, appreciate the feedback!

  6. I don't really know the area covered in cm2 it really wasn't a large area, it's only the posterior section of the crown, the lower portion of the crown is holding up. I went back to work 2 weeks ago. I think I may try to measure my balding area in cm2 and post it here when I get a chance. I'll be posting my one month update in a bit.


    Will be very interesting to see the cosmetic impact those grafts have. I definitely could use some more work on my midscalp, but am trying to preserve my remaining grafts of around 2500 - 3,000 grafts for my 40's. If the 500 placed in your mid-section makes a substantial impact, then I will strongly consider tapped into 500 - 1,000 of mine right now and getting it done next year, and then keeping the rest for later.


    HTsoon, can you please take a look at my recent pics in my thread and let me know what you think about my plan to work on the mid-scalp now?


    See post #126





  7. Only going on memory here so forgive me if I'm wrong but I think Mav said it was Dr. Dorin


    I never disclosed the surgeon's name, and out of respect to him, I won't disclose the name. That surgeon did a good job for me, but I really did need more grafts in that 1st pass, and after the fact, I realized that I wanted a different surgeon for my 2nd procedure. In light of this, I feel it would be unfair to disclose his name as posters would incorrectly infer that he isn't a good surgeon or didn't do a good job for me.

  8. Mav

    I know you don't wanna name the NY doctor….Im just wondering how many grafts you got from him? How many total have you had?

    Im just asking because Im going back to Dr Rahal in Sept next year and the first megasseion I had was 4800 plus…Just curious


    your hair looks great by the way!


    Sure, the NY surgeon grabbed around 2,300. That practice doesn't do maga sessions or anything more than 2,500 max. Going in to the 2nd, Dr Rahal wanted to get 2,500 but he was always with honest with me in that he didn't think he could get that much and told me to expect around 2,000. I also told him not to try pushing the limits, so he was very conservative with the strip and managed to get 2,250.


    Also, if you want to get the max grafts via strip, then Dr Hasson may be a better fit for you than Dr Rahal. Dr Hasson was very confident he would grab at least 2,500 grafts for me, and even more if I wanted. I know Dr Hasson will extend the strip to the sides, whilst Dr Rahal hardly went past the ears with his strip. It was a very conservative strip and I felt really good that Dr Rahal knows his limits. Although 2,500 - 3,000 grafts would have been ideal for me as it could have addressed the miniaturization you see in the midsection, I didn't want want to risk a stretched scar.


    Hope it helps. My advice is go meet Rahal in person so he can assess and let you know how much he thinks he can get. Get a second opinion from Hasson or Shapiro or Konior as well. Me visiting them in person before was the best thing I did.

  9. 10 month update. I actually studied my hairline this evening, and all I can say is WOW. The maturing has really made a huge difference, and although the month over month difference has been negligible since month 7, I think it has really come into its own and there is a huge improvement if I look back at the 7 month pics. Although the cosmetic difference was the biggest from month 4 to 7, the maturing from 7 to 10 really does make a big cosmetic difference.


    Will post pics again at month 12


    A few questions regarding PRP please:




    When new hairs grow after PRP treatment, do they come out of the scalp as very thin hairs the same way they would like new transplanted hairs, or they come out thick right away and dont have to mature??




    How many weeks does it usually take before the first hairs grow out??




    Do they all grow out at once, or do some hairs grow out later than others??




    Whats the approximate success rate??





    I don't believe that PRP actually results in new hairs growing. I believe it's effective in strengthening existing hairs that have miniaturized thereby increasing the illusion of density. If new hairs were to start growing, then air highly doubt they would come out thick.

  11. Sorry Dutchie - it's not looking great, although to echo other posters, 4200 grafts spread out over such a large area just isn't going to give you what you expect. You will definitately need to factor in another pass to add density. With that being said, so far it's trending towards a disappointing result for Dr Hasson. Keep your head up mate

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