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Posts posted by mav23100gunther

  1. im not sure what you mean? the 1200 grafts touch up are placed in the hairline to add density? I added pictures of the touch up couple of pages back.


    Aahh, I misread your posts. Thought the final pictures included the touch up, and did not realize that you just had it done. I think you will have to wait and see if the touch-up can improve the overall result. I agree that at this point because you already used so many grafts, it may not be wise to lower or do significant work into changing the hairline.

  2. Wait, so in addition to the 3,800 grafts you had another 1200 grafts used in a touch-up but not to better reinforce that hairline? I'm far from being an expert, but I am completely blown away by what appears to be a horrific waste of grafts. It really looks like you had decent coverage over your whole head beforehand, but placing so many grafts into what appears to be sufficient existing hair is definitely going to cause shock loss. The worst part is that he then went and wasted another 1,200 grafts doing what? Do you know how much donar supply you have left? At this point I would reach out to the guy who cannot be named and see if he can facilitate a refund of some sort. At this point, because so many grafts were wasted, Dr K is not wrong in his assessment that working in your hairline may not be feasible as he badly miss-used the remaining grafts. Maybe I am missing something, and would love an expert to explain to me why this type of approach was taken.


    MOSD, I feel absolutely horrible for you. Hopefully you have enough grafts left to work on that hairline

  3. Here is me before the surgery with DR ali karedeniz


    Like I said at the very beginning, from looking at your before pictures, you already had what looks like sufficient coverage and density. I'm at a loss as to why the Dr placed so many grafts over such a large area. To me it looks like you only really needed hairline work. Am I the only person who sees this?

  4. Looking for input on who are considered the best hair transplant surgeons in the NY/NJ area. Have heard a lot about Dr. Feller and True/Dorin. Any thoughts on both or other recommendations?





    You left out Dr Wesley. I think Feller is probably the best in NY, but Wesley is worth a look. My advice to you, don't limit yourself to New York. I am a New Yorker, and travelled to Ottawa for my own 2nd procedure. I thought that the best surgeons for me were not in NY.

  5. I consulted and met with both. See my write-up in the link below. It really depends what your goals are, and what you are looking to achieve. I.e. Are you a lower NW looking for hairline work or a higher NW looking to get the most coverage in a single procedure. Rahal for the former and Hasson if the latter. Both are different, and both have different styles. Can I also recommend you meet with both in person before you decide? That way they can evaluate your hair in person, and you will get a good gut feel as to which gameplan resonates best with you.


    Hope it helps




  6. Looking awesome! Was your laxity low or j

    How come they only could take around 2500 in the second time


    Hasson was way more confident he could get more grafts, Rahal less so. Also,at the advice of JT, in order to minimize the risk of a stretched scar, I told Dr Rahal not to push it, and he ended up going the conservative route. I noticed that Rahal never extended the strip past the back of the ears. If he had extended the strip to the sides, he probably would have gotten more. Wesley and Hasson thought my laxity and donor supply was above average, Rahal thought it was lower than average.

  7. Anybody know any barbers in NYC who have experience haircutting transplanted patients? I need my sides buzzed down without touching the top.


    Oh the indignities we face...


    Barber Shop 72 on 72nd & Columbus. Ask for Danny or Lee. They picked up straight away that I had a transplant 6 months after the 1st, and when I went for my 2nd procedure,, I used these guys, and they were careful as hell. They are famous amongst true New Yorkers, very cheap, and there is usually a line with Lee and Danny always being in demand. It's walk-in only. No doubt these would be Seinfeld and Kramer's 1st choices



  8. Ok, that's quite possible as I had put in Til - man, and Dog. an. ay. as well, both of whom could be triggers?


    Yup, it's the former. I also referenced Joey boy in my own write-up on my procedure with Dr Rahal, as he had been instrumental in helping me with my decision. Not only did the post get flagged for moderation, but David deleted a whole paragraph where I had explained how Til - man had helped me. It was ridiculous

  9. Thanks OnTop,


    Here's one I overlooked - hair not so slicked in this one. Defitely thickened up over the past few months. Got a small amount of pomade in my hair here too


    Wow Ernie - I'm still trying to decide if this result is a slam dunk or a home run. Outstanding from the hairline king. How much are you enjoying life at the moment? Have you noticed a difference in attention from the opposite sex?

  10. Yes, it's Dr Wesley. I did do research and have been impressed with his professionalism and the results I've seen. I also understand he's on the high side of price, but I'm sure you can sense my apprehension, so I'm committed to getting the best possible procedure I can find.


    That said, price aside, why do you consider those international surgeons better? How best can I compare their outcomes?




    I consulted with Dr Wesley myself, and though he was the best consultation experience I had. Extremely extremely informative. I really liked him, and he has posted some very good results on this forum. Like you I also live in New York, however, my research lead me to travel to Canada for my latest procedure. Granted it was FUT, but if I was getting FUE, then I would definitely travel again. There just aren't that many patient posted results of Dr Wesley. If it were me, I would also consult with Dr Lorenzo, Feriduni, Erdogan, Bisanga, Ron Shapiro, and Konior for FUE. These seem to be the most renowned FUE surgeons out there.


    Sounds like your gut is talking to you - listen to it mate

  11. Hey Y'all,


    So I was having sex today with a girl (She has no idea about the operation) and while we were having sex she held on to my head where the scar is... she kind of tugged on my hair left to right motion, not up or down. I told her an excuse why she can't do that, but has this happened to any of you??


    I am 18 days post operation


    Thank you


    Impressive that you even got a girl into bed with you in the height of the ugly duckling phase. Even if I wanted to get laid 18 days post-op, no way any girl would come near me. How'd you do it?

  12. Just my own opinion, but have you done enough research? Reason I ask is that there really aren't that many solid FUE surgeons in New York. Feller won't touch it, and the only other surgeon in NY worth a look for FUE is Dr Wesley. If it's Wesley, Bernstein, or Dorin, then I assume they are charging you upwards of $9/10 a graft. That is vey expensive. You do realize there are even better FUE surgeons in Belgium Spain and Turkey that cost less?


    Finally, 1600 grafts isn't nearly enough grafts. With shock los, I don't anticipate a signing ficant aesthetic improvement. Just my own opinion


    If I were to consider H&W for a procedure , I'd demand that I be charged in Canadian dollars . If they didn't yield I'd go elsewhere .




    That's exactly the key. I find that one should have multiple quotes from other clinics in hand when negotiating a price. For the most part, competitors will at least match the other quotes. I had quotes from H&W and Shapiro in my back pocket when It came to negotiating. It's also useful to chat with other patients and find out what they paid.


    For my 1st procedure, I didn't do any of this, and I definitely overpaid.

  14. Wow that sucks, it's also relative to where you live, 80K a year in Montana or Wyoming you're well off, 80K a year in NYC you're living in a studio in Manhattan. So sometimes it's not just about how much you make but where you live. Prices should be universal with the exception of returning patients that return for touch ups.


    As a New Yorker for the last decade, I am afraid to say 80k a year is barely going to get you a studio out in Brooklyn, Queens or the Bronx. A decent studio in Manhattan, forget about it. It was only when I started hitting $120k a year that I could afford a decent studio in Manhattan, and it was tiny. When a good friend from Johnson City, Tennessee came to visit me, and I told him what I paid per month in rent, he balked and said that would pay off the mortgage on his 4 bedroom home in a year.


    Interestingly, Dr Rahal's clinic itself tried to upcharge me when the consultant I first spoke to quoted me. Plus it was in US dollars. To be fair, they did bring it down and make things right without me having to prod much. I did actually call them out on this very forum when the Rahal rep on this site claimed all patients get charged in Canadian dollars and not US dollars. In the end I got a very reasonable rate in Canadian dollars, and the procedure has changed my life, so to me it's priceless. Bottom line is that I wish patients on this forum were more transparent with what they paid or were quoted.

  15. Seriously? The H&W thing might be attributed to a different price for foreign patients, which is probably OK but adjusting based on your profession?


    Yeah, I dont think for a minute that H&W adjusts their pricing for profession. They are one of the few clinics who actually display their pricing on the website. They just don't specify that it's Canadian dollars for all Canadian residents and US dollars for US residents and foreigners. I called this out to Ferko, and his reasoning was that that have to charge US residents more due to the insurance. I said what insurance? He said the insurance for Technicians that live in the US and commute to Vancouver. I followed up with A former employee afterwards who confirmed the only US employees are Ferko and Doug. I have no issues with H&W giving deep discounts to Canadians, but I just with we were more transparent with each other to detect when these things occurred.


    My first procedure clinic is not transparent, and they charged me a higher price than other posters I conversed with. The only reason I could think of was I walked in looking well off (I'm really not) whilst others not so much.

  16. I've always been surprised that forum members don't disclose and compare notes about how much surgeons quoted and/or charged them. To this day I believe that a lot of surgeons have different prices for certain demographics. As an Investment Banker living in New York, I know surgeons tried to push up the price per graft compared with what would be quoted for the McDonalds store manager from the Midwest. I got quoted by Hasson & Wong in US dollars when I know for a fact that Canadian residents get charged the same numeric amount, but in Canadian dollars giving them a substantial discount. I had to PM multiple patients before going on consultations, so I at least had an idea of what rate I could negotiate it down to. It would be helpful if posters were more upfront about what they were charged, so that the power can shift from surgeon to us.

  17. I think HTsoon would be an excellent candidate! Hopefully Pat can look past some of his earlier posts where he was probably just a little too over-zealous when going up against Dr Feller, although I have always found his posts to be extremely articulate and very informative. I think his more recent posts have been incredibly helpful to many, and I do not think objectivity would be an issue. He'd have to of course recuse himself if Dr Feller re-ignited that infamous FUT is more popular than FUE thread.

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