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Posts posted by romperstomper29

  1. Help I'm 24 hours post HT I have just finished my first wash with cup of luke warm water and baby shampoo I'm probably freaking out too much but in recepient area around a few of the graft hairs it looks like crust or a little tiny flake or something around the hair like mid hair stem. Is this normal after a wash. I thoroughly washed shampoo out and hair is dry. Never touched anything with my fingers. Can anyone tell me if it's norm

  2. What I think happened is that you lost non-transplanted hair, and now the transplanted hair is left sparse, you still had a lot of hair pre-op, looks like your hair loss had progressed, it's unfortunate and I hope you can get your desired result, it's important to plan your hair transplants for future hairloss to avoid these types of situations.

    HTsoon look at he's pre op pics there was no native hair in the recipient area to lose

  3. Man I think u need to chill out big time. I seen ur pics and everything looked normal. You are 2 months post HT and have completely lost the plot. Surely you done your research before having this procedure. You have to wait it out for another few months to see the results. I can't tell whether u are very young or need a physche evaluation. You obviously had a totally different idea of the procedure you were having. Even the professional footballers/actors have all had to wait 6months to a year for their result yet you are displaying a very immature impatience. I don't mean to sound harsh but relax man you haven't lost a limb in a car crash or anything in 6months you will probably be delighted with ur result

  4. This is rather peculiar as there didn't seem to be any native hairs in ur frontal 3rd to lose to future hairloss judging by ur pre-op photos. It does appear you are lose transplanted hair but for that to happen they would have to have been taken from outside the safe zone which I don't think was an issue for you. A stab in the dark from me would be dense packing 4,000 grafts into a frontal 3rd might be a bit harsh on the scalp and also all done in one day?? U are best contact the clinic. Perhaps a more experienced member than me may shed some more light on it the possible cause. I'm disappointed for u mate

  5. I'm pretty sure the purpose of this thread was to get opinions, as someone who's Norwood 6 and has had a hair transplant I think I'm qualified in giving my opinion, not sure what makes you more qualified have you had a hair transplant? The only hairloss that really matters is Norwood 2-4 that's the range that's still salvageable and worth saving, above that you're bald, it is not wise to risk your sexual health for a minuscule amount of hair. This is my advice as someone who's Norwood 6 and has had a hair transplant, at Norwood 6 you don't have to get on propecia as long as you plan your hair transplant wisely and you have realistic expectations. Plus minoxidil works quite well.


    Again i see KO is beating the "get on fin or you are doomed" drum. I'm wondering if he works for Merck every response he has involves get on FIN

  6. You're not thinking about this clearly. One thing matters, are you going to lose a lot more hair? If so, just imagine being bald with some transplanted hair on top. (If your pattern is not expected to advance much (say NW3 at age 55) you will probably be OK). HT's have serious limitations in what they can do, and if you're not on meds before doing an HT you're not setting yourself up to succeed. If you are afraid of meds, you will need significantly lower expectations.


    MPB is a moving target, you are covering an area of your lawn that is losing grass with grass from another area. There is only one way this can end.


    Every post that you contribute seems to involve you saying more or less "go on FIN, or forget HT" I'm wondering why you are so hell bent on forcing it down everyone's throat. just an observation. peace

  7. I think currently he charges 6.30 euro per first 1000 grafts and 5.30 euro per graft after the first 1000...but you may be able to negotiate a small reduction on these figures depending upon size of procedure and overall cost. One thing is that his charges are competitive and reasonable including some free complimentary therapies available At current exchange rate of 72p to 73p sterling I think these prices are comparable to the standard of good clinics
    ya you see here's my problem I'm booked for surgery in 3weeks for 2500 FUE grafts at a cost of €7200 and the same procedure if I went to van Eeden based on ur prices would cost €14,250

    No problem man, I agree with gillenator if you want you can always do low dose every other day, but its your decision ultimately I respect your choice, I just wanted to chime in with my first hand experience since I've been in your shoes, it's been year and a half now and my hairloss hasn't really changed, been doing the dermaroller, lipogaine, nizoral, and I'll throw in RU58841 a few times a month as a DHT blocker, most important thing is to not be too aggressive, frame your face, reinforce your sides, and if you have grafts left over or if you want use body hair for the crown. You'll get s descent look I think you'll be satisfied with, will it be perfect, no far from perfect but it'll be a lot better than where you are, which is ultimately where we want to be as hairloss sufferers. I think you'll be happy based off of what you've said you have realistic expectations with careful planning it'll be a success even if you go balder down the line, how and where you place your grafts should make it so it'll look like natural progression of hairloss.
    cheers mate. Much appreciated. I'm thinkin of documenting my progress, not sure yet but I wouldn't have any knowledge whatsoever if it weren't for all the other cases which were documented for my benefit. Might be my turn to give something back ?
  9. I totally understand. I hope it didnt seem like I was trying to push Fin on you. I was just trying to relate the potential effects of having a HT without halting your loss. Hope it all works out well and you get the hair you deserve.
    no I didn't think you were pushing FIN at all I asked for opinions and you relayed yours. What would be the point of coming on here asking a question and demanding that please only give me positive answers. Burying ones head in the sand will result in being in an even worse position in the long term than where you start. I think if a guy considers all the variables in the equation and prepares for what various outcomes might lie ahead then he will be more prepared to deal with them up the road. No point in I thinkin ya ill get this HT wit no FIN and ill be sorted for life. I need tactics and a long term plan.
  10. That's not true plenty of alternatives to finasteride and plenty of guys who dont take fin with good results. Take care!


    Romperstomper plenty of guys have not experienced sides, but there's also a lot of us that have, luckily it wasn't permanent, my suggestion is if you want take a very light dose and see how you feel do it,however sexual health at a young age is way more important than having hair and being castrated. I'd rather be Norwood 10 and have a functioning penis than have Brad Pitt hair with a limp noodle for life.

    A limp noodle for life ??? Very well put my friend. f**k that, the wife would kill me ? even taking a light dose scares me with the potential sides people mention

  11. How old are you?

    I would strongly suggest getting on Fin asap. You will lose those hairs that you mentioned. Fin can help you hold them for years longer.

    Also you have to be REALLY sure you have the donor to get you looking good and normal for the long run. This is a LONG TERM decision.

    I'm 30. I don't want to use FIN. I'm not willing to risk it and it is very hard to obtain in ireland anyway. I'm not sure of my donor density that's why I presumed going with 2500 grafts would be conservative. I had surgeons recommend 5,000 +. I'm hoping that if my goals remain realistic that I won't be disappointed
  12. You're not necessarily destined to fail, I think the most important thing is that you haven't noticed much more hairloss. Not everyone get sides from fin I did though, but if you're scared of fin you can try RU58841, it's a topical DHT blocker, it doesn't give permanent side effects like fin. You could take really small doses of fin during your hair transplant to reduce the chance of shock loss then you can come off.
    thanks i will look into it. my doc says i have to go off minoxidil 3 weeks before the surgery so even if i did go with RU58841 then it would have to be after surgery when im all healed up, but from what iv just read it sounds promising
  13. Hi all, must mention how great again I find this site for support and info. I have took the plunge and am booked in for my HT in 4 weeks. Iv been researching for 6months so I am well informed at this stage. Iv started feeling nervous these last few days. as much I am looking forward to the procedure I can't help but worry that it will all be in vain because I'm not on finestride. I am on minoxidil daily and nizoral lasercomb and herbal supplement but I'm realistic about what all that stuff can do opposed to fin. I'm heading towards a Norwood 5 and after a lot of debating mega sessions of 4000/5000 grafts etc I settled on a more conservative surgeons recommendation of 2500 grafts mostly likely hairline and frontal 3rd framing the face as the priority. Future loss is my massive worry and being left wit an island etc. Should I have thrown the towel in? Or am I right to give it a fight?

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