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Posts posted by Swooping

  1. Whether FUE is going to win in terms of popularity is a different question from which is going to give you a better result. Britney Spears may be more popular than Beethoven, so are we to accept...?


    As for people preferring scar vs yield, it may be true for you, and many people, but it may not be true for everybody. A guy who doesn't cut very short and wants to cover a substantial area may well choose FUT. Personally, I think the debate over which is more "popular" is irrelevant, but here we are.


    Sure. However the popularity question is somewhat answerable due to the ISHRS data numbers and the opinions online which are surely indicative. The overwhelming majority just talks about FUE or wants it. If one thinks otherwise he is either blind or emotionally invested in this issue. You know this just as well as I do.


    The better result question isn't really answerable, its subjective and more a matter of opinions than the truth.

  2. Yes, extremely simple. As in, so simple it's laughable. Read my first post. Almost no funding required outside of procedural work and a part time statistician.


    Think about procedures comparing saline to silicone breast implants as an example to start with. Start with a defined end point. An earlier post of mine on this forum contained some of the rough details. I will elaborate later this week when I have more time.


    Looking forward to your elaboration :D.

  3. Once they get educated that hair loss is progressive and donor supply is finite - then hell yes, I would hope they do have that mindset. I think the issue becomes that FUE only surgeons don't explecitly state that FUE results in less lifetime grafts than strip FUT. I certainly wasn't offered up this information at any of my consultations until I specifically asked. I think you are under-estimating the number of higher NW patients walking into procedures who can't quite get the coverage they hope for due to limited grafts. It also gets murky where it seems that with the exception of H&W and a few other strip masters, you could probably get a higher number of grafts moved in a one FUE mega-procedure (over 2 days) than with strip in a single session where laxity plays a role resulting in the need to wait a year to go again. But once again, this is short-sighted. I'm actually surprized the lifetime donor supply factor isn't brought up more in this debate. If its unlikely that lifetime grafts won't keep you covered, then why wouldn't you fight for every last graft? Like I said before, if getting a linier scar gets me an addition couple of of thousand grafts over my lifetime, and keep my head covered for an extra 5 to 10 years - then hell yeah!


    I do respect your difference of opinion though


    Well I agree completely with you that the smartest or rather most safe thing to do would be to maximize your life grafts. But some people don't think like that. Ask yourself this question. More and more people undergo surgery today without being on finasteride. That is pretty risky right if your hair loss isn't stabilized? Most surgeons will recommend patients finasteride before undertaking a hair transplant. Yet enough people especially nowadays neglect this and have surgery anyway without finasteride.


    I do however completely agree that many people , in fact the masses are unaware that a FUT + FUE combo yields most grafts lifetime. I have rarely seen this brought up on other forums for example. Perhaps more people would re-think their options if they were proper educated about this?

  4. Hi Swooping,


    Thats very short sighted, I would imagine that the majority of patients SHOULD need to maximize their lifetime donor supply. I'm a lower NW, and around 4,000 total grafts for my 1st and 2nd HT procedures combined puts me in a solid position for the next decade hopefully. But as I have an average donor supply, that only leaves 2,000 - 3,000 grafts in the bank. If I progress to a higher NW, then I suspect I will be in trouble later on, and no, I will not just bank on BHT. If people really believe that they don't need to maximize their donor supply, then I feel very sad for folks who will find themselves tapped out later on. My experience from consultations with recommended surgeons, is to plan for the future, and that means treatment plans that utilizes grafts effectively, and saves a good number for future hair loss. Even the more aggressive surgeons such as Rahal took a long term view in my recommendation. Whilst I think we would all love to have generous lifetime donor supply of grafts, the start reality is a) the majority just dont, and b) its really difficult to truly know whether one won't progress to a higher NW. In fact I would be shocked if there are many recommended surgeons who would advise patients that they don't need to maximise donor supplies. Even H&W had a long-terms plan for me.


    Sorry buddy, but I think you are dead wrong here


    What do you think that the average guy who goes for a hair transplant is going in with a "mindset" to fully maximize their donor area? Think again.


    You make it almost sound as if the market gets dictated by supply instead of demand.


    If you think that the best way to go for you is to maximize your donor then go ahead. That's your personal choice. Many people have a way other outlook on these things or are in a different situation. Not everyone thinks the same as you do.


    Hey and if things go wrong with FUE in the future at least one can shave down as a way out. With FUT not so much ;).

  5. Tell that to a high norwood with limited donor supply. I get the scar issue, but you are downplaying how big of a deal maximising ones donar supply of lifetime grafts really is and should be. As long as going with FUT until being stripped out provides a greater number of lifetime grafts, then you are gravely mistaken about FUT dying. I would accept the scar anyday of the week if it can provide me with the max number of lifetime grafts (which FUT does). If FUE provided one with the same number of lifetime grafts, and only resulted in SOME yield being sacrificed, then I think you would have a valid point, but that is not the case at all.


    You are correct. And if you want to for FUT because of that, that's your choice. However the people you talk about are a minority group who really need to maximize their donor supply. FUT is already heading into a "niche" treatment for a small group of people.


    I just browsed yesterday on a big international forum and came across a topic which was called "FUT or FUE". I can tell you that approximately 90 to 95% of the people were calling FUT "old fashioned", "brutal" and the "scar" was mentioned extremely often. Again open your eyes on the international forums. The beauty with this question is that everyone does see the same unless they don't want to. Look at the ISHRS census which show the growth of FUE. If you want I can make topics on big international forums to lure a discussion about FUT vs FUE? I can tell you that almost everyone will say the same thing about FUT.


    Even people like Spencer seem to agree with this all. Spencer being founder of the IAHRS. That's a very bold statement for someone like Spencer, you can understand why.


    Anyway the beauty of this question is that time will tell ;).


    This, by the way, is an incorrect statement.


    The study would be easy to setup, similar ones have been done throughout the academic history of medicine on, literally, every procedure that exists in surgery. And every time there has been resistance from those doing the old technique that would not go away until the new procedure was shown, in peer reviewed and blinded studies, to be superior. This is the nature of scientific progress. I have already given a rough outline of the method elsewhere.


    The issue is not the complexity of the study, it is the lack of incentive.


    Easy to setup? I don't think so, it will be far from easy. I can't seem to find your "rough" outlines of the method besides that you want a "good" peer reviewed study. That's easy to say.


    Can you sketch a more detailed study which would answer the FUT vs FUE debate (yield), and would be easy to set up? Pretty impressive if you could make it happen.


    You already start out well by mentioning the following point;


    "Objective and unbiased third party.". I think we all know how easy it is to get a double blind peer reviewed study through which suffers from heavy bias. John P. A. Ioannidis has written an excellent piece about this which expands more deeply on all;


    PLOS Medicine: Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.

    Most downloaded paper on PLOS.


    Anyway how further?

  6. How do you know that Lorenzo gets the same yield numbers as top FUT practitioners? Do you have empirical data that suggests this? I do not believe he or any FUE surgeon gets yield matching top FUT surgeons. I think people very liberally throw around the idea that "Top FUE surgeons get the same yield as Top FUT surgeons". I would like to see some evidence presented that supports this notion.


    As for graft quality, FUT produces grafts with supportive tissue which protects the grafts during handling, not to mention the all-important adipose tissue niche.



    Actually, to be fair, Lorenzo's work has been duplicated, by his colleagues Alejandro Chueco, Ximena Vila, Juan Couto, Erkan Demirsoy, Erdogan and others. Their work is great, however, a few things - their "showcase" results that are used as evidence for "FUE=FUT" typically employ patients with ideal donor hair characteristics. If you are a guy from the middle east, Mediterranean, or India with thick, dark, wavy hair, it could be a great fit. If you are a Northern European white dude with fine/average hair....you will not get those results! A lot of the Turkish clinics are doing patients from the Middle East, they have great hair types, so it works well for them.


    None of them however have posted cases that match some of Hasson and Wong's best work, such as Bobman's result, or our recently banned friend Joe who used to represent them. Even Feriduni, a great FUE surgeon. Does he have an FUE result better than what Cueball35 got with FUT? (Also Feriduni)


    You are correct I don't . I just randomly picked Lorenzo btw. I think more FUE doctors get very close to the yields of top FUT practitioners. However it's my opinion, nothing more then that as I stated multiple times.


    If you think otherwise you are free to do so. But you can't present it as the truth also. That's just also your own opinion, not the truth.


    The evidence in studies isn't going to come. It's too hard to set those up, to many variables. I would be impressed if you could think of a study that isn't going to flawed and will answer the question in the FUE vs FUT debate. The answer is never going to come.


    However what will happen is that FUE will get more and more popular until FUT will slowly die out. This is already happening in full speed. People just don't want the scar and will even happily sacrifice some yield for that ;).

  7. I wouldn't be surprised at all if after your discussion he removes the sensational scare tactic pages from his site. It's beneath him.


    I just clicked the link you included in your post and am shocked by that quote you put up. I couldn't believe it was accurately quoted. But it is. I am genuinely shocked by these claims. Do you believe these claims to be true? Does anybody reading this thread?


    I don't believe this particular statement. However I do agree with multiple other points as displayed on his site. Furthermore I can imagine that Dr. Lorenzo gets the same yield numbers as top FUT practitioners .. If everyone was at his level worldwide, there wouldn't be a need for FUT anymore. Problem is that very few are. You can count them on 2 hands, probably even less. Remember this is all my opinion. I don't state them as facts.


    However better graft quality then FUT? Doesn't make sense. But hey maybe he does have X-ray vision who knows ;).


    Anyway I'm going to try call him this week and ask him some questions about FUT vs FUE. Will be interesting to hear his opinion. I think honestly he is going to agree that FUE is on par with FUT by his observations. But we'll see. Definitely going to ask him to about these studies.



    Dr. Lorenzo is the only FUE-only doctor I have met and not had an argument/debate with. Despite the hideously inaccurate things mentioned on his website, he himself in person was very candid and accurate about the differences between FUE and FUT. Actually, I found him to be breath of very fresh air. He is also the only FUE doctor other than myself who came up with what could be called a refinement in FUE technique. His method or "tricks" as he calls them allow for a better distribution of force during the "delivery" process of FUE. It is well thought out and has actual practical application. In short, it works and is an "advance" in my book. HOWEVER, while his forceps compression force is reduced in this manner, it has almost no effect on the traction force. I say almost because it does force the doctor to be more patient to allow the graft to break free at its own pace thus reducing to some extent the traction damage-but not force. These tricks have no effect at all on the torsion force at all. It is a "trick" that allows the practitioner to extract faster with less damage, and that's good. Unfortunately, even these tricks still do not elevate FUE to the level of FUT in reliability and consistency. But at least it's better than ripping them out wholesale without regard for compression damage in the name of speed. I have utilized this technique myself since meeting with Dr. Lorenzo to speed up my own procedures, but still chide at the traction and torsion damage. An advantageous trade off though.


    That's interesting Dr. Feller that he falsely then misleads patients on his website while mentioning other things to you in person. I'm going to call him this week about this and will report back. Curious anyway what his standpoint is and I want to hear it from him. I would assume he stands for what is presented on his website;



    One of the most vital aspects of this technique is the quality of the units which are removed. We have found from our studies in previous years that the quality and strength of the grafts removed are better than those extracted by the strip method. The follicular units are much cleaner when removed one by one then by separating them under the microscope. This also helps to reduce wounding to the recipient area. Our surgeons have presented these studies in various seminars on hair transplants.


    Source: http://www.injertocapilar.com/English/differences_fue-strip.htm

  9. There are always advances in the HT industry. FUE is the advance that is slowly being accepted by the community as an alternative to strip scars. As this procedure advances, it will replace FUT as the gold standard in HT's, and in another 10-15 years, people will view FUT in the same fashion as we view mini-grafts and micro-grafts of the 90's (multi-haired grafts being placed all over ones scalp, the standard in the 90's, which gave a wonderfully pluggy appearance to ones hair)



    Exactly well said, nice post. In 10-15 years FUT will be just about extinct indeed. I would bet my money over this any moment. From the moment on FUE was bound to overtake FUT. The numbers tell everything from the ISHRS as well as the whole online community.


    I also like how you mention that this will only stimulate more innovation and competition. Which is what we all want. But FUT won't have a place in the near future. It's already decreasing every day.

  10. Thought I would post this here. Graphs taken from the ISHRS census results. As everyone can see FUE is overtaking FUT badly and is indeed becoming increasingly "popular". The numbers from 2014 tell us it's 50/50. However notice the incredible growth for FUE each year. We are already approaching 2016.


    Yes, FUE is probably already more popular than FUT worldwide and is gaining more popularity each day.



  11. Swoop, I am not talking about the graph posted in the link but the general conception of hair transplants. Not many people will research but are more concerned about the cost. How many people actually come on these forums? Thousand a month maybe more?


    Again, last night my friends were talking about hair transplants and the costs popped in again. 'Yaz spend too much'. One friend said 'oh my cousin paid 1800 euros'. And I have seen my friends cousin; nothing special about his result. They do not understand the pro and cons, the various techniques, the different punches for graft removal or the different salines! Like my friends, there are other thousands of people who have the same conception about hair transplants.


    I think Dr Feller needs to give them a good lesson and a good hiding for them to realise!


    So did you talk about your friends between FUT and FUE? What do they want. I would bet they want FUE.


    Also these "hair clinic mills" often do offer FUT for a even lower price than FUE. Yet most people seem to pay that little extra more for a FUE procedure?


    You are right also that these bad FUE only clinics pop up. But it's obvious why there are no FUT only clinics popping up. Simply because it would be a pretty bad idea business wise to open a FUT only clinic in 2015. The demand simply doesn't ask for that. If demand would ask for FUT there would be FUT clinics popping up currently but these people opening these kinds of clinics understand that FUE is increasingly more popular. I would do the same in their shoes (not that I would ever do that lol). Wouldn't you?


    FUE was bound to overtake FUT. Was just a matter of time.

  12. @Yaz89


    There is are no ISHRS members who run hair "mills". These statistics are solely from members from the ISHRS which show the 50/50 scenario in 2014. The growth furthermore of FUE in these years is obvious. Have a look at the reports yourself and the picture that I posted. Correct me if I'm wrong. Furthermore the forums I talk about are generally well researched members. It's quite obvious to me why even the most elite FUT practitioners are forced to offer FUE now (Konior, H&W). Quite simply because demand forces them to do that.


    This is the "era" of FUE already. I concur with Dr. Bhatti that FUE is already a standalone treatment. FUT will still exist but will slowly fade away. You'll see. And this development will stimulate more and more practitioners who will perform FUE to the highest standards possible.


    Anyway good for you that you did good research and got a great result. I am happy for you :). Your friends were just not the smartest to walk in uneducated. There have been/are enough bad FUE practitioners as there are bad FUT practitioners and they will always exist. That's why research is crucial.

  13. Is that the best you can add to the discussion?


    Punching out hair from the back of the head has been around since the late 1950s. It's just in the last 50 years it has evolved from 4mm plugs to punching out single follicular units, thanks to the use of magnification loupes and smaller punches. There is virtually nothing high tech about it.


    I saw your thread of your own FUE results. Very nice. Glad it worked out so well for you but what about the 3 or 4 guys on here who went to the same Doctor and ended up with miserable results? One guy seems very distraught.


    Maybe you can tell us where it all went wrong for them? Just bad luck or could it be that FUE is less reliable?


    As you can tell I do not like comments like yours. All they serve is to frighten people off FUT and walk aimlessly into an FUE procedure. I've noticed that happen a lot the last few years.


    No problem if they eventually opt for FUE, as long as they are presented with all the facts and able to make a rational decision that is not based on 'fear' of having a strip of skin removed from the back of their head.



    What is there to add to this discussion? I have spoken my words earlier in this topic. The absolute truth is impossible to find in this one. This topic is filled with opinions based on observations. It’s that simple. You do understand this right?


    My remark about FUT being brutal and old fashioned, yes it is harsh. However it is my opinion. I can tell you however that the general public concurs with this statement even more than me and increases to do so. The procedure itself is already seen as that, not to mention the scar it leaves.


    I have seen your results too. Beautiful result, world class work, no doubt. I don’t neglect the fact either that FUT has produced stunning results over the years and has brought on many happy patients. However it’s 2015 and I can tell you something that does somewhat reflect the truth. Most people don’t want FUT anymore primarily because of the reasons I just said. When we look at this topic the name is “FUT is more popular than FUE”. Well it couldn’t be more wrong then that. Not to mention the 99% favour to FUT what is slammed around here lol.


    Look at the following results taken from ISHRS census results;




    Numbers from 2014 show almost a 50/50 scenario between FUT and FUE. Look at the growth too over the years in favour of FUE. Also go look around on forums like HLH, BTH, HLT. I dare you to make a topic about FUT to attract opinions on these forums. Have a look furthermore on results posted on international and national forums other than this forum. FUE is so heavily favoured over FUT, it’s not even a competition. All these observations are highly indicative of what people want and that is FUE. This will continue to do so. People just primarily don’t want to be left with a linear scar.


    FUE does offer a escape route when one needs to shave down. What if your donor area will thin in the future? What if your native hair will miniaturize further? What if one has to drop finasteride because of possible induced side effects in the future? What if someone wants to accept his baldness and move on in the future? Jup, if you had FUT and you want to shave it down then a linear scar will always be properly visible, even if the scar is perfectly “pencil thin”.


    Thanks for the comments on my FUE. I’m not going to respond too specific failures. However to return the ball I can tell you that in the last 3 months I have seen 2 or 3 failed results from H&W, the elite if not the best at FUT worldwide. At least they are considered as that online by many people. Bad luck? You tell me.


    Could it be that FUE is less reliable is what you ask me. Everyone has different opinions about that. Remember it’s all opinions because the truth is as I said impossible to find in such questions. Only proper studies could possibly somewhat reveal the truth, but these would be just probably too hard to set up. Furthermore the FUE of X doctor isn’t the same as FUE of Y doctor.


    What are we left with anyway? The opinions of doctors, members and our own observations. Hell, look at Dr. Lorenzo his site for example;


    “One of the most vital aspects of this technique is the quality of the units which are removed. We have found from our studies in previous years that the quality and strength of the grafts removed are better than those extracted by the strip method. The follicular units are much cleaner when removed one by one then by separating them under the microscope. This also helps to reduce wounding to the recipient area. Our surgeons have presented these studies in various seminars on hair transplants“


    I assume they stand for what they have written on their site and as such they argue that their graft quality of FUE is better than FUT and this is even supported by their studies (Knock knock.. bias?!). However perhaps they do get the same yield as the best FUT practitioners. You don’t know period. Or do you?


    We have no proper conducted studies to go by. Therefore I would advise everyone to never listen to a single particular doctor. Research thoroughly and form your own opinion.


    As such I formed my opinion that I think FUE is just about on par with FUT in yield and reliability. That is assuming you go with a skilled top notch surgeon. These minor possible differences however are far less important to me and worth the small very small risk instead of having a linear scar on the back of my head. And I bet many people think like this.


    And that is why FUE marches on.. Both supply & demand are heavily changing in favour for FUE. This will only continue to do so until FUT will go the way of the “dodo”, like Spencer founder of the IAHRS said it in one of his last shows.

  14. Your result is looking beautiful, congrats! :)


    Thank you Janna.


    looking good. did you regain the density by going back on your topical(s), that you lost pre op?


    Yeah overall improvement of hair quality and stabilization again. I also stabilized from stopping minoxidil after a long time I think. I was just looking at some pictures I took on the day of the operation and it was getting bad;








  15. Growing nicely, bud!


    For some reason, I thought you had less grafts. You purposely split it up though, right? And, by the way, I agree completely with that approach. What was the break down per day?


    Thanks Dr. Blake :cool:. Yeah I did. My personal opinion is no more than 3000 FUE grafts per procedure. I purposely split it up in 2 days though indeed.




    First day 1500 grafts

    2nd day 1335 grafts



    Total 2835 grafts



    Punch size 0.7mm


    Implantation Choi pen 0.8mm & 0.6mm

  16. Just throwing in some pics in between. 7 months now, happy already :)! Wish I had done it sooner! Only the utmost corner of my right temple seems somewhat lagging behind (it's a small spot). I'll throw in another update at month 12 which will include better pictures (close-ups, different (harsh) lightning etc).





  17. Getting back to the original title of this thread 'FUT is more popular than FUE' if anyone cares to checkout the threads posted by patients on this website say for the last 5 years I think the FUE cases come out on top although most of them are in Europe and Asia it must be said ,

    maybe the title of this thread should read 'FUT is more popular than FUE in the USA'


    Census results of ISHRS 2015 results say it's 50/50 now. However the trending growth of FUE is extremely high and will continue his march. This will only continue to do so until FUT becomes a small niche pick. It's inevitable. One could pretty much say that worldwide FUE is already more popular, no doubt.


    Perhaps FUT does have a slight edge when we look at the outcome. However the reality is that people don't care about this slight edge. What consumers want is FUE. And the market will drive towards that. In fact it's already doing that in full speed.


    I think this is a excellent development. FUT will go slowly to the graveyard while the focus is set on FUE worldwide. This can only stimulate new innovation/progress. That's what we all want.

  18. Well the carrier is one part of the story. Some ingredients in the carrier may enhance permeability and some might slow it somewhat to make it stay more "local". Hydroxypropyl-chitosan for example in the above study is a filming agent which supposedly should make it stay more "local".


    However that's not the most important aspect. The most important aspect is the chemical itself. See pharmacokinetics; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharmacokinetics.


    Apparently finasteride as a drug itself just goes systemic if applied topically. No carrier will change that. Definitely don't buy into stories of a topical finasteride that doesn't go systemic, because it will.

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