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Posts posted by BUSA

  1. In case you missed it:


    If you want a nice low hairline with no recession, sick density and you have ridiculous donor supply, respond well to meds and can afford it: why not? On this we agree, no question. The reality is that for many, it's just not possible. :)


    Also, the whole "millions of men" argument falls flat when you consider that many millions more don't have that hair as they age (never mind that you're equating your own personal preference with a universal truth about hair/appearance in general) but that's a different argument entirely. If that's what someone wants and it's realistically obtainable, sure, knock yourself out! :D

    I didn't miss anything. seems to work perfectly fine for just about every Erdogan patient doesn't it? cause just about every patient he works on has a low hairline with incredible density and gives his patients that youthful appearance.


    and the millions of men argument doesn't fall flat at all. the fact is there are millions of men that have great hair till the day the die practically so if ur a young guy you can have the receding hairline look and look older or opt for the lower hairline and appear younger.


    if u wanna look old thats ur choice but it certainly isn't the choice of most wanting a HT. the whole "you need a HT that looks ur age" thing is comical!


    as stated there are millions of men with the same hair they had wen they were young so creating a youthful hairline is not only desirable but improves ones appearance and makes them look younger.

  2. you sound like a broken record..... :rolleyes: you act like because a wet pic was taken before then the whole HT is a failure and was hidden but a wet before pic. I guess the wet pic completely distorts the great hairline too huh? ur really starting to sound ridiculous!


    I feel this is misleading representation by Dr Koray as the before pics are wet and after pics are dry.


    It's hard to tell the true extent of the hair loss before the procedure due to the wet pics but it looks like 4000 grafts may have been excessive in this case.

  3. This is not meant as a slight on you BUSA, nor Dr. Erdogan of whom I'm a fan, but is not in and of itself a point to recommend a surgeon on imo. In fact, it could arguably be the opposite! It's all a matter of context vis-a-vis the patient, surely.
    sure if you want a conservative hairline and still look bald I agree. but if u want to look like u don't still need a HT and don't want look like ur in ur mid 50's or early 60's then a more aggressive approach is better.


    I never said that was the end all be all reason to chose a HT surgeon but it sure is paramount for many lookn to achieve that youthful look again. some just want to look their age or have limited donor and prefer a more conservative approach. that works for many but does absolutely nothing for others.


    and some just don't have the funds to achieve the desired look so they convince themselves that the more conservative approach is better. it isn't. or they had a conservative HT and now get offended wen others push a more aggressive approach cause they too wish their HT was more aggressive. not says thats you just sayn in general.


    in fact, a conservative approach is pretty much never better imo cause I have seen NW6 patients with 5000 grafts and seen em with 8000 grafts. both look good but 8000 grafts just gives u more density and therefore looks better. its not rocket science.


    I've seen guys in their 70's who have the same hair they had wen they were 20 so wen ppl say "that is too aggressive of a hairline for that guy at his age" I just lol....


    if NO ONE aged and kept a full head of hair then one cud make the argument that being aggressive is not desirable but the fact remains that MILLIONS of men around the world have great hair with a low hairline and densely packed throughout till their a very old man! if one has adequate donor and the ability to pay then the aggressive approach just looks better period!

  4. I thought BUSA was a Hakan fan, what's going on?
    I still think he does good work but if I had to chose then Erdogan is just better imo.


    a few bad cases here and there for someone who probably posts more threads then anyone else is not alarm for concern for me. its the law of averages. seen the best in the world from time to time have unhappy patients. can't avoid the X factor many patients exhibit.


    u don't see any ppl complain about Lorenzo but then again u see a Lorenzo post maybe once every couple months or so and its usually for smaller graft procedures. I mean wen was the last time u seen a Lorenzo thread where he had 4500+ grafts? pretty rare.


    Doganay posts both his great stuff and not so great stuff. to me that shows transparency and that is a great quality in a HT surgeon.

  5. This is not meant as a slight on you BUSA, nor Dr. Erdogan of whom I'm a fan, but is not in and of itself a point to recommend a surgeon on imo. In fact, it could arguably be the opposite! It's all a matter of context vis-a-vis the patient, surely.
    sure if you want a conservative hairline and still look bald I agree. but if u want to look like u don't still need a HT and don't want look like ur in ur mid 50's or early 60's then a more conservative approach is better.


    I never said that was the end all be all reason to chose a HT surgeon but it sure is paramount for many lookn to achieve that youthful look again. some just want to look their age or have limited donor and prefer a more conservative approach. that works for many but does absolutely nothing for others.

  6. All Doctors do not charge for advice and some trusted hair transplant offering clinics offer the surgery, under the guidance of best cosmetic surgeons at reasonable rates. Prem Cosmetic Surgery Clinic being one of the trusted place for hair transplant offers discounts too.
    that made me LOL..... Prem cosmetic surgery? lets all run to that clinic smh. beat feet scammer!
  7. Erdogan hands down. he is more aggressive and shares many principals practiced by Lorenzo as well. not to mention I have never seen a bad HT from Erdogan. I have seen a few from Doganay but then again I have seen a few bad ones from most everyone other then Erdogan.


    Erdogan is more expensive but you get better results period.


    you say he over estimated the number of grafts u need. how do u know that? maybe he just has more skills and can stuff more grafts in ur head without shock loss.


    not sure why u wud be complaining about a Dr. that wants to place more grafts on ur head. there is no magic here. the more grafts you have on ur head the more visible hair you have have and the more dense it will be. its all an illusion to make you look better but that illusion is far better accomplished with more grafts vs. less.


    if ur a NW5 you can surely use 5000 grafts if not more.

  8. I'd be interested to know Busa, as I've read many of the posts on this forum, including a recent one where you stated you've been active on hair loss forums for 15 years, which I'd have to imagine means you've been through this transplantation and have great experience. But I'm having difficulty finding anything here that you've posted documenting any overseas surgery you've had, your direct experience with any clinics, or the results you've achieved.


    Could you point me towards any of those threads? I'd be interested to read your first-hand experience and results, combined with your 15 years of experience, as it seems you comment quite often.



    lmao.... its called common sense. ur BEST hair transplant surgeons are in Europe. if u can't figure that out on ur own then do a little more research! :rolleyes:


    been researching HT doctors for yes 15 years now. some come and go and other stick around. No I cud not afford a HT many years ago wen I wanted one cause I refuse to be scalped by a FUT procedure and only wanted FUE so yes I hav done my research, been to many seminars and spokn with many doctors and patients over the years to ensure I don't make a bad decision and have been a member here as well as hair site for many years doing more research. u only have limited donor supply. fuk it up by going to some clown and ull be screwed for life!


    that research has proven that Europe is the best place to go if u need a lot of grafts and u want the best work to be performed.


    so you need to have had a HT in order to know who the best HT doctors are? so I wud hav had to hav had a HT by all the top HT doctors in Europe in order to know where to go for the best and cheapest HT doctor? see how stupid ur starting to sound.....

  9. thats just not enough grafts to cover a NW6 and the blepharoplasty makes his HT look better cause it makes his face look more youthful. looks a lot better tho which I guess is the whole point. wud jus look best with another 3000 grafts if not more.


    he still has the hairline of a guy in his mid 50's so imo it really didn't accomplish the goal.

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