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Posts posted by BUSA

  1. of course their are horror stories but what exactly do u think that is gonna tell you? the majority of ppl that have a HT are happier then they were before they had a HT. wat exactly are you trying to uncover here?


    if ur relying on a poll to decide whether or not u shud hav a HT then I wud say u really need to do some more research.


    lots of ppl hav a HT and are very happy cause they feel they hav their life back and no need to carry on on a forum that only reminds them of how miserable they use to be. ppl move on. or, their HT was such a disappointment that they no longer post.


    some will be FUE and some will be FUT. wat do u think that is gonna tell you exactly?

  2. I disagree. time is money and I don't work for free so why shud they? if u go see an attorney about advice u need he will charge you for his time cause his advice is professional and his professional advice is worthy. just as a HT doctors advice wud be. cause thats wat ur gettn is advice and direction.


    if you go to any top plastic surgeon in the NY City area where I reside they will almost always charge a consultation fee.


    lotta dreamers out there that don't want to do their own research on the forums like we all have for a very long time. decade and a half for me personally but some just want to go to the doctor to pick their brain and have absolutely zero intention of havn a HT cause their broke ass can't afford it.


    you have to account for these ppl as well so again time is money and their time is not free nor shud it be. most all will deduct the $100 or watever it is from the procedure if u elect to have it so if ur serious about a HT then u shud hav no problem coughing up the consultation fee. if ur not serious then u shud hav to pay for professional advice.

  3. had a friend like that is HS. he had a bush on top of his head and started going bald his sophomore year. clumps of hair was falling out and he was seeing it in the shower drain. clumps he was saying.


    honestly I don't think Fin is gonna do much for you. it seems to work for those slowly losing their hair to halt it but for those that have such rapid hairloss I don't see it stopping the hair loss.


    really sorry to hear. I started losing mine in my early 20's and it was quite devestating. yes soul crushing is correct. its like a part of you is dyeing. its all gonna come down to how much donor hair u have.


    some lose it fast but have strong donor hair to replace some of wat is lost. u will be totally bald by the time ur 25. shave it till then. then look to see wat ur donor looks like and proceed from there.


    I wud still try the Fin but I wudnt put too much faith in it. problem with havn a HT in the next two years is ull still have native hairs that will almost surely fall out due to shock loss.


    and the fact that u hav a family history of nw7's its pretty much guaranteed ull lose it all in the non safe zone. yes post some pics.


    I did a consultation at the Beverly Hills Bosley and instead of a doctor I got a salesperson.


    dude watever decision u make steer clear of Bosley. Bosley hires the ppl that can't make it on their own. its like being on state welfare and going to the hospital to get treated. ur getting the first year doctor that barely passed his medical boards.


    Bosley is a bunch of hacks and they only do FUT. FUE is ur only option imo. but u have more open real-estate then donor hair so I think u cud improve ur look but ull always be balding.


    if my head was perfectly shaped as yours id rock the shaved look forever. I rock it now but definitely want a head of hair cause my head is ugly and I have CVG and hav plenty of donor..

  5. How many get side effects with propecia? is there an age category that tends to be more effected? i.e younger men?
    a LOT of men hav side effects. its totally toxic to some at any age. others it seems to work great.


    totally disagree that u need to be on propecia to have a HT tho. I tried it and it shut down my libido in under a week. never again.


    a lower dose can be beneficial tho for some.


    seems like ur donor is strong tho. need an age?

  6. As someone who has sewn up many bloody occipital lacerations in my training, I can say with certainty that blood flow is not an issue.
    its a known FACT that the crown is much slower to grow and its believed to be due to the way blood CIRCULATES in that area of the head.


    has nothing to do with lacerations on the head and the fact that it bleeds.


    the head bleeds anywhere you cut it because of the many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin.


    you can argue all you want but the FACT still remains the crown is slower to grow period!

  7. strip compared to FUE to me is the equivelent of an VHS tape to Bluray.... both work but one doesn't require the other to fix it wen it goes wrong.


    costs here are much higher because doctors pay $500k to go to medical school then have to pay for malpractice insurance. europe unlike the US isn't sue happy so europe has much lower overhead.

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