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Posts posted by Mikey1970

  1. For what its worth I & many other guys have taken Finasteride for years with no side effects. I almost think the side effects concern is the result of a placebo reversal affect but that is just my opinion.


    Be extremely careful which surgeon you select with FUE & particularly transplanting into existing hair. Anyone less than a top doc & you could experience shock loss and end up worse off. That happened to me but on the flipside I had to do exactly what you are proposing for a repair and it has paid off.


    Best of luck.

  2. At this point, the only thing I can do is dream. I see folks with great results and great yields, most with less grafts used, most not harmed to the point things may be detrimental. Things done with great care and expertise. Your doc did a great job. It is great to see some folks move forward and be happy and really enjoy life with their hair. To see these folks be able to function and not have issues or stares at the hair or snide comments in person or etc. Happy to see folks not become repair patients and struggle. For now, I can only dream.


    Your looking good man. Your dream is definitely a reality. Continue to share good info. I enjoy reading your posts. Thank you


    Its a bit of a worry when you start seeing these type of posts flow through from patients that underwent surgery from Dr's that I had considered to be some of the very best in the world. I have seen a few like this in recent months & I am logging in much more infrequently now. I know how painful it can be - I spent much of the past 2 years in a state of deep depression due to a botched HT but thankfully the gamble of a repair has paid off for me. Thoughts are with you Sean. Best.

  3. I have had a few surgeries - until my last one I would have agreed that most of the growth would be in by month 7 but my last one completely changed my experience.


    At month 7 I had almost given up & still resorted to shaving my head. I was quite depressed & resigned myself to either shaving or wearing a wig for the rest of my life. By month 10 I was rocking & now at 11 months my hair is probably the best it has been since my teen years.


    It can definitely mature up to a year (at least).

  4. Its quite important for you to begin a regime to look after your hair asap I think. If you suffer scalp itchiness, dandruff etc I recommend Ionil T tar shampoo, also consider Minoxidil (Rogaine Foam) & Finasteride. These days it is possible to hold onto our hair longer if we look after it which makes surgery an increasingly viable option down the track. Good luck.

  5. I'm now 9.5 months post op from my last procedure of 1000 grafts to repair the issues I outlined at the start of this thread.


    Finally now at peace & really happy that I went ahead with the repair. Although this forum does not permit me to mention the surgeons name who did my repair he is from Sydney, Australia and is often recognized as the world pioneer of modern FUE. As far as his skill and ethics go I cannot speak highly enough of this man & I will always be grateful for him giving me my life back.


    At times during the post op period I almost gave up and even at the 7 month mark I didn't believe it was possible for me to get a result as good as this. Hopefully at 46 years of age, taking finasteride/minoxidil and also utilizing the capillus lasercap and a brilliant scalp cleanser (ionil t), I may never need anymore surgery. Fingers crossed.


    Thanks to everyone who supported me through this, it is a great forum and really did help me. Have attached a photograph taken tonight.


    Best, Michael.


  6. Seriously, 5 months can still be too early to come to any conclusions. I had almost given up on my last HT & had begun shaving my head daily - was even considering getting a wig but the wig retailer told me I had to grow my hair a few cm's so he could colour match. I agreed to grow it out a little just for the purpose of buying a wig & low and behold I now have almost the appearance of a full head of hair. This was at the 8 month mark. The wait is very, very hard.

  7. Hey guys.


    Just an 8 month post op update from my attempted repair surgery. I must say that iam feeling a lot more positive than i was at even the 6 month mark. I have grown my hair out to a number 3 guide now (had been shaving it at a zero) & everyone is commenting that i appear to have an almost full head of hair.


    Now i know the trained eye would pick some weakness in the mid scalp separating the transplanted from from the native hair around the bridge of the frontal third region but overall iam much better off than i thought i was. I now intend growing the front/top out to approx 1.5 inches to see just how good it is.


    Dr W may have just about nailed it for me afterall.

  8. Just wondering if having scalp psoriasis would preclude somebody from having SMP?


    Also I use a tar based shampoo to control the psoriasis which contains Alcohol & Salicylic Acid which I believe hasten fading.


    Does anybody know what the suitable shampoo's are for people that have undergone SMP? Ideally there could be one that would be good for the psoriasis without fading the SMP?

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