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Posts posted by voxman

  1. PCG, I am thinking your $5000 is for the Hair Transplant and *includes* the Acell/PRP, correct? A number of respected Top Doc's here do offer it as a part of the HT treatment (Graft Bath for example), but bear in mind that reported results are mostly anecdotal. It's important that you do your homework and decide for yourself.

  2. You can easily get sunburned on the top of your head in between the hair follicles. Too much exposure to the suns UV rays with no hat, and the top of you head CAN get sunburned. Been there after a round of golf with cloud cover! And most agree that a sunburned head is dangerous to your newly minted hair. All kinds of chemical reactions on you skin occur in a sunburn so why take the chance?

  3. If you go to your local emergency room and tell them you were in a coma for 10 days following a kidnapping where the kidnappers removed part of your brain against your will, I'll bet they would do it for free.


    Seriously (I like to have fun here , too) your local GP. would most likely be able to remove the sutures without any complications. I was actually given a suture removal kit and my wife did it 12 days post-op. I could have gone back but it I kept the closure clean per my post-op instructions and there was no concern whatsoever.

  4. One thing to consider. Although tattooing and piercings are much safer than some medical professionals like to indicate, there is still always a chance of getting and carrying a disease unknowingly. Especially Hepatitis, which has been the object of many heated arguments and stringent regulations. On the slight chance you did get some blood borne infection, that blood is not going to do your little newborn baby follicles any favors. Obviously, this is an extreme scenario, but something to consider.

  5. That's pretty much what it's going to look like for the next couple of months and - the grafts will become even sparser. Regardless of if it was 1700 or 2500, (and I am not in a position to tell you it was not enough or just right) it's gonna be red and it's gonna fall out and look like before but now with a scraggly few hanger-on'ers. If you had know that then you could have grown your hair a bit prior to the procedure and copped a Beatles (or Caesar) hairdo for a grand cover up.

  6. Just 11 weeks into this and I went to my Barber for a shave this morning. He could tell some changes were apparent already! 11 weeks today . Snapped this in the car. For a guy that's 64 years old, I think this will be exactly what I want once it's all in!


  7. Being a Newbie here and reading voraciously just about every topic and discussion, I see now and then some less than glowing reports of a HT with a highly recommended Dr. that can only be described as a failure. A recently resurrected post about a 2nd HT that was a fail has me shaking my head and feeling really bad for the fellow.


    Given that the human body is subject to different genetics and stresses and environments and we all heal and react differently, is there such a thing as a head that just wont take a HT?


    I'm 10 weeks in on my own HT and it's boringly normal based on what I've read and seen and experienced so I am not worried about my own mane, just curious.

  8. I won't reply for impolite person like you but I will take picture for my scar that's not seen at all for other respected people seeing my thread and definitely not you . I advice you to see Psychiatrist you really need it .


    Wow, I am fully put in my place now and I humbly apologize if I jumped to conclusions about your hair transplant. With the 8 multiple posts yesterday and the great story you had to share I thought you had an agenda of some sort but I see now I was just misdirected in my thinking, I am truly happy you had a wonderful experience and are now studying in the USA.


    I will put my skepticism behind me now and everyone can just read your original post and enjoy it's content. Glad to have you here and looking forward to your contributions!

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