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Posts posted by voxman

  1. Here is a photo taken just two days ago - a much better representation than the cut and paste in the OP. I now have a 'frame' around my face. Yea!


    Given that the TP hairs are just a mere 3/4 inches long on top - like my 9 year old crew cuts back in the 50's (lol) but it's still a good change. The plan of course is to let them grow and part them to the side as I grow the sides and back. Rock and Roll, baby.


    Sorry if this post is too upbeat.... :)


  2. 15 Weeks to the day - the hair that was transplanted is growing fine and my eagle eye Grandson reports there are 100's and 100's more just cracking the surface up topside. This is the hairline I wanted - I am 64 - and I am happy with it every day that goes by.


    2551 FUT by Dr. Chao - no regrets or complaints here - My barber/stylist/shave master inspected the scar today and there are hairs growing thru and soon he swears it will be totally undetectable. I did no crown work but have been on Minoxidil and something is happening there now too!


    15 weeks is only about 15-18% according to the FAQ's on the regrowth timeline so I expect it to continue and mature nicely!


    Around the year mark I'll take a long look at it and then decide if I want any crown work or maybe some density work ala FUE. I want to wear it fairly long so we'll see how it goes.


    Oh, and I got a #2 on my moustache. That the closest I ever come to clippers :P


  3. I was obsessively scanning my head yesterday and willing that the follicles would magically grow in length in front of my eyes when I noticed a 'two-hair' graft that had grown in with two different colors! One brown and one blonde. I'm not complaining, I think it's pretty cool actually ~!

  4. Using Minox now - used it over 25 years ago with no effect. Not sure it is even working this time but I am giving it a go - the loss really stabilized about 10-12 years ago. Once that's all filled in and mature I'll consider more work but honestly, it's such a nice change I could be very happy with it - especially as I am not 30 or 40 or even 50.

  5. I hit the 14 week mark tomorrow. The new hair is thin, sticks out all over, and some are colorless - hard to tell with my mixed coloring - but I can tell the difference already. It was a small (by comparison to all you massive FUE guys) procedure but I am thrilled so far - Let's hope I live to see it at 18 months! Because I'm, you know, too old for this nonsense ;)


  6. That's kind of messed up. Now you have him another thing to worry about that he doesn't need to worry about.


    That was the point of the post, Spanker. His nose is perfect. Fortunately, his reply showed that he 'got it'.



    MarkS1214 is a good looking young man and yet his friends think he is insane. I think so too ;) and played on that in my reply.


    I'm still trying to figure out that kid who wants a werewolve hairline in the other new thread.... !

  7. The goofy angle of the pic and my poor attempt to place it on the pre-op head makes it look less aggressive that it actually is. It's not aggressive by any means, but is significantly better than the pics show. I'll do full face matching angle at 4 months. I had it done by Dr. Chao, he of the flat rate reputation. I discussed this experience in an earlier post and so far I have no complaints. I have never, ever, in my life combed my hair 'back', and once it's grown in still don't plan to. I'm an over to the side and let it fall guy. The phrases '1's' or '2's' are foreign to me. We'll see if it susses out or if I need some additional work - but at 64, I may drop over dead tomorrow. On stage, with my Tele and a beautiful dancing girlr by my side.

  8. I feel good about the progress and my thinning settled down a number of years back so my hair will probably outlive me. I've never had a self esteem issue or felt depressed about my hair. I'm enjoying life (always have) and am having fun watching the hair grow. The next 9 months will be a gas. Life's too short (...to have short hair...) :D

  9. It's been 3 months since I underwent my HT procedure. Strip, 2551 grafts, tight scalp, 64 year old.


    First ever HT. I wanted a mature *ouch* hairline to help frame the face and wear longish. Based on the timeframes in the FAQ section, I am just at the 10% growth mark. I can feel all kinds of short hairs coming up and am still getting a few pimples.


    People are starting to notice. If I can hit the finish line with all that area pretty much full, I will be a happy old man.


    My PIC is a bad photoshop attempt - angle off, etc...- but you can get the idea.


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