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Posts posted by voxman

  1. Dear Hairsurgery2014,


    Welcome to the board. Your first post in praise of MEDICAL PARK was an excellent example of how this community endeavors to help each other.


    I am thrilled that you had such a great experience at MEDICAL PARK and how serendipitous to finally tell us all about MEDICAL PARK at the very moment that some other poster started a thread asking about MEDICAL PARK.


    The Taxi, the hotel, the taxi, the staff...all very instructive to my research. I know that my next HT will now be at MEDICAL PARK.


    *this is not a paid advertisement for MEDICAL PARK*

    • Haha 1
  2. Thanks for the kind comments - I do like to poke fun at myself and inject some fun here and there.


    And people are starting to notice! Just yesterday at the grocery store, the good-looking young clerk stared straight at my head and asked me "Did you find everything all right?".


    I assume she meant "Did you find everything all right WITH YOUR HAIR TRANSPLANT?".


    Oh yeah. So it's all good.

  3. Man, how slow/fast it goes!


    I am expecting more progress in the next 5 but I am already planning new hairstyles as it gets longer.


    My girlfriend loves it. I feel confident on stage again. My wife likes it too!


    Ah...money, looks, and age.... I got it all.


  4. I think the 'search' invite was so you could talk to someone about not using drugs. Wong just happened to be the surgeon he used. I didn't see anyone tag teaming you.


    Myself, I've not used any drugs since mine on Feb 21 this year (5 months yesterday!). I did use Minox for a while before and after but it was a fail for me. It as a fail 20 years ago too. Meh. No shock loss for me.


    Good luck.

  5. Seriously, everyone these days wants to look like a Marine. High and Tight with a bush on top? Is the MadMen look the norm now?


    I buzzed my hair to a '0' in 1968. That was the last time. Let's face it, most ears are kinda weird looking.


    Let's hear from the guys that still fly their Freak Flag. :D

  6. Yeah I'm just sensitive about posting personal info.


    Really? Do you recall this post?


    My penis is my best friend and I'm not going to risk it just for a couple of more hairs on my head.


    :pNow THAT'S a bit personal....:P Okay. I'm just having fun with you.


    Let's get serious. You will never get all the guarantees you seem to want about density and drugs and growth and so on. So what's your next step?

  7. taurusrisen, anecdotal evidence will suggest that a HT can be successful without drugs, and clinical evidence appears to support better results with drugs. I don't do Propecia and I am 5 months post and doing just fine. But another person here at 5 months post may be on it and also doing just fine. So it's either yes or either no. There are no guarantees! And no one will give you a guarantee!


    Unless a blind study can be conducted for the next 6 years on 100 patients that speak to your inquiry, I can see no answer anyone can give you that will be sufficient.


    Can you wait 6 years? You're 45 now, right?

  8. 20 weeks is technically about 4 1/2 months. Charts say I am at about 35% growth.


    My wife is complaining already about my hair. That means success!


    This is just a "Day in the Life" ~ a 'woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head' shot.




  9. There have been some very thoughtful and insightful responses to the OP. The only comment I have is that our views of an attractive head of hair are often time formed by media and pop images and that radical straight hairline across the forehead look that's all the rage today may change in 10 years and you'll not be able to do anything with it. Plan for a long life and the ability to change styles as you can, not be locked down to one 'look' that says '2014, here I am'.

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