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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Well, assuming you get on fin, you could potentially get one sooner maybe at 25. My suggestion was with the assumption you would continue not taking medication. Fin is proven. It can stop you from becoming a Norwood 6, and it doesn’t lose efficacy. You will still continue to bald because it is not eliminating DHT completely. So the accumulative effects of DHT would become apparent over time, but if you can keep the crown from balding, you’ve won half the battle in terms of hair restoration. There’s a few cases here the most famous @MazAB who got on fin at 24, father and uncles were Norwood 6 by 30s, he’s now 50 and maintained at Norwood 3. Again, my advice is to start off on the topical. If I could do it all over that’s what I would do. I started on oral fin at your age, got sides and gave up. That cost me dearly. Unfortunately, topical fin wasn’t readily available as it is now. Actually, I think you’d be a good candidate for the xyonhealth topical that’s being given away for a year to the top 5 candidates. You should definitely apply.
  2. The fact of the matter is you should not get surgery when your future is undetermined. Now, once you’re 30 and your pattern is clearly visible, it is possible to get an HT, if you commit to multiple procedures with top surgeons. You will be able to devise a master plan, and won’t be playing catch up with hair loss. I would also suggest shaving, you may like it.
  3. Of course I’m being paid. My time isn’t free. Now, I have to say, it’s quite upsetting to hear “it’s biased” this is not true at all. Any one can post any review from ANY surgeon recommended or not. Anyone can comment and share their opinions good or bad. We do not censor comments, posts, or threads. In fact, there was a recent thread where the patient was trying to use the forum to get a refund. Guess what, we forced the thread to stay up, why? Because transparency and truth is valuable.
  4. There’s enough evidence that shows the topical version is just as effective, with less chance of side effects. Long term efficacy is unknown, but certainly short term, it’s just as good.
  5. I’ve been using the lasercap, and I must say it definitely helps. I feel my hair shedding has reduced and it sped up my shock loss recovery without a doubt. Now, do I think this is all you should use for hair loss? Absolutely not. But it’s a good adjunct, if you can afford it.
  6. You’re assuming the surgeon have a full list. Many times they don’t, very few doctors have the luxury of turning away patients without taking a loss. I can count them on one hand.
  7. Do NOT get a hair transplant. Big BIG mistake. I suggest getting on topical finasteride. Forget oral version. Also consider oral minoxidil. You need to be on medication for many years before considering a hair transplant. If you’re dad is a Norwood 7, you’re headed there. Getting an HT now will 💯 lead you to having an island of hair.
  8. EXACTLY! If we didn’t have sponsors, this place would be gone, or members would have to pay. Either way, there’s hosting site, web developers, my time, which isn’t free. Really, how do you guys think this would be funded?
  9. It is no secret that recommended doctors pay a sponsorship fee. How do you guys think we pay for hosting site? Or my time? Do you think its all free? Also, how do you think we keep the forum free from pop-ups, or ads? Without forum sponsorship, this forum would cease to exist. Let’s make that clear. I put up Dr. Pittella for recommendation a few months ago. Basically, the forum wanted to see more reviews. So I took it down. I believe now is the time to put his recommendation back up. As for Dr. Pinto, I had a fantastic conversation with Emilio his coordinator yesterday. Their main concern is not having the capacity to treat forum members. They are already at capacity, having to shut down availability. I will be speaking to Dr. Pinto himself next week. I believe he’s not following the fundamental rule of supply and demand, if your demand is higher than the supply, you must raise the cost. That will level off the demand. Otherwise, you won’t be able to treat most anyway. Yes it will suck that some may no longer be able to afford him, but it will open up his practice to many more, which is better than closing his list. As for Dr. Zarev, we spoke some time ago, he said he was moving to another clinic. He didn’t have the time to devote to forum members. While I’ve been very impressed by Hugox results. I would like to see more reviews. In the end, we are the only organization that requires input from our community and physicians. We never just add a surgeon to the list without public scrutiny. It isn’t a perfect process, but it’s the best vetting process to date.
  10. I recommend topical finasteride, oral minoxidil, and nizoral. Aside from that you can also try the laser cap. I’ve been using it for the last few months and I feel it definitely helps. I don’t believe anyone should start on the oral version of fin unless that’s all they can afford. This xyonhealth fin seems to be very effective.
  11. Bro you basically have full coverage this is amazing!
  12. Are you on medication? You have aggressive hair loss. You will most likely be a Norwood 5/6 by 30. I say this as someone who was in a similar position. I had even more hair at 22. I don’t believe getting an HT at this point is wise, especially if you haven’t given hair loss medication enough time to work. You are not a Norwood 3, you are advancing to a Norwood 4/5 the hair looks diffuse. Things can take a turn VERY quickly. This was me at 23 vs. 28
  13. Both of these surgeons are ethical, they refuse patients all the time. That said, I would tell you NOT to get an HT at your age. I don’t know your hair loss without pictures. But you’re too young. My fear is that hair loss could accelerate and you be stuck with a gap. Can you share pictures?
  14. No surgeon would place temples like that, way too aggressive. Are you female?
  15. Impossible to say at this point, there’s no point in nitpicking things this early on. It may look completely undetectable when grown out.
  16. At 4 months my hair still looked pretty bad. I wouldn’t say I started seeing noticeable growth until month 5.
  17. Lists are subjective. I’ve seen some say _doctor does the best hairlines, but personally not like the design at all. You may think one hairline looks great, while another may disagree. My suggestion is to comb through our forum and recommendations. Look at results and reviews, and determine your own top, based on your perception. https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons
  18. Such a smart intelligent man. I would be very disappointed if he falls for a marketing hair mill.
  19. He consulted with one of the world’s best. That I can confirm, but part of me thinks he might’ve gotten fooled by Instagram verification badges and other celebrity endorsements.
  20. You can try it free for a year if you qualify for the Xyonhealth topical. Check out the podcast I did with Dr. Hasson and Dr. Simon Pimstone.
  21. I stumbled on this article, I don’t see any proof. I spoke to a certain surgeon who told me he advised Zidane to forego a hair transplant, as he looked good with a bald head. What do you guys think? Any sleuths out there wanna research this. https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/amp/zidane-visits-istanbul-for-hair-transplant-local-media-175074
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