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Everything posted by t00ktheplunge

  1. Hesediel, I think your pictures look very good and I would be very happy with the result if that was me. I also think you seem to be pushing and praising your Doctor more than is typical. Maybe it is just because you are overjoyed with your result, but it does appear to be a bit strange. Maybe I will do the same if I am as happy with my result as you are, but for now it is too early for me to tell, since I am still early in the process. In either case I will just assume that you are so pleased that you think the Doc deserves many praises because of the job he did and from the pictures and price, it looks like you got a great deal. Best of luck
  2. From my recent experience I would say you are screwed. I am just kidding. After 6 weeks most of the grafts will have shed. You may have some shock loss (I did). Besides that you may still have some redness and you may have some pimples, but if you heal well, it should not be very noticeable. Taking cool showers and not using a hot blow dryer Helped me with the redness. Around 10 weeks I started getting more pimples. Good luck!!!
  3. In a perfect world I might have stayed another day, but I really needed to get home to my kids. It worked out better on the end, since there is nothing like being in your own house. I was happy when I saw a few hairs grow around one month. They have not shed, but unfortunately I have had very few additional hairs pop up since then. Now I am just watching and waiting for some new growth. I will keep posting updated as I get some progress.
  4. NueFueGuy, I am in the same boat as you. I am at about 2 1/2 months and not seeing anything and probably look worse than before the the HT. I can't help but check my head every time I am in the bathroom. Everyone says to just relax, it is normal and too early to grow, but like you I worry I am not going to get the growth I am waiting for. I am sure we will both be fine in the end. Good luck and happy growing.
  5. Hello all, I was looking for some advice from some previous transplanters. I had a transplant about 50 days ago. The original scabs have all healed, but keep getting many new scabs. I am also getting some acne on top, but I know this is normal. Is the scabbing normal and is there something can put on to minimize it? I have attached a few pictures for you to see. Thanks,
  6. You may very well be having some shock loss. I had my HT about a week before you and I am pretty sure I lost a bit on top as well, which of course is scary because you are trying add hair and not lose anymore. From what I have read whatever you lose to shock loss should grow back. Good luck with your progress!!!
  7. As if going bald is not enough fun already, I came across this article on Yahoo. It does make me wonder though, for those of you that are on Fin if it would actually help reduce the risk of Prostate Cancer. Study Links Male Pattern Hair Loss (Androgenic Alopecia) to Prostate Cancer
  8. Glocktop, the Doc actually did not tell me, but I would say I was between a 4 and 5. It is hard for me to say for sure because before the surgery if someone had asked I would have said a 3 or 3a. I think what I was seeing in the mirror and what others were seeing were not the same. I am glad to report that I have sprouted a few very short hairs so far (not enough to post a pic, but I am happy since it is just over a month). I have had some pimples on my head as some hairs are coming through. I am trying to just leave everything alone up there now. I scratched a a scab that was a few days old the other day and it came off, I noticed that 2 very shorts hairs came with it. So now I will not be scratching since i don't know if I lost those hairs or if they will grow back again. After going threw all this I do not want to mess around. I will post another pic at about 3 months. Hopefully by there will be some progress.
  9. Hello all, It has been about a month since my HT, so I wanted to provide a quick update. At this point I have lost about a third of the transplanted hairs, which I am glad about since they took a while to start coming out. My head is actually more red now then at 10 days when I went back to work. It looks like a bit of a sunburn especially at the new hairline. I do get some random pimples and the top of my head is still very numb. The donor area seems to be healing up well. It is still a bit red, but I think it looks good for 1 month. I was able to go back to work without telling anyone about the HT. No one has seemed to notice or has paid any extra attention to my head that I have noticed. I am very glad about that. The breakdown of my grafts were 845 single hair grafts in the hairline and a combination 1885 double & 680 triple. Now the waiting game begins. It is going to be a long few months until I start to see some progress. Happy growing to all of you.
  10. Hello all, I am sure this has been answered in the past, but after running some searches I could not find the answers so I was hoping for some insight. I had my transplant 20 days ago and all is good so far. I have healed very well and except for a pimple here and there the receipt area looks good. I have not lost the transplanted hair as of yet or at least most of it (I may have shed some that I am not aware of). When can I expect this to fall out? The reason I ask is I know I have read other posts that say it may cause more issues with ingrown hairs or new hair not growing if the transplanted hair does not fall out. Is this the case and if so is there a point where I should try and and remove them with a tweezer if they do not fall out? Thanks,
  11. The neck pillow is a good idea, but you may want to make sure the doc is going to supply it or pick it up yourself ahead of time so you have it. I used the neck pillow and slept on a recliner for a few days. My doc said I could sleep in bed with my head raised, but I was worried about somehow damaging a graft by rolling over, so I opted for the recliner. Good luck!!!
  12. Hi London, I am sorry to hear you are in such pain. I recently had a HT with FUT and only had minimal pain more like soreness in the donor area. I was prescribed pain killers, but my doctor suggested I use extra strength Tylenol first, which worked well for me. I would suggest you contact your doctor and don't wait. He will be able to recommend what to do or maybe even call in a stronger pain killer for you. I hope you pain passes soon.
  13. Hello all, I am on day15 after my transplant and things were going great until this morning. while brushing my hair I noticed what looked like a blister on my head. When I pressed on it, it popped like a pimple and bled. Do you think that I dislodged a graft somehow? I have been so careful at this point that it would really be a shame if that was the case. I have posted some pics and would like some opinions Thanks,
  14. Good morning all. It is day10 and I wanted to provide an update on my healing progress since I am going back to work today. I am not sure if this is the norm, but so far I am very happy with the way my transplant area is healing up. I really only had minor swelling for about a day. I started gently washing the top of my head in the shower with soap and my fingers on day8 and that really seemed to have helped with the scabs. I still have a few scabs on top, but all of the redness is gone. I am going to wear a Gatsby Hat to work for the next few days. My wife thinks I could get away without it and if asked just say I am peeling a little from a sunburn, but I thought the hat for a few days would be better. Technically I am not supposed to wear a hat since I work in an office, but I have done it a few times over the past few weeks on casual Friday's so people would sort of be used to my wearing one. I am hoping to just wear it for a few days at most. My top looks more healed to me than I realistically thought it would, which was one of the things that was holding me back with the HT for a while. I would also really like to thank Dr True & Dorian's office for removing my stitches for me. They were absolutely fantastic. It is nice that the Coalition Doctors help each other out.
  15. Hello all, It is Day 4 after my transplant with Dr Glenn Charles so I wanted to give you my first update. I am going to try be thorough, so it may be a bit long. I received a total of 3410 grafts. I flew into Florida on Thursday night. My wife decided to come along, so that made the trip all the better. It was almost midnight by the time we made it to the hotel. I woke up early Friday morning before my alarm went off. I was nervous and anxious and just wanted to get the day started. We went out and had a nice breakfast before heading to the Doctors office. We got to the office about 9:15 and filled out the required paperwork. We met with Dr. Charles about 9:40. We went over the placement of my new hairline and then he explained the steps of the HT. Dr. Charles told me that the only pain I would feel during the procedure would be from the needles of the local anesthesia he was going to inject in my head. I was very nervous at this point since I have been very worried about the pain during and after the surgery. Dr. Charles asked me if I wanted to be up for the procedure or not. I told him I would rather be up as long as he did not think it would be a problem for me, so he gave me a Valium and an antibiotic and he brought me in to get prepared to start. After gowning up, they sat me in what looked like a electric barber’s chair covered plastic. I just wanted to get started because I knew at that point there would be no turning back. Dr Charles starting injecting me in the back of my head with the local and I have to say I only felt a couple of the shots and the pain of that part was much less than I thought it was going to be . With the help of one of the technicians, he then shaved the area in the back of my head where he was going to remove the strip. Once that was complete, he started to remove the strip. I did not feel any pain at all for this, but I could tell what he was doing behind my head. Once the strip was removed, the technicians started working on cutting up the grafts while Dr. Charles stitched me up. He had about 5 technicians cutting the grafts. Next he had me lay back in the chair while he started making the incisions for the grafts in my head. After this was complete, he had the technicians start to place the grafts in my head. There was one technician at first placing grafts. She was very nice and talkative, which helped put me at ease. After about 20 minutes a second technician started placing grafts on the other side. I told her I could feel the right side slightly, it did not hurt, but I could feel it more than the other side. They gave me some more anesthesia and kept inserting grafts. The technicians would rotate about every 20 minutes. Dr Charles would be in and out checking on me periodically. They ordered us lunch and we stopped to eat at about 1:00 for 20 minutes. I was glad for the break. I was not in any pain, but my neck was starting to hurt from being in the same position for so long. Once lunch was over we resumed the process, sometimes with 2 technicians working at a time and sometimes 3. The last couple of hours were a bit tougher, although I did not feel any pain I was getting antsy sitting in the same position for so long. We finally finished about 3:30. Dr Charles checked all of the grafts and then he cleaned me up and had me get dressed. We went into his office and he gave me instructions on what to do over the next few days. He told me all went very good with the transplant, he said I did not bleed much at all and all the grafts went in very easy. He had previously prescribed me a painkiller and antibiotics. I had a 7:00 flight back to NY, so he told me to take 3 Tylenol when I got to the airport, since the local was going to start wearing off and he told me to take one of the painkiller when I got home that night. His staff was very professional and the procedure went just as he said it would. I could not wait to just get home at this point I was not in pain, but the back of my head was sore. I was tired from the toll the day had taken. I finally got home at about 11:00 pm. My wife wanted me to take a pain killer, but I decided just take Tylenol again. I wanted to avoid the painkiller if possible, since they do not agree with me. Since I was sore, but not in a lot pain I figured I would stick with the Tylenol and take the painkiller if things got worse during the night. Dr Charles told me to sleep in bed with 2 pillows, but I decided to sleep in a recliner with a neck pillow. After going through this whole process I was afraid of rolling over and damaging the grafts, so I thought the recliner was a better option. I sprayed my head with H2Ocean (saline solution with Lysozyme), which the doctor had given me and went to sleep. I woke up about 3:00 am and I was in more pain than when I went to bed, but it was still more sore than actual pain, so I took more Tylenol. I went back to sleep and slept to about 5:30 am. My thoughts at this point is I am very glad it is over and that I went through with it. I was very worried about the pain after the HT, but for me at least I have not had any real pain, just some soreness and discomfort. I am just hoping that I am happy with the eventual result. Day one: I was still sore when I woke up, but it was much better than I had thought it would be. There was no severe pain at all, just soreness in the back of my head and no pain in the graft area. I kept spraying my head with the H2Ocean every couple of hours and kept checking myself in the mirror. I was still worried about hitting my head or doing something to loose grafts. I went to bed that night again in the recliner and again I woke up a few hours later in some pain in the back of my head. I took 3 Tylenol and went back to bed. Day two: I got up and was happy because I was going to take my first shower. I used a cup to pour water over my head. I lathered up the sides and back, but I was afraid to touch the grafts ever though Dr. Charles instructions said I could lightly pat the grafts with soap. I decided to mix soap in a cup and pour it over my head. After the shower my head started to look much better to me. I continued to use the H2Ocean spray. I wanted to sleep in my bed that night, so I laid down with 2 pillows. I was in some pain in the donor area because I was lying on my back and I gave up after about an hour so back to the recliner went. I figured I would get a better nights sleep that way. Day three: MY wife is telling me that the grafts are looking better and some of the redness has gone away. It is hard for me to tell myself looking in the mirror. My forehead was starting to swell up and bit, which the doctor warned me about, so I kept icing for 5 minutes every couple of hours. I took another shower and gave the donor area a little more of a scrub, I still used a cup to rinse off, I did very lightly pat the top of my head with soap, which is still totally numb. The funny part is I knew the donor area was numb, but I did not realize the graft area was as well. I am still using the H2Ocean spray every couple of hours. The pictures below are. The before, where the hairline will be, right after the HT. Day1, Day1 Side, Day2, Day3 and the last picture is the Donor area on Day3.
  16. Hello, After spending the last couple of years reading your posts and being on the fence about going for an HT, I have finally gone ahead and scheduled my surgery with Dr. Glenn Charles from Boca Raton. I will be flying in for the HT in mid August. After corresponding back and forth with his staff and then speaking with him about my options, I finally felt comfortable to move forward and now although I am starting to get nervous, I am looking forward to getting through the surgery and for the final results once it grows in. Hopefully it will give me the results I am hoping for. I would think I am an NW4 and the plan is for one session FUT with 3500 grafts. I will update this post again with a detailed account of my experience after my surgery and I will keep adding updates and pictures monthly for a year so anyone that wishes to see my progress and results may do so. Many of you have been very helpful with all of your information, so I am hoping to return the favor for anyone else that is thinking about a HT. Enjoy the day all.




    Thanks for the post. I am thinking about using Dr. Charles myself and will need about the same amount of grafts as you. Is there any chance you can post an updated pic? I would love to see your final result.



    Thank you,



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