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Posts posted by FUE2014

  1. This may sound like a funny question but I was just wondering, as one should take it as easy as possible immediately after a hair transplant to avoid any damage to the grafts.


    But would it be ok to walk up two flights of stairs on the same day of transplant? I'm thinking about when I arrive home after my ht. Obviously, I would walk up slowly and I would try to stay upstairs for the first few days as my scalp heals.


    Personally, I wouldn't risk it. Can you not get someone to carry you up the stairs?

  2. Hello, my opinion is this

    Your hairline doesn't look hight or low but poorly designed. Can't you see the straight unnatural line?


    I am sorry to say but your Dr. Maral is scoring very bad when it comes to hairline design. I am very interested to see your honest 12 months review about your progress. I can guarantee that you will not talk so high anymore about Dr. Maral as you do now.


    I have been checking all the patients for Dr. Maral and my conclusion is the guy is just not good. He is cheap but not professional.


    I think you should take a notch or two before defending or promoting Dr. Maral as at the end you are trying to help people here and not to stimulate them towards a false direction.


    But the donor area looks cool.

    Do a search for Hairline Design and you will see the correct design for your head.


    The Importance of Hairline Design in Hair Loss Treatment - HRBR, Ireland


    Hairline Design | Hairline Design Positioning | Hairline Shape | Lam Institute for Hair Restoration


    Biltmore Surgical Medical Hair Replacement - Great Hairline Design


    Dude we get it, you don't like the doctor. However, instead of attacking the doctor in this thread and making the OP feel bad about his hair, why don't you start your own topic about your views on Dr Maral. Constructive criticism is fine, but have you heard of the saying: "If You Have Nothing Nice To Say To Someone, Don’t Say Anything At All"?

  3. I'd keep things as they are. Your hair looks fine as it is and I don't think you will get the coverage you are after with a second surgery ; in fact in a few years down the line you may end up with a very unnatural looking result, especially as you acknowledge your hair is continuing to recede. If you are happy with your hair short, maybe you could have a small operation to cover the scar?

  4. People always say meds work better on the crown, but in my subjective opinion, it has been easier to maintain my hairline with meds (Propecia, minox) than the crown which does not seem to be receptive. It is also, of course, a killer to fill in with grafts due to this "black hole" effect. Anyone had any luck maintaining/growing on their crown?

  5. I looked at you album and you have definitely come a long way, front is looking really good! I agree the crown is a stubborn area to fill and is not known as the black hole of transplants for nothing. However, I think if you were to put another 1500 grafts in there you would be very close to getting the coverage you are after. Also bear in mind that your long hair probably makes your crown seem worse than it is.


    On a related point, I do wonder if a lot of surgeons lack the skill to perform surgery on the crown in comparison to the hairline? You see some great coverage from Lorenzo on the crown, but not many other doctors spring to mind.


    Everyone is obsessed with what doctors perform the best hairlines, but often little attention is paid to the doctors which perform the best crown work.....I'm sure it must be an art in itself, no?

  6. Very interesting thread with some very useful information. Really hard to chose between these two. Mickey85 - do you have a particular preference? I am booked to have my first procedure with Hakan in June 2014, but I have heard such amazing things about Koray that am wondering whether I should change doctors. There is a patient who has also posted results recently on this site (he had his first procedure with Prohairclinic in Belgium) who has a poor result with Dr Doganay, which is making me question my decision....

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