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Posts posted by FUE2014

  1. As far as FUE goes the best bang for your buck is undoubtedly Erdogan. He is not that cheap, but definitely affordable and I have not yet seen a bad result from his team and their facilities and approach to hair transplants is absolutely cutting edge. You are also more likely to get an appointment with them this year than Feriduni or Bisanga as they are both likely to be booked up for the next 12 months. For the grafts you have quoted you would probably be looking at paying around 8-9k with Feriduni/Bisanga and 6k with Erdogan.

  2. From what I have seen Dr Lorenzo's crown work is exceptional, in fact it seems to be his speciality and he achieves really good coverage with relatively few grafts. The crown can absorb a lot of grafts and I have seen results from surgeons who have put a ton of grafts into the crown and the coverage still looked thin. Lorenzo is obviously particularly skilled in the crown area.

  3. I live in Perth, Western Australia which is a part of the world that gets more sun than most other places and in Summer regularly gets to 40 degrees Celsius. I have FUE with Dr Feriduni in Dec and return to Oz in January in the middle of summer. While I can avoid spending time in the sun during weekends, commuting to and from work in a suit and a hat is just not viable, in short it will be impossible to avoid the sun. Do I just have to keep spraying SPF on my head for three plus months??

  4. Nobody with that high of a hairline has a straight hair line, it just doesn't happen. It seems like your surgeon didn't measure your face rather slap the dimension, and give you a high hairline. It should be much lower to restore a more natural look while being conservative at the same time. The surgeon went overboard, their is a hairline but it is detracted by the asymmetry and imbalance of the facial thirds which is common knowledge in the practitioner of cosmetic surgery.


    I wish you the best, all though I believe it looks like their was work down opposed to the natural appearance we strive for.


    What are you talking about??

  5. I wouldn't even think about hair surgery until you have given Propecia a chance. Minoxidil is great and despite people saying it has no effect on the underlying balding process, it does seem to have kept a lot of my hair in the many years I have been using it, even when I stopped Propecia for three years. I also use ketoconazole shampoo daily (although it's recommended use is 3 to 4 times a week) as this is meant to have a mild anti androgenic effect.

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