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Posts posted by TheMirrorOfDreams


    mirror, Just out of curiosity, I found this clinic's web site. There is not a single picture or example of the work they do. And they don't just do HTs. Did you see any of their work before having this done? Did you speak with any of their clients?
    Passing strange, I agree - the fact that there are no (to my knowledge) pictures, though if you search long enough, I am sure you will stumble upon a few. I have read a review on this doctor, and it was positive. But still, I agree... there is little to be found. Hmm...
  2. Hair Transplants have come a long way since the 90s/early 2000s. Sadly, this Dr. Prasert Seesillapachai hasn't kept up with the advancements.


    Mirror, do you notice how the HT work looks absolutely nothing like your natural hair? That's because this "doctor" ignored how hair naturally grows. It looks as if he placed multi-hair grafts throughout and placed them in rows. You should request a breakdown of grafts (singles, doubles, trips, etc.). My intuition tells me very few singles were used. The wide spacing between grafts also indicates these might be mini grafts, not true follicular units. He also should have blended into your existing hair. I'm sorry to say the chances of this looking good and/or natural are slim, and I know what I'm talking about because I had similar work done by a hack surgeon nearly 8 years ago.


    What's puzzling is that you were lucky enough to find this forum beforehand, were given some great advice that you chose to ignore, and gained knowledge of the top HT surgeons. That being said, your situation will be fixable, I believe, in the hands of a talented HT surgeon. Take one word of advice: if this HT does not meet your expectations, please do not return to Dr. Seesillapachai for more "free" work. And remember, no one on this forum wants you to have a bad result, and regardless of the outcome we will be here to continue to offer support and advice.

    If it indeed ends up as you say, I will NOT return to the same doctor, of course. Again, isn't it too early to pass judgement, especially 2 mere months post op?

    I know that you are taking a lot of flack on this thread, and I am sorry for that, but I do have to say that this is not a good transplant at all. The transplanted density is way too low for a hairline, the hairline (IMO) was planted too flat and a little too low (a lot too low depending on who you are asking) and is just not artistic at all. By no means is this a quality transplant and I feel very very confident that you will not be happy with the results. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but anyone that says that you are looking good just doesn't have an eye for what a natural HT looks like. The transplant is not comically bad, i.e. 1985 type transplant, but it is pretty dang bad. Sorry bro...but you needed to hear the truth. 10 months from now you will be looking another procedure.
    I hope you're wrong. I guess we'll just have to wait and see for ourselves. The fact that the pattern is a bit off does not bother me the least. But still, it is far too early to pass such judgement, do you not agree? The way my hair is shedding messes up the pattern and makes it look very off.
  4. - If I am not entirely blind, I am starting to notice some new growth, but very insignificant, as I am still shedding for the most part. Some of the hairs are getting quite long, even though I've had 2 buzz-cuts thus far.


    - Still on Propecia and Minoxidil 5%.


    - I use Selsun anti-dandruff shampoo, for battling my merciless case of dandruff (it has been like this for years now, and I've finally decided to do something about it).


    - Hairline is still looking nice.




    One more month or so to go...





  5. Why do you ask for people's opinions when you don't take them into consideration? I read through this thread. Some of the most experienced members on here weighed in on your situation and you chose to ignore them. I felt like you were wasting everyone's time. And often your response to them was glib - 'You're probably right, but I don't care.' I'm not really sure what the point was when you had already made up your mind. It was frustrating to read through this thread because these people are here to help others and give freely of their time and you were completely dismissive. The funny thing is, and maybe it's a joke to you, if it turns out you're not happy with your result, these same people will continue to offer you their support.
    I know people are trying to offer to me their aid and good-will. But still, there is little reason the hair transplant will not work. Yes, I will keep balding and thinning, most definitely - but that should not render my hair transplant useless. If it indeed is a successful one, then the hairs in the graft-site are permanent, and will either stay there for years and years to come, or throughout the rest of my life.


    The only advise I did not take, was to wait another 5-10 years. As a thing, that to me is just not possible. I have waited long enough as it is (2-3 years). I for one, think I chose a well-qualified doctor, whom took his time to give ear to my say, and answered every question of mine, be that in person or via e-mail, and still he does. I was well taken care of. He even went to the length of sending me to a psychiatrist pre-op, in order to just make sure I wasn't "suffering" from something else as well - and I was cleared, of course. The hair transplant will most likely work just as well on me as it will on any other person. Yes, determining further hairloss I am sure will be an arduous task, but far from impossible. The quality of my hair is probably much better than that of a 28-40 year old, considering my age.


    Another thing... I had initially planned on going to Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, who IS in fact recommended on this site. And he personally accepted my request after seeing my pictures and having explained to him my situation. Yet another well-qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon.


    There are things in life I will not let others decide for me. There are things in life I must accomplish, in order to prosper. This is one of those things. I could not, nor will I remain quiet and introvert. Hair to me is of great importance, as it is to the rest of you, am I sure. Kind of an extension of my personality, my security.


    It is not as though I blindly ventured headlong into this.

    I've been considering it for quite some time now, and

    at last picked up the much-needed courage to see it

    through, once and for all.


    I did my research, weighed opinions, and finally made up my mind. I regret nothing.


    Where the surgeon studied or how many years he's been practicing are of no concern to me. I would have more respect for the doctor who refused your money and turned you away. I'm glad he's not recommended on here. I'd probably get myself banned for the harsh things I'd have to say to him. Good luck on your journey.
    Aye, I am still young, have much to learn. I am still young, have much to offer. My hairloss is/was holding me back from much in life. It is not a thing I take ligthly, not a trivial thing. I am dead serious when I say it has (for the past 2-3 years now) retarded my progress in life and caused anxiety. But this hair transplant I am sure will render successful, at least I hope so. Is 20 really that young in your opinion? I had obvious hairloss as well as thinning. I have a excellent donor-area, with thick and healthy hair...
  7. I just skimmed through this thread and it's pretty unsettling.


    I have a few questions: Is the doctor who performed your surgery recommended on this site? If he is, he should be removed. Are you seeing a therapist? Lastly, where are your parents in all of this? I have a daughter your age and there is no way I would allow her to do something so reckless.


    I wish you all the best, but this thread is troubling. I hope you are getting the support from it you need, but your attitude appears to be, 'You are probably right, but I don't care.' So what's the point?

    Hello there! Reckless or not, be that as it may. As far as the transplant is concerned, everything is going according to plans. Its not like my age will cause the hair transplant to fail. As for the doctor, no he is not recommended on this site, but he works at Yanhee International Hospital in Thailand, Bangkok, and has 20 years of experience (I believe he's studied in both France and Japan). Please, I've had enough of that theraphy nonsense. Just stop it. My problem is real, and no, I am not suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder, or anything like that. I appreciate your concern though. I am 20 years of age, hence my parents have no say in this. I used my own money, not theirs. I am not an arrogant person, albeit I may appear as one. I choose to follow my own path, be it a somewhat unprecedented and uncertain one. I am open to advice, but what is done is done. I've had my long awaited hair transplant, and I am glad I saw it through.
  8. An interesting read. Say, where did the op run off to?


    I had my FUT hair transplant carried out on the 4th. of December 2013, at Yanhee International Hospital in Bangkok, by Dr. Prasert.

    I am at the moment experiencing itchiness, slight pinkess/redness, some shockloss in the surrouding area of the graft-site, as well shedding. Not a calming sight, at any rate, I take it. The incision-site is healing well, and by per today is actually quite unsightly. After what I've read, all this falls under the category "normal". Nota bene: I had 200 grafts, 3500 hairs. Presume I now find myself in the worst of all phases.


    Still, would like to hear from the op, before long.




    I use this model as a time/guidance-template (a sundry of most useful information is to be found on this very site):



  9. hey man I'm quite sure you will be all right, although i didn't loose any hairs for a good few weeks after the transplant. i wouldn't imagine that they should fall out right away so i would say what you saw is what you are going to get...


    but, your hairline is in a good spot now and i am quite sure it will look good :) so stress less dude

    Yes, you're probanly right. My head is feeling itchy though.
  10. Smoking whether pot or tobacco reduces the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream while constricting vital blood vessels, etc.


    So I imagine this would be more of an issue immediately following a HT procedure or any type of surgery for that matter. The newly implanted grafts are establishing a new source of blood supply so compromising that might have a negative bearing on the overall yield.


    I used to smoke for nearly 40 years and did so after each of my four HT procedures. I had no issues with regrowth but I did get late stage lung cancer four years ago and my right lung had to be removed.


    I no longer smoke.

    Other than bleeding, is there anything else that could signify loss of grafts? I only bled once from two locations, but no more. I did wear a hoodie an hour after my hair transplant surgery, but only for a couple of minutes. As did I the following days, but only a mere minutes again. I did not however expose my scalp to the sun. Only few days after my FUT, I noticed a very small number of hairs in the transplant/graft area. Is this a normality? It did not look dense at all. The surgeon did 2000 grafts (3500 hairs). Is it normal for a majority of the hairs to fall out right after the surgery, or few days after? Did I do something wrong? Did the doctor err? Am I overreacting? I do however look even balder than what I did pre-hair transplant...
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