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Posts posted by TheMirrorOfDreams

  1. I think that it would be a mistake to have any kind of procedure, FUT or FUE. I have a friend that receded to where you are and now he is 47 with the same hairline and slight thinning in the crown. I also have a cousin that started receding at 19 and was a NW7 by the time he was 23. This is what makes surgery at your age so risky. The most dangerous thing is that any doctor willing to do that hair line on you at this age would be highly suspect in my own personal opinion. Even if you do get an FUE, you are still drawing a very brave (or uninformed) line in the sand waaaaay too early in life. My advice, wait a decade and then decide where to put your hairline.


    This I cannot do.

    I will venture, be it foolhardy or not.

    I may be one of the unlucky one's or I may not.


    I wish not to squander any more time, worrying about my hair, it's appearance, density and the like. It saddens me, having to look like this in my early (upcoming) twenties.


    If body hair is made use of, there will be no scars (on my head at least).

    If more transplants were to be required, I would literally have a "close to" endless supply.

    I will ask this of Dr. Path. No matter which way the wind blows, I will follow this through.

  2. My real advice would be get over it your hair is fine and worry about it when it becomes a real problem. But that wouldn't make a difference in how you feel or what you want to do.

    Also if you started propecia and your hair loss is speeding up it usually means that it comes back thicker. well that's what happened with me.


    But seriously in my opinion a doctor that is going to do a FUT on a head of hair like that must just enjoying slicing people open especially the fact your only 19. sounds crazy to me.


    I am sorry, but that I will not. Getting over it solves nil. That's just ignoring one's obvious problems, and of course solves not a thing. Still, thanks for showing care.

  3. Hi Noah,


    Annabel is travelling this weekend.


    My name is Janese Ritchie, I work with our international patients who chose to have surgery with us in Bangkok. I also offer to take our patients to their consultation and surgery appointments.


    Our doctor does not believe it is necessary to shave your head entirely.

    No Problems in keeping it that length.


    Most of the international Doctors have their own clinic outside the hospital which enables them to offer better prices to their patients without the hospital overheads. There is no need for an overnight stay in hospital with this procedure.


    The Doctor uses the same team as he would normally use in the hospital and if he chooses to do more grafts or takes longer to do the grafts there are no additional hospital costs to worry about because he is in his own clinic.


    Both procedures leave a scar where the hair is taken from however when the hair grows back you cannot see the scar.


    All of our International patients only stay a few days, our doctor does internal stitches which are disolvable.


    We have never had one complaint with the end results.

    Everyone is thrilled with the take up of the FUT method.

    The FUT gives you a 91% take up which is more than the FUE method.


    The Oasis Bangkok is a small boutique hotel, is very clean and the staff are vry friendly however if you are ordering your food in house the choices are limited.





  4. Have you actually had any consultations with Dr Path or any other Dr?


    They will turn you away in a flash. On the rare occasions I've seen 18/19 year olds operated on the Doctors tend to get the parents involved in the decision making (people in their teens tend to lack maturity and common sense - I should know, I used to be one:D).


    The risk is you will find a Dr willing to do the work who butchers your scalp, achieves poor yield, wastes 40% of your donor hair and makes you look like a freak.


    It's all very well saying you don't mind bad hair beyond your 20s but there are countless 30,40,50...even 80 year olds who care about their hair enough to get a hair transplant. Can you imagine 70 years of your life appearing in photo albums as "the guy who looks like a freak"?


    Your hair still looks quite decent to me and you should stick with the finasteride for a couple of years to see if it stops or slows down the rot. It could just mature to a low norwood pattern.


    I've seen a lot of Umar repair cases and while it is admirable what he can achieve with BHT, quite franky being bald from day one is a better option.


    Thanks, but no thanks.


    By the way, the doctor has already agreed to do it...

    He is aware of my age and amount of loss (I sent him the same exact pictures).

    He recommended me a FUT hair transplant.


    He could just as well take hair from my neck, chest, legs, pubes, or anything like that.

    By doing so, I eliminate the chance of "using up my donor hair".



    I don't see the problem.

  5. All the best.


    You have my thanks. I know very well how foolish my ways may seem,

    but I simply can't take this any longer.


    And if the worst case scenario is "no more donor hair to take from",

    I will have no issue with making use of my endless body hair (believe me,

    I have FAR more than any one would prefer). Enough supply for 3-4 full heads of hair, fortunately and unfortunately.

  6. You are making the very mistake that alot of 'those guys' made. Sure the methods, cosmetic appearance and techniques are much better these days, but donor hair is still very finite. Did you know that on an average non-balding person there exists 30,000 grafts on the top of the head? Guess how many donor grafts the average person has. About 5,000-6,000. If you exhaust say 2,000 grafts restoring your frontal third, that leaves you with 3,000-4,000 grafts to cover an area that had 20,000(2/3rds) native grafts if your bald further. When I was 19 I did not even have the proper perspective to decide what I wanted in life. I was taking drugs, being with the wrong girls, being in a job I hated, making bad decisions. A hair transplant would have been a very big risk at 19 on top of everything else. That's how inexperienced and naive we are at 19. I implore you NOT to go ahead as it could cause decades of grief and you may not think you care about that now but certainly will then. All the best,


    Well, I could use neck hair instead of scalp hair, I have more than enough to choose from. If it comes to what you suspects, then I will simply use chest hair, as I have enough for 1-2 full heads of hair ;)

    Can't say I comprehend why people are so against it (in regards to my age - though I understand what you're trying to say), considering that in this day and age the technique has been perfected.


    I will proceed with the surgery, no matter what. I care not.


    Worry not, my state of misery is currently at it's very peak.

  7. You say that now but you really do not want to be one of those guys who has their donor depleted by being used up on the frontal 3rd of their head and having to resort to body hair which is VASTLY different to scalp hair. People behave like body and beard hair are interchangeable with scalp hair but it is different in caliber, tensile strength, wave etc. There is no guarantee that your hairloss will only halt like your father's.


    I see what you mean.


    They way my hair looks in present time and the way I feel as of now, I am not content with.

    I will not (potentially) waste another year of my life on medications, that may not even work in my favour.


    I'd rather have good hair throughout my teens and young-twenties, than 30's.

    I may not end up as "one of those guys". Hopefully not.


    Sometime in the (not so distant, hopefully...) future, I am sure they will come up with new methods.



    I take my chances, be they foolhardy or not.

  8. At this age please do not go for surgery man you are too young.. Please try to protect the hairs via Ro-gain foam or something... Best luck


    It may prove disadvantageous down the road, but I am looking for happiness now, not in 5-10 years. I have adequate money to compensate for more treatments and more than enough donor hair (plus body hair) to cover for further hairloss.


    And since DHT (rarely) doesn't affect the hair in my back or most of the sides, I see no reason why not.

    My dad's hairloss pattern is obvious, and I believe I too will end up with about the same kind of hair as himself.


    My mind's made up.

    Nothing can change it.

  9. I turn 20 on November 15th.


    I will be making the trip, on either November 1st. or November 7th, to "Bodyline Patient Care" in Bangkok, Thailand.


    I will be providing this thread with photos, videos and a potential interview with Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, if feasible.


    Nota bene: I've been in contact with "Bodyline Patient Care" via e-mail, and they asked of me to send them photographies of my hairloss/thinning/receding, and so I did.


    A response is to be expected, by this eventide. I will be documenting my voyage, mind you.

  10. I see.


    A copy and paste off of their website:


    At what age should I start hair transplantation?


    Hair loss is a problem which persists throughout life. We encourage you to address the issue early... before it becomes more visible. An earlier start will allow your surgeon to camouflage the work while the transplanted hair grows in gradually and unnoticed. There are no age limits (our patients range from 21-80 years old). You don't have to wait until you stop losing hair to start. There is no magical age where hair loss stops. Doctors take into account your future hair loss, and their surgical plan makes sure you will look natural along the way. If you have been waiting for hair transplantation surgical techniques to be perfected, that time has arrived. Start counting your new growing hairs instead of those falling out.

  11. I might very soon (November 7th.-14th.) be taking a trip to Bumrungrad International Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand - for a consulation as well as a hair transplant, if deemed fit.


    The following is a citation I recite, from their website:


    "Hair loss is a problem which persists throughout life. We encourage you to address the issue early... before it becomes more visible. An earlier start will allow your surgeon to camouflage the work while the transplanted hair grows in gradually and unnoticed. There are no age limits (our patients range from 21-80 years old). You don't have to wait until you stop losing hair to start. There is no magical age where hair loss stops. Doctors take into account your future hair loss, and their surgical plan makes sure you will look natural along the way. If you have been waiting for hair transplantation surgical techniques to be perfected, that time has arrived. Start counting your new growing hairs instead of those falling out."


    If this is so ("there are no age limits"), I see no reason in dwelling on this grave matter any longer.


    Maybe instead of fetching my medication (Propecia and Rogaine) via the most doubtful interwebs, I might as well book a consultation and a stay at their hospital, for a week or two... and get my hands on Rogaine and Propecia that way.


    What say you?


    How many grafts and what would the cost be, just roughly...?

    My hair looks quite like the following:


  12. Minox and a shampoo that contains Nizoral like Revita or Regenepure are an excellent start for anyone to try maintain what hair they do have. Some people have reservations about Finasteride which is understandable but using Minox and a Nizoral based shampoo would be wise. Revita and Regenepure also do NOT contain SLS(Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) which is a chemical used in detergents and cleaners which is said to be harmful to the skin and hair.


    I barely ever wash my hair. Maybe once every 4th. month or so.

    It makes my hair very dry and unmanageable.

    Nonetheless, my thanks for the heads up (I may just heed your council).

  13. Mirror,


    While starting medications at an early stage provides the best chance of halting progressive hair loss, I really would recommend seeing a physician and undergoing a scalp evaluation before starting several medications without a prescription at age 19. Keep in mind that hair loss occurs for a variety of reasons, and it often takes a trained physician to determine precisely what's going on.


    Good luck.


    I "suffer" from social phobia.

    As much as I would like to go to a consultation, I could not bare to.

    Still, you are of course correct in saying such.

    I would fain go, but at least not for now.

  14. Yes, I don't know the exact medical terms but I was told by a doctor that it thins the layer where the hair is grown and can accelerate hair loss. Ever since I stop smoking pot there has been a HUGE difference of shedding, my shedding is practically back to normal and it was a bad habit that needed kicking anyways.


    Also, mirror dreams, the changes of growing your hair thicker are good, its going to take a couple months to notice a difference but, it won't grow the hair on your temples back, unfortunately that's gone forever unless you get a hair transplant. Rogaine and Finasteride will help maintain the hair your already have and slow the regression of loss. You will notice your hair getting stronger and less shedding. I haven't used the drug website you are referring (proscar) but I think I may heard of a couple people from this forum using it, possibly reliable. Have you considered seeing a doctor and actually getting a prescription for finasteride? Also, if the website does work and you get it really cheap, You should let me know:p


    Why would you say that? I've read of many whom have had their once lost hair (on sides) grow back once again. All the hair on my sides are not gone (perhaps half), just far thinner in girth and shorter in length. I would not go as far as calling them vellus-hair. It's still in it's anagen/catagen-phase.


    Once I've grown my hair out 2-4 more inches,

    I reckon I'd be more than able to cover the hairloss on the sides, by pulling some hair from the back over that specific area.


    By the by, (I know very well he is just a fictional character) I am aiming for something like the following (length and style-wise). Our hair is in many ways quite alike, mostly concerning the texture. I have dark brown/black (and blonde in some areas) hair.


  15. My Brother is 57 and still smokes pot and cigarettes everyday (Pot head) Has a full head of hair but face is aging badly.....

    Im 56 drink wine and rarely smoke pot (More of a alcoholic) Balding most my life but skin looks a lot younger then my brother.

    I think smoking ages you more then anything (not sure)

    My point is , I see bums that never wash their hair an drink and smoke and have a great beard and head of hair...I think its all hereditary

    Last thing, lets say you smoke and are getting older, If it made you lose hair it sure doesn't apply to your body, nose or ears. Why?


    As of now, I am (so to speak) clueless.


    Aye, you are right at that.


    Its all individual, I presume we are all predisposed for certain things, be that balding, skin related diseases &c.


    Have you heard of "propecia-proscar.com" (back in the day, it went by the name of "Hairsave International")? Just curious.

  16. Does smoking pot really make you lose your hair or is that an old wives tale?


    I know not. Perchance it thins the follicles, speeds up the shedding, or something like that.

    I, personally, abstain from smoking, drinking and the like.

    It will ne'er do me any good anyway.


    Sometime ago, I was thinking of getting myself a Hookah, but decided not to, considering the condition of my hair.

    Take not chances where they need not be taken.

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