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Posts posted by TheMirrorOfDreams

  1. I am 20, by the way.


    I did indeed get a hair transplant. Yes, I agree... it was dearing of me, but foolhardy, I don't know about that...

    Only time will tell. A bad idead, maybe, maybe not... that is a chance I am willing to take.


    I don't believe he exploited me. He made me well aware before surgery of all the potential side-effects, asked of my why I wanted to have it. He even demanded of me to pay the hospital psychologist a visit, before he would even allow for me to go through with the hair transplant surgery. I needed her permission, and even she was reluctant to grant me it. But she could sense the trauma it had caused me over the past few years.



    Why should he be ashamed exactly? I for one, am not willing to wait a decade or so, just to have a hair transplant surgery then. The psychological aspect of loosing one's hair, at such young a age, is to say the very least a burden.


    My hairloss, now that I think about it, has been progressing for approximately 3 years, maybe more.

    With it comes misery, as I am sure you and every other hairloss sufferer is well aware of.


    It may create a patchy look in the future, I may not be able to predict my potential hairloss pattern, but that is a chance I am willing to take, and I took it.



    I will keep on updating for 1 years time, perhaps more.

  2. Judging by the lighting in the photographies provided, it looks as though the doctor did not fill in all the "bald/thinning" areas.

    It looks far better off camera, as the photographies were taken with a webcam, and an old one at that.


    Pre surgery, the doctor told me that I might have to come back sooner or later for a new hair transplant session, something I do not mind. But I hope I'll get to enjoy at least a few prosperous years of healthy, long and thick hair.

  3. The doctor advised me to use two pillows. I'm not sure if this will be enough. I could tuck a blanket and elevate my neck. That way the back of my head should not come in too much contact with the pillow(s).


    The scar on the back of my head looks rather large. It stretches from one side of the ear to the other.

    I may be wrong however.


    The doctor also advised me to grow my hair long, that way the scar will practically be nowhere to be seen.


    Is there any chance none of my newly transplanted hair will grow out, even if I follow the instructions to a tee? I've read about shockloss, and it has me worried.

  4. "Why didn't he go back a bit further"? - That I wonder about as well. Not much to do about it now, sadly.


    I predict my hair to start regrowing in 6-months time.


    I deleted my first post, then re-posted it (but with different photos).

    Yes, I am now back at my hotel, resting comfortably in my king-size bed.


    My head feels like hellfire, but for that I have a sundry of medications.

  5. I've just returned from Yanhee International Hospital, after 8 long hours of a total 2000 grafts.


    My hair transplant surgeon was Dr. Prasert Seesillapachai.

    I deem him a very friendly man, and a professional in his field (it remains to be seen, 6 months time, or so).


    The cost was 160100 Thai Baht.

    Certainly not a bad cost, at any rate.


    I was taken well care of and made aware of all that which concerns having a hair transplant surgery. He was astute about this,


    He advised me to continue using Propecia and Minoxidil, or my hair is likely to progress... falling out and thinning.


    Tomorrow I will be returning to the hospital for a lesson of how to correctly shampoo (special kind), how to apply the head-bands, pills, etc...


    My experience thus far at Yanhee, has been incredible. Remarkable, understanding and amicable people.


    Last but not least , he prescribed me the following:


    - DIAZEPAM 5 mg tab - For insomnia

    - CELEBREX 200 mg - Pain relief, anti-inflammatory

    - CODIGESIC 15 mg tab - Pain relief

    - ACINET(CLAVAM) 625 mg tab - For bacterial infections

    - Hidine Scrub 4% solution (special shampoo).



    I will be updating regarding my progress, for a years time.

    Feel free to ask anything of me.






  6. Mirror, with the desired length of your hair, I don't see how BHT would meet your demands, unless you plan on keeping it cropped short in the future. As Mickey and others have stated, body hair isn't a 1:1 replacement for scalp hair. It certainly has it's application, but it has a different growth cycle, texture and other variation in characteristics.


    I can understand the internal desire/want/drive to fix something you view as a flaw. Just be careful when you tread down that road, as it can often consume you. Warranted, non-action can also fill your head with obsessive thoughts, so the decision is yours and yours alone. We can offer advice, and simply hope you consider it.


    With that said, please consult many different HT Docs. Make a shortlist containing the best of the best, and get each of their opinions. One should always get a second opinion, especially so at your age as you don't want to fark shit up so early. A composite of different perspectives concerning the same situation is often the best for objectivity.


    PS: I don't think SQUEENIX characters are a realistic goal for anything IRL lol. That hairline is real low, square(heh) and straight up juvenile. Not even the world's "sexiest men" have hairline's like that. Look at Reynolds and Gosling, they have awesome hairlines for sure, but they're also a realistic standard of nigh perfection.


    "Mirror, with the desired length of your hair, I don't see how BHT would meet your demands."


    - I understand. I presume it would not be all that bad having a medium length hair.

    Yet, I haven't decided entirely whether to go for BHT or not. I'll leave it up to Dr. Path. to decide.


    "I don't think SQUEENIX characters are a realistic goal for anything IRL lol. That hairline is real low, square(heh) and straight up juvenile."


    Hah, you are right at that.

    My hairline is actually quite low, but due to the bad lighting and unprofessional camera-work, one can't really tell.


    Thanks for the advice.

  7. Not really to speak of, well not that I noticed anyway, but my hair wasn't as thick as yours. Is, and I cut it really short before the transplant. I am really keen to see ow yours looks with body hair etc, as it seems like a great idea, it is also good to see how it goes on someone who isn't 50 years old too.


    How long does the body hair grow on your head and how can you style it etc?


    "How long does the body hair grow on your head and how can you style it etc?"


    - That's what I've been pondering about as well...


    I found this:


    "Potential patients should know that a location change to the scalp does not change the physiology of body hair. It will not grow substantially longer, nor change in composition as compared to its subsistence in its original location. A practiced body hair transplant doctor will know how to maximize the innate characteristics of different body hair sources. If all goes well, new hair usually shows optimal growth around nine months post-surgery and can continue to improve for up to 24 months."


    This is what my hair looks now like now. Probably not the best angle nor lighting (I had a buzz-cut):


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