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Posts posted by Yaz89

  1. This comes to show that when people say I will get a FUE and just shave my head if need later on... With dark hair it looks really obvious with all those little scars with a shaved head. Anyways you should be able to keep it long and flowy for years to come. good luck


    Densedream, you are correct in your observation regarding my donor. FUT or FUE leave scar(s). The skin tone does play an huge role. My black hair does hide it quite well. After my first transplant, I could pull off a 0.5 blade, blended in. I am sure my great donor should cover it! Currently, running my hand through my donor, I cannot feel a difference and it still feels very thick. I was thinking about getting permanent smp onto the FUE scars, once my transplant had grown out; but now the thread regarding Doctor Rassman and his views on SMP has slightly worried me.

  2. Hi Yaz89, congrats on the 2nd HT. I followed your original thread and it was an influencer in my own decision to choose Asmed/Erdogan. I had my procedure in December, Dilek was my main Tech, Umat took care of the drugs, and Alessio was happy for me to closely inspect his own HT when he was approaching his 3 own month milestone...it was great to see all those familiar names in your write up.


    I look forward to reading your updates!


    Thank you Ersko. You're hairline inspired me really but I already had decent temple points and peaks. They just needed refining. I measured my hairline from my forehead down to the eyebrows and it is 6cm. Not bad at all.


    Asmed is just like a big family really. Congrats on your recent updates, it is looking great

  3. Hey guys my 6 month update was 2 days ago but I haven't been able to get access to a computer so thought I'd wait a couple of days to try get access and do a decent write up but that's not possible so I'm just going to update on my phone, my left side is still weaker than my right.. My right side I could not be meow happy with you couldn't tell a thing but my left side just makes me appear to be starting to thin and go bald


    So still a long way to go for this to improve I have hope but that's where I'm at, at the moment.


    HT-FUE, for 6 months the current growth is very encouraging. From your pre-op state, the pictures show an massive difference. Hair growth is uneven. Not all hair grows at the same time. It will only get better.

  4. Hi everyone,


    I had my second surgery at Asmed last week on the 13th April (2016). Once again my experience was truly wonderful.


    I arrived in Turkey in the late afternoon after my flight was delayed for more than 2 hours. And reached the clinic about 3.30pm due to the heavy traffic. Standard procedure really; photographs were taken consisting of dry and wet shots. And I waited for Dr Erdogan to finish evaluating my photos. I took the opportunity to say hello to all the staff who were still there from my last visit in 2013. I am happy to say they have not forgotten who I was! (All them hugs and kisses)


    Now the moment I had been waiting for. To once again meet the man who helped turn my life around; Dr Erdogan. I was led upstairs and there he was. With a huge smile, we embraced like old friends.


    We discussed my pervious experience and had a good catch up.


    Now the main things I wanted to know:


    My donor density, the microns of my donor and my donor capacity:


    My donor after my first operation was calculated at 8500 grafts. When I was told this, I was shocked. I could not believe this figure as I already had 2400 grafts from my first surgery. I kept asking "are you sure". I have no data regarding my total donor before any surgery but Dr Erdogan stated I had 10,500 total donor.


    My micron was measured at 70. Once again this measurement was given after removing 2400 grafts from first surgery. I was then told I have over 5.5k donor left in reserve after second surgery.


    We then headed downstairs were we discussed the hair line and Dilek appeared. Hugs were exchanged, I thanked her and she looked at her handy work (she was the main tech who worked on me last time). Dr Erdogan asked me what type of hair line I wanted. I said to lower it, close the temples slightly (my right temple had more loss) and fill in the weak areas. Dr Erdogan with Dilek discussed the hair line and I wanted it to be lower! He said to trust him as he wanted to work on the vertex and I am glad I did.


    Over to graft numbers. I told him I have a budget of 3000 grafts. And to my surprise Dr Erdogan and Dilek said I only need 2400 as my donor is really dense (they commented it how dense it was; when Dr Erdogan was doing his measurements I could see from his face he was surprised). I wanted 3k but once again Dr Erdogan and Dilek asked me to trust them.


    I met Alessio the marketing manager and his hair at I think at 7 months is looking excellent. I found him to be very soft-spoken. I also met Dr Umut who also has had his surgery with the clinic. I found this guy very serious and he was really scary. But I managed to make him laugh and he was joking about as well. Alessio's and Dr Umat's results have been posted on this forum.


    Hair line was agreed, photos taken and I was taken back to the hotel.


    The next day I was picked up by the clinic driver and taken to the clinic. Head was shaved again and washed. I was taken downstairs and surgery began at 8am. After the extractions were completed and lunch. I was given meds by Dr Umat. PRP was administered before or after Dr Erdogan came in to make the incisions, I cannot remember when. After this time, I fell asleep. I woke up at 4.30pm and surgery was just about to finish. I received 2490 grafts and was not charged for the extra 90


    I think the reason I kept falling asleep was I had been awake since 12pm UK time from Monday and did not sleep much from Tuesday when I was in Turkey. I must have been awake for 35 hours plus.


    Photos were taken and I was given my med kit. I had to use the ATP spray every 2 hours for 2 days. It ran out by the third day. Back at the hotel I felt good. I met a few other patients as well and we had dinner together.


    Sleeping was great and I awoke on Thursday refreshed. No swelling at all. Once again, I was taken to the clinic for washing and dropped back to the hotel, bandage was removed. I spent the whole day sight seeing and visited different malls.


    Friday morning I was taken back to the clinic for washing. I did not get to say goodbye Dr Erdogan as he was busy in surgery. I bid goodbye to the staff I did see and left for the airport. I arrived in the UK at 2pm and went through customs quickly. I was in my car by 4pm (I drove myself to the airport and back). It took me 4 hours to get home due to the traffic and roadwork's when the usual travelling time is 90 mins. Once at home the swelling started. Swelling had gone by Wednesday.


    Once again, many thanks to Dr Erdogan, Dilek, my personal translator and all the other staff at Asmed.


    Graft number:


    (Second surgery)

    Single: 409

    Double: 1392

    Triple: 633

    Quadruple: 54

    Quintpule: 2

    Average number per graft: 2.14


    First surgery graft numbers from 2013:


    Single: 489

    Double: 1159

    Triple: 700


    Average number per graft: 2.13


    Total for 2 surgeries: 4892

    Singles: 898

    Double: 2551

    Triple: 1333

    Quad: 108

    Quintuple: 2


    Dry hair:













  5. Kidding aside, I wonder how viable ass and leg hair would be vs body hair.


    Ass hair! You nutbar lol


    In my opinion, any form of BHT transplanted on the head does not give an natural or pleasing comestic appearance. I have viewed many BHT results and they turn me off. The wiry, stubbly and unnatural look; I would never underake BHT. If I lose my crown, I rather use a hair system just for the back.

  6. I agree with the above. My first transplant of 2400 grafts with Dr Koray cost me 5400 sterling which is 7630 in dollars in today's rate. I am going back in 2 weeks time for 3000 grafts which is costing me 5000 sterling, which again in today's dollar rate is 7065. (thanks to the strong pound). That is affordable knowing how much American doctors FUE prices are.

  7. Nothing about future hair loss or the quality of the donor hair etc


    When you are nw6 or nw7, your fate is sealed (unless you have exceptional donor hair and a big wallet). What worse future loss can an person with such high loss preserve for. There is medication; fin (which I found works very well for the donor from my experience). You are correct regarding donor hair. It is always best to check the quailty, density, whether the doner itself is miniaturizing etc

  8. HTSoon, I have found the actual creators who make the topical version of fin and minx. Seems like a pharmacy from India. Looks genuine. I was in touch with David from H&W about a year ago when I found out about topical fin. Their topical solution comes from Italy but I needed a prescription from my doctor (according to UK and EU rules). The one from India is the same I think. If you would like the link, please pm as were not allowed to post off-site links

  9. Hi Mark, most doctors cap the limit to 2,5 - 3k grafts in one session. If you require 4k, maybe the doctor will spilt it into days. I believe it is much safer to transplant less than 3k in one session. This will ensure graft survival and can lead to better yield. My doctor, Koray Erdogan caps his FUE session at 3k grafts (I belive). His clinic uses manual punch like other top FUE doctors. It does take more time with manual punch. My own surgery took 9 hours for 2400 grafts. I say, take your time and research wisely each doctor, the methods they use, their results (both clinic posted and patient posted).


    Good luck

  10. Dear Yaz,


    first of all, thank you so much for this wonderful encouraging thread you have created and maintained for such a long time.


    Could you please answer a few questions regarding the difference between finasteride and regaine.


    You wrote in the above message regarding regaine:

    "Personally, I wouldn't recommend regaine as once you stop using it, any hair which has grown will be lost forever."


    Then you went on and wrote regarding finasteride:

    "Finasteride has to be taken forever in order to maintain the hairs ... If finasteride is stopped, all hairs grown and all the hairs maintained by finasteride will be gradually lost. Finasteride is not a permanent solution to halt hair loss ... "


    Having quoted the above, I have the following questions:

    1. "will be lost forever", "will be gradually lost": So aren't regaine and finasteride the same to the extent that once you stop taking either of those, those hair which's loss was halted by regaine/finasteride begin to fall?

    2. I understand that either of these products primarily "block" the loss of hair which is supposed to fall out, correct me if I'm wrong. So, am I not better off taking e.g. regaine, because if I don't, hair which is supposed to fall out, falls out (much) earlier?


    Greetings from Germany



    Hi Sebi,


    I apologise if my post did not make much sense. First of all, lets begin with regaine. Regaine works by increasing more blood flow to reach the hair shaft. Meaning with this increase, the hair grows thicker. It does not grow any new hair. If it does, it will be thin in structure and wispy. Regaine does work well if you have slight thinning and thus when applied to thin hair, the hair will become thicker. But there is a downfall. Regaine does not stop DHT. DHT is the main cause of hair loss in men. One may use regaine on its own and will see benefit but will carry on thinning. Secondly, because regaine gets into the blood flow, it is very likely it will reach other areas of the scalp where it was not used. This is why one loses other healthy hair if regaine is stopped. For example, when watering grass. If you aim for one area, the water will dissolve to the other parts of the soil where it was not directed at. I have a few friends who used regaine just on the frontal line. When they stopped regaine, few months down the line they lost hair where they had no used regaine. This was because that area also became dependant on regaine.


    Fin: It works by blocking DHT. Fin will work all over the scalp where there is hair including the donor area. I found that my crown, midscalp and donor are now extremely thick, darker and feel different. For most, fin stops hair loss and helps them keep their hair for longer. It even brings back hairs which are miniaturizing. But most men only see the benefit of keeping their hair not regrowth. I have been lucky that I have seen regrowth. If fin is stopped, the hair will return to pre-fin state and if one was suffering from hair loss it wil resume. I am 27, my brother is nearly 25. I have been on fin for nearly 3 years whilst my brother looks like the way I was in my pre-op state. Fin should be the main weapon. Because DHT is the cause.


    I hope this has helped you.

  11. Never ever think about the cost. Price over quailty? It is not a good idea especially if you are a NW5. In Turkey, there are hundred of clinics which use motorised punch and most of them are tech run; meaning the doctor is hardly involved in the actual work.


    I would advise you to carry on researching. Of all the names you have mentioned, only Asmed stands out. Dr Dogany recently has had his recommendation suspended, the banned doctor was creating trouble here by being dishonest and using every means to increase his profits. The others I am not aware of.


    Please, research more and do not let the cost influence your decision.

  12. Hi guys,


    New to this site so sorry if this is an obvious question. Ive been looking at Dr Erdogan and his websites, but there seems to be two or maybe a fake? I am assuming this is the real one Asmed Hair Transplant - Dr. Koray Erdogan. The other I saw was this (link removed by moderator) FUE Hair Transplant Turkey Asmed - Follicular Unit Extraction in Istanbul - numerous good reviews. Does any one know the official site for Dr Erdogan.


    Thanks so much.


    Actually they are both real and Asmed's. The first one is the newer one. You will recieve an quicker reply using that one. The second is their older website which is/was run by one of patient support for english speaking patients.

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