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Posts posted by Yaz89

  1. I am proof I have seen Shera's result in PERSON. I visited Shera about 8 weeks in his home. I have touched, felt and ran my hands through his hair. His result is real as it gets! I have seen his bald head before he had his transplant via his family photos in his home and his results are amazing! His results are not fake neither he uses any concealers.

  2. Everybody who's guessed is wrong both of these patients received mFUE the new revolutionary treatment some may even call a miracle, from the great minds who brought you "FUT is more popular than FUE" Dr. Feller and his apprentice Dr. Bloxham. Please call Feller&bloxham hair transplant and sign up today!!! annnnnnnddd end commercial.


    And??? If patients have the choice for more techniques what is wrong with that? Just like some prefer the play station or the xbox. I hope Dr Feller presents some grown out MFUE's showing great results. Even better, when he presents his papers on MFUE in the IHRS conferences people will realise the technique is not a 'gimmick'

  3. I have to agree here. Whilst I did not see the initial post and was curious as to what was written, I don't personally think it should have been re-posted(publicly anyway) as it was willingly deleted by Dr Harris by choice.


    Thank you Mickey. This forum is about educating and passing on information in a civil way.

  4. Swooping did you read Bill's reply why Dr Harris deleted his post:


    "OK, I do see in fact that Dr. Harris removed his own post. I'm disappointed to see that he did that however, his reasons were that he misunderstood the purpose of the topic"


    What is the point of adding more fire to the smoke?


    Moderators is this right? Knowing the good doctor deleted his own post?

  5. Yes i did, Im a man of my words :D. I can't wait either, but unfortunately atleast another 9-10 months before I can see the real result :(


    Naaah I dont care about the donor, rather hair on top than on the back. As long as the donor is not see-through when the hairs are +2cm long, I dont really care about it.

    I would say if I were to really really push it, I could maybe take another 500-1000 grafts from my head donor, and probably around 1000 beard grafts, so around 1500-2000 extra grafts in case I need it for the crown in the future.


    Also switching to dutasteride soon, finasteride is not working so good for me.


    Good luck to you my friend. I am concerned whether any shock loss could be permanent. As you had an great deal of hair before your first transplant anyway.


    I know what you mean; I usually get a grade 1 hair cut and my scars are hardly seen. But any shorter, the scarring is partially visible.


    I would not jump on dut. Studies have shown there is not much difference between fin and dut. There are more risks and side effects regarding dut than fin. The creators of propecia actually tested their own verison of dut in a clinical trial but stopped it as they found no additional/ better benefit than using dut from fin.


    I hope you have an great result! Your in good hands

  6. Dr Feller, you fighting an losing battle. These guys will aways see themselves better and more knowledgeable than hair restoration surgeons. In my eyes they are making an mockery with their comments; they have no knowledge of the medical aspects and the training it requires. And somehow they are the so called experts!


    Matt's result is one of the greatest patient posted results out there. I wish I had hair like that!

  7. Sheraz I have noticed you always open a new thread. Regarding your hair loss problems. You know what it is; your hair loss is aggressive. There is nothing you can do about it. You have to realise you have the hair loss gene. Using fin and regaine will merely help save a few years but unfortunately you cannot halt your hair loss to an stand still. I do not believe taking any vitamins will cause your hair loss as your body obtains these resources through food. And the body converts what it needs from food. DHT is present in all men; some have too much DHT resulting in hair loss. It is an no-win game

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