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Posts posted by nativeremdies

  1. "1. There isn't enough hair. If you pour about $40,000 into it, you can get back maximum 25% of your original density. That's it. About 7,500 grafts. "


    I completely agree with his statement. NW5 to NW7 are chasing something that simply is not there, and will never have a full head of hair, never have the density. PLUS 40k.


    Although there are some amazing docs here that look out for you, and will not just "take your money." Shapiro, Lindsey come to mind.


    I would tell any NW5, to buzz and SMP, you will live a better life.


    Now, below that NW scale results are simply amazing. A NW3 getting 3500 grafts is a game changer

  2. Shave your head down before hand so you can get used to that look. Then see if you still want to go the HT route.


    Also think about hairline, and future loss. You can build your hair line however you want, maybe a windows peak instead of going across.


    If your loss does not stabilize, you will absolutely need a second HT, for that up front area.


    Is your crown thinning? That's too fronts of hair loss, it will be a big deal if you go HT route.

  3. "Most patients don't even start seeing signs of growth until between 3 to 5"


    I would disagree with you that sir. That most patients "see" results between 3 to 5 months. OP is at 5 months, approaching the six month mark, and I personally would be concerned. "TommyLucchese" kind of feels the same. I agree with the OP concerns and see them as valid, where as you do not.


    Unfortunately the OP's only option is wait. Weather his concerns are valid or not valid, OP gets to wait.


    1. Posting pictures will not change anything.

    2. He can talk to his doctor, and that will not change anything,

    3. He can start a few more threads and research and waste countless hours and that will not change anything.


    Also, it could be his expectations are not aligned, Depending on the type of hair, extra grafts might not make a density difference to him. Either way, the answer to all his questions will be the same. Check back in 1 year post op. I'm simply trying save he OP from some monkey brain.

  4. If your going to do this over the web, you need massive amount of head shots, and you need to have a consultation with doc over skpe or in person.


    1. Doc should not even talk to you if you have not shaved your head down to a at least a 2 or 1.

    You need to see the other side first before you commit to a HT


    2. Meet with some local docs, get some opinions.

    3. Talk skype, visit in person with some out of town docs.


    If your on the path to NW5 to NW 7 you will spend 20 to 30k to be happy. So your $350 flight to someone's office will mean nothing.

  5. I want another HT but would like to wait a little longer before another strip procedure. In the meantime, I wanted to try FUE, maybe 800 to 1500 hundred, and then later another strip.


    I was hoping to go with FUE, and have the staff take out from an area that would not be part of a strip procedure.. maybe like the sides of my head??

  6. Look I am just a simple man, and when I look in the mirror and I see a very sparse, planted type of hairline after 8 months of a second HT, I get concerned that the staff and doctor had a 'bad day', the doctor just did a really terrible job in the front. that my HT was unsuccessful.


    Was it? The two pics show how sparse the frontal 1/3 looks. Anyone close enough to me will see it. Even my 'low quality' pictures at an abysmal resolution of 1900 x 1600 show this as well.


    From what everyone has said so far, that the growing of new hairs has been completed. Which is contrary to what I read from Spex and company. Of course I will find out either way obviously.


    I want more growth, but I want to be honest with the situation.

  7. To TakingthePluge's comment of no growth, I would say I have had some growth, but very very disappointing. I had 2000 grafts from the front to the back. and it does not look like it.


    At 3 months I contacted the doctor and told him how surprised how little change I had. The doctor reassured me, and informed me that a 2nd HT take 4 to 6 months.


    I waited 8 months, and contacted the Doctor again, and the doctor agreed that my hair was "thin", and that I should wait 9 to 12 months, and possibly longer.

  8. Yes I have, to expressed my concerns confusions etc.. . The answer is to 'wait, which I have been for 8 months. I have read from the people who represent the docs that 'sometimes' it takes a year or longer for hairs with a 2nd hairplants to sprout. Yet I have trouble finding actual patients accounts on the various boards. No people claiming, at 12 months their hair finally showed up. Being told to wait longer then a year seems dubious; and highly unlikely I will have new hairs that sprout.


    I don't feel I am inpatient. The first HT, was text book. 4 - 6 months. I am just at a point of concern where I am looking to validate "the could take a year to see growth claim."


    and it looks pluggy because their all multiple single hairs group next to each other, followed by a space of no grafts, and then another set of three or two single hairs.

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