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Posts posted by Questionmark

  1. One should always be very careful, with doctor`s claims, but also with patient reviews, if they don`t publicly document and prove their statement which attacks the doctor in the most momentous way.


    One guy on the review site wrote: "U can see Gautam Gambhir's photo with Dr Nigam's staff.

    But actually Gautam Gamvir has got his hair done in "Asian Roots" . So it is clear that they r using fake photos for publicity"


    To be quite frank, I don`t know the context of this claim, and thus don`t understand what this is (or could be) about at all.

    Having said that, I would highly appreciate if Dr. Nigams could explain a little about this context and perhaps prove the opposite.


    Thanks in advance!

  2. I guess there are surgeons that offer the same (or higher) quality for a (much) cheaper price, but the results seem to be quite solid, also he has got numerous very good results on his homepage, so I would definitely welcome him on here!


    @Hariri: The price depends on "size of the session, nature of the hair, areas and density that needs to be addressed" according to the user "KR", that is representing him here. I asked in which ranges the price can be, and the answer was that the "average" price is about 6 GBP, which currently is over 9 USD (!)

    And if that`s the average price, then what`s the price on the upper end of the range?!? 12, 13 dollars??

    That`s my point, I simply think he charges way too much.


    Whoever is able and wants to afford that rate, I would not advise him not to go with Dr. Reddy, because I think the quality is very good, and that`s what counts in the end.

  3. You did it! Congratulations, you look so happy! I told you Dr. Bhatti is among the nicest persons walking this earth:-)


    Thanks for your story and the great write up, too! It`s almost funny as how much my observations match yours, as I`ve been reading your post, I realised that some things (like the nurse very gently puts the injection needle etc.) I even have written about, too.


    Now you`re gonna get some swelling probably during the upcoming 2-3 days, so have fun;-)

  4. @ Blake: Sorry, if I again posted a link which was not allowed. It is simply because I appearently don`t know what we are allowed to post. If you just quickly could tell me the guidelines, I would highly appreciate! Thx in advance!


    @BVBler: Thanks, and it is always exciting to have a member having a surgery done by a yet unknown doc. That`s how to really enrich the forum! Can you let us know when you`ll have the appointment? How has the preliminary talk been?


    Btw: Good luck with Hoppenheim later this day, let`s get them in the second division:D

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