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Posts posted by Questionmark

  1. We need better pictures. Also on your linked website, all cases are presented only from one angle, mostly front, in a questionable quality. Maybe you can add pictures from different angles, and especially the hairline (by this picture, could also even be only his old hair just grown long and combed forward) May be an interesting case, though. So thanks!

  2. I only know of two, in central Europe: Heitmann in Germany is the first adress to go there, he really produces excellent FUE, top notch manual extraction. Also Hattingen in Switzerland, they specialise on FUT. Both clinics are pretty expensive, however.

  3. So true, at this stage, all is a matter of light conditions. But it`s looking very good so far, and remember you are only at about halftime, there is more to come, and then maturing will occur, too. So you should have an awsome result after 8 - 10 months. Thanks for keeping us updated!


    (Btw you now have experienced how a HT journey really is like a rollercoaster of feelings, I promise you`ll have some downs from time to time in the upcoming weeks, but thats just a normal part of the process, so you just gotta wait, and you`ll be just happy in the end (promise, too ;)))

  4. Can you share clear before and after pics? Donor and recipient? Also, doing a FUT for only 1100 grafts is highly questionable. But the amount may as well have been a little to less for the area, as it looks a little thin on the picture on which one can indeed diagnose the situation a bit.


    If you are so convinced of the results, why not sharing a clear documentation? You give the impression of being able to judge the quality of results and surgeons, so you actually should have known which material we need to evaluate the correctness of your praises.

  5. Hi, I would recommend that you either travel back home on surgery day, yet, or you take 3-6 days in a hotel for hideaway reasons ;) Swelling might be heavy, even large areas of green and blue bruises might occur in that time, plus the mess on your whole head, and you probably will look so neat that you`ll get a fit of laughter looking in the mirror on the morning of the second or third day (Make sure to take pictures :))


    If you got the time, I would stay, you got the clinic still around etc.. All the best!

  6. Hi, I`ve been following your documentation of your first, quite suboptimal, procedure with Dr. Bhatti. You were one of the first brave patients here taking the plunge with him, and so I was very observant with your case ;) After my own successful procedure with him, I didn`t visit the forum for some months, but now I have a look at some cases..


    Man, you look good! What a difference, you must be so happy! Looking at your pre op pic now, and then the recent ones, it is years I see you grew younger lol (You looked like a 50 yo in the last pic hehehe, jk ;)) If I were you, I would be more than satisfied with the state now, and save the remaining couple of hundreds of grafts for a potential future filling procedure. (Btw I wouldn`t use concealers etc. if I were you, but of course it`s up to you..)


    Anyway, good having seen you again! Glad all has come to a great end! All the best, tc!

  7. Sorry for my bad english. A lot of people that think about getting an aesthetic surgery actually have totally other issues they are often unconscious about, rooting for example in another unfulfilled desire, their childhood, their relation to relatives and/or friends, their place in life and society, etc. etc. Much like with consumerism, in our media society nowadays it often happens that these kind of fundamental desires are so difficult and challenging to get conscious about, let alone settle them, that they tend to get overlayed by the attempt to perfectionate actually minor, and rather superficial issues, such as buying new clothes, getting a nosejob, fuller hair, or in general putting up a facade. You know, psychological stuff ;)


    Not saying that it might be the case here, but imo it is the case anyway much more often than most believe. One major indicator might be that others don`t see the alleged and subjectively perceived necessity of a surgery, such as in this case. I think you have got wonderful hair for your age, many people would be jealous of, and you look good in general, so I guess either the hypotheses above are right, or really your life is so perfect that you don`t know what to do with your time and money than fixing an actually perfect and beautifully unique looking head :) Man, no homo, but look at you! No need to change anything there, be glad you`re blessed with life, health, in a really really goodlooking body. Your hairline suits your facial features just PERFECTLY imho..


    Also be aware that hair transplants NEVER give you a natural look, but at best the illusion of. If there are not strong psychological issues directly related to hair loss and thus the aesthetic appeal, and hence arisen problems in social life, a hairtransplant surely is not the way to go, and every ethical doc would confirm this.


    Having said that, it`s not that you could not at all be a candidate who could get satisfied also long-term with a conservative approach HT. If you are really sure you want to do it, and after having done your research and looked at the results of dozens of cases (not only the benchmark ones, but also average, and maybe some poor ones) of different docs on here. Thoroughly and carefully do your research and evaluation of options, talk to several docs, and don`t necessarily go with the one who makes the biggest promises ;)


    Btw I, as always, can only emphasize what Mickey85 wrote :) All the best!

  8. I wouldn`t do it, either. You have got a hairline which is perfectly defined and suits your face very well. Nobody seeing you would even think about for one second in a negative way about your hair. Why not keeping your individuality, originality and naturalness here and maybe evaluate the situation again in a few years. You may be running into something which actually reflects something else, you know.. So maybe take a few days and honestly think about what you are not comfortable with in other terms in your life. Anyways, just my opinion, you`ll do the right thing, all the best!

  9. Hi,


    my procedure was "only" 7 months ago, but my result yet is more than satisfying, so I just post my experience:

    How many grafts did you have: 2364

    Did you have any transection grafts: If I compare the grown out grafts to my immediate post op footage, I would estimate roughly 2 - 8 % transection rate which is amazing

    Did all the grafts grew: See above

    Are you happy with the results? More than happy

    Would you go back to Dr. Bhatti for another HT? With great pleasure!

    What would you do different if you had another HT with Dr. Bhatti? I would express more individual wishes regarding the hairline design

    Are you on any meds? No, only natural stuff

    See my pictures here: Hair Restoration Journal for Questionmark - Almost 7 months

    If you want, we can have a videochat or sth if you feel the need to.


    My journey was like a rollercoaster ride, I was very anxious until month 6, when the result more and more came to fruition. Now I am just happy I took the plunge and have one care less :-)

  10. Hello all,


    it has been nearly 7 months since my FUE with Dr. Bhatti, and voila my current progress report:


    Hair Restoration Journal for Questionmark - Almost 7 months


    I actually wrote the essential on my hairloss website, if you have any further questions/criticism/offenses etc., please go ahead.


    I wanna give thanks to all posters on this forum, special thanks to the mods and the very active posters such as Mickey.


    As I mentioned in my linked website, the more satisfied I got with my hair, the less interested I became in the whole industry... I think I will have a look from time to time on here, but now I know that when someone doesn`t update no more, he got either corrupted, ashamed or - best alternative for all - simply so satisfied that he completely forgets about HT issues and goes on with his life. Still I feel it is a duty to stand by and with those who have helped me to learn about HT`s in general and everything that is related to it. Many thanks! :rolleyes:

  11. Is there any documentation of a permanent case over several years? The picture presented by escar doesn`t convince me, as it is taken from a distance way too far as one could evaluate if there is fading or not. Do you have any better pictures to present to us? Thx in advance! But even if, I think that we would need to see more long-time cases.


    I think every tattoo will fade over time, and the finer the structure of it once was, the bigger the difference in the appearance will be. Also the tattoo is placed on a spot that is most exposed to sunlight, and sunlight will speed up the process of fading.

    Just have a look at tattoos that were made back in the 80ies or even 70ies...


    Why would that be different with permanent SMP?


    Escar, however I appreciate that you did answer to my post anyway, you actually did not answer any of my questions substantiated. I think it is rather surprising that HIS would be not able to offer pictures of patients that had their procedure done several years ago (8+ or so). The picture of Ian Watson is taken from too far away as if one could judge anyhow properly whether the tattoo has faded or not. Please tell us also why temporary SMP would NOT fade?? Any explanation?


    Why would someone undergo a permanent aesthetic transformation if there are no cases presented which document the safety of the method at least for individual cases?

    I probably and fortunately will never need SMP, but I think for the ones who consider to have permament SMP, these informations would not only be helpful, but fundamentally necessary in order to evaluate chances and risks of the method. Thank you.

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