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Posts posted by Questionmark

  1. Greatjob, I understand, I also think it has not to be in literally every thread in which a good FUE result had been posted. I know Mickey and Hariri are very passionate about FUE, and especially Dr. Lorenzo, and they have good reasons to be, but as mentioned before, even I am a little bored about the quantity of, as you pointed out, "unprovoked" advocating. Sorry Mickey, but I just tell it the way I perceive it.

  2. Lol, it`s always an entertaining place on here :)


    Greatjob, you can`t compare the situation and construct an analogy to fictious comments on a FUT result; as you can`t compare the history of FUT and FUE, you have to have a look at where FUE comes from and which attacks it has been and still is opposed by many.

    As nobody ever critizised FUT for generally resulting in a lower yield than FUE, it really would be ridicoulous to acclaim the yield regarding a FUT result and highlight that it has the same potential as FUE.


    But please IMAGINE that there were many many many people still claiming that FUT (!) has NOT the same yield potential as FUT, is not appropriate for larger sessions etc..

    THEN if you would constantly see results by some FUT docs which are equal to FUE, would you not advocate for it, and tell the critics: Look people, your general claims against FUT are nonsense, it obviously all depends on the right technique and the right surgeon??


    Having said that, I do agree, that some members are so quite enthusiastic that also I sometimes think to myself that a little less would be a little more, you know?


    Again having said that, I think you don`t have to get nerved by it, I think it is only a temporary process, as we may have some changes in the direction of FUE at the moment, in public opinion but also in practice, so that FUE has a legitimate place not only, exagerrateldly spoken, in a niche, but equally also for larger sessions (of course according to concrete relevant factors).

    It is just a very natural process of opposing opinions and facts.. That sometimes is arduous..


    Sorry Spanker, I understand you, but I also got the impression that you had a bad day... Not very appealing post. If I wouldn`t know you better (by judging from your posts), I would think to myself: "Wow, this guy has to be a grouchy smurf".

    Lucky I know better ;-)


    Thanks guys and sorry for my english!

  3. I don`t want to comment specifically on Dr. Carmans criticism, as I was totally surprised to read such from a coalition doc, but in general, attacking this thread and insinuating that the pro/con section is biased and led by a personal bad FUT experience is amazingly unfair and entirely unfounded imo.


    I don`t think I have to back this claim up, as everybody can read the initial post for himself and evaluate whether it is one sided or not, whether it contains "ridicoulous" or "nonsense" claims or not, whether it deserves to be attributed to such terms or not...


    Actually I think we can`t find a more well-balanced compendium about the pros and cons of FUT and FUE in the whole internet (so far), and as Mickey pointed out, he even had abstained from naming some more adavantages of FUE in comparison to FUT, while he listed all advantages of FUT in the necessary manner.

    Mickey does not blindly crusade for FUE. In fact Mickey is a strong advocate of FUE, but he has reasons for that, and he is offering them in the most substantiated way possible. His attitude and position originally had been rooted in his personal experience, yes, but deriving from this that he is one sided and biased would be totally wrong and ignoring the circumstance that his experience was only the jump start for a then clinical, exhaustive research into the general advantages and disadvantages of FUT in comparison to FUT.


    Of course the initial post has to be constantly overhauled, updated and maybe some claims altered in one or the other way,and I always welcome criticism, especially on such an important and controversial topic - and I am sure the same goes for Mickey - but it should always be polite and constructive.

  4. Dr. Bhatti is cheaper but Dr. Doganay is more skilled




    Who says that Dr, Bhatti is less skilled than Dr. Doganay. I think that claim is not fair at all.

    Especially for megasessions, I honestly think that Dr. Bhatti will be the right choice, as he seems to constantly reach world class yield rates. Also if you look for the price, the more grafts you need, the more price difference it will make.


    I am not benefitting in any way talking for Dr. Bhatti, but I will always back him up, as I consider him one of the best FUE docs in the world, especially for larger sessions, and as he just was a great guy when meeting him.


    Dr. Doganay as well is a world class surgeon, and he would be my first choice in Europe. Unfortunately he doubled his graft price. Still very affordable, but imho Dr. Bhatti now has the better price performance ratio.

  5. Just another honest thought: From your before pictures, I have the impression that you have a quite uncommon type of hairloss, as your hairline yet was not bald at all, but behind that, in the area where you don`t experience growth (so far) by now, there was a bald spot yet. My suspiction is that there maybe sth. not totally right in that area, and that there are physical factors that hinder hairs to grow there.


    I hope not, and probably I am talking bs, but I wanted to give you an honest suggestion.

  6. Hi, as your grafts in the front have grown in nicely, I think that the cause might be a physical condition. Perhaps the area got traumatized too much, so that the grafts there are still in a state of rest.


    I would not worry too much at this point, as it could be that those grafts now have recovered and will start to sprout in between the next weeks.


    What does Dr. Bhatti say on your progess?

  7. How far is the hotel from his clinic?


    I am located in Illinois.





    I hope there isn`t a coherent context between those two phrases. If so, I would advise you to better have a sleep in the hotel :D


    Just kidding, the hotel I resided in is the Altius, which I would strongly recommend, too (The food is exceptional!). It is about 5 minutes by taxi from Dr. Bhattis clinic. I asssume that Dr. Bhatti will have moved into a new, bigger clinic by the time you`ll have your procedure, but that should also be only about 5-10 minutes from the Altius. Dr. Bhattis office will organise everything for you. You get a call from the reception once the taxi is ready to pick you up.


    If you have any additional questions, please go ahead. You can also PM me, f.e..

  8. @ Bronte: Thanks mate!


    @ Zmaster:


    As for me, I booked my surgery short-term due to conflicting schedules. I benefitted from a free spot by a local patient whoms procedure had been postponed. Otherwise I would have had to wait app. 3 months, so I was lucky.


    I didn`t speak to him via phone or skype, but we had lots and lots of Emails and he always answered very quickly and patiently (I really had a 1000 questions ;-) )

    I now know that he does Skype consultations, too.


    I had to deposit 250 USD before on a bank account.


    Ouf, I think the hotel was 50 or 60 USD per night, but I maybe wrong. Let`s say that it`s affordable ;-) Dr. Bhattis office can book the hotel and the intra indian transfers for you (flights I don`t know, but taxi for sure).


    If you see him, say hi from me :)

  9. Mike,


    interesting that you yet think about a next transplant! Your progress so far is quite awesome I think. Why bother about that now? Just enjoy the new head of hair hair you got. Or have you become addicted :) I somehow know that :rolleyes:


    Btw thanks for the compliment, even it should actually be passed over to Dr. Bhatti :o

    I am really quite enthusiastic about the new hairline, as it shapes my face in a way I always wanted. Of course it`s not that huge difference like in bigger cases as yours, but I am so damn happy about it, I catch myself looking in the mirror with another feeling, not worrying anymore about my hairline, but in the opposite feeling just very pleased. Have to be aware I won`t mutate into a peacock :P


    The transplants don`t grow as fast as the other hair, so I have to have a haircut every two weeks, but I let them just cut the hairs behind, so the hairs blend better.

    (The last four years I used to avoid the hairdresser, let my hair cut at home by my cousin who is a hairdresser, and even she always told me that I am receding :( )

    Every three to four days I can see siginficant change/progress in the overall hair appearance, which is just great, and it turns out more and more that the decision for a HT was one of the best choices I`ve ever made (far after marrying of course :rolleyes: )


    Just wanted to share this, as few posters actually strongly express their positive feelings.


    In this context, thanks again all guys here on the HRN for so much valuable input I could gather over the last year!

  10. Spanker, Mike, (and the other guy),


    maybe I have caused some misunderstanding, too..


    At first I didn`t feel offended at all, and the term "rude" doesn`t actuallly match the word I actually meant, it is more of a very very much weakened "rude" (sorry my english..) I only asked out of an honest interest.


    I don`t wanna make a discussion out of that, but for me, it is natural to adress the person related, if he`s present, at least him and the others, but not only the others. It would be totally different f.e. if Dr. X presents a case of a patient that doesn`t has access to the thread, you know what I mean?


    So please no worries, I am laughing my arse off this conversation :D Maybe you got the wrong impression, please feel free to write as you please, only just write ;-)

  11. Thanks guys for all the comments!


    Spanker, don`t be afraid, it`s all good. I am more than happy with the hairline :D


    But as a Konior patient, one has every right to express criticism over not-so-perfect hairlines ;) Maybe when I want it to be softened, I`ll do a touch up next winter. The line by now isn`t pluggy in any way, it is just rather "strong" in a sense that the grafts are more or less straight in a line, but without looking pluggy. There in fact are hairlines like that in nature, so it doesn`t look unnatural, but I would have preferred a hairline that looks like I am slightly receding, very subtly, as I think it can`t get more natural as simulating nature`s natural process.

    Also criteria like hair caliber have to be considered imo.

    Dr. Konior has developed the best way to simulate a soft, natural hairline with scalp hair, but I think even that could be improved.


    In this context, what do you think of softening the hairline by adding different types of body hair? I think Dr. Umar has a very interesting approach:



    (Blake, I hope this is ok, as it is does serve informational purposes only ;-) )

    The finer the hair in the very first line(s) of the hairline is, the softer it looks. Thus, I really think adding nape, arm and/or leg hair could be done regularly in future HT procedures.


    Specifically, I think one should go from very fine (arm, nape, behind-the-ears) to fine (leg) to finally normal caliber scalp hair. Placing the very fine hair as dense as possible (you know like simulating baby hair), but in an irregular pattern, and kinda zigzag, then a few leg hairs between and in the first or first two rows, irregular, then the first 3-5 rows 1s of scalp hair, then the multiples.


    I know it is of course a donor question, question of scarring, question whether the fine hairs resist to transection, question of punch (for very fine 0.5 mm?), but I think it is a quite interesting topic. What do you think about that in terms of feasability?



    I`ll post pics again at 6 months, I am quite busy these days as I have important tests to do for my studies. Actually I am not doing anything but learning, eating, sleeping :mad:


    P.S.: Recedingboy, OtherSyde, Agenteye, I don`t know if this is normal, but in our cultural zone it is seen quite rude to talk about present persons third-person, I don`t know how it is in the US... Just curious...

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