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Posts posted by Questionmark

  1. I guess it is mostly because Mickey is using it, too, and he takes part in so many threads ;-)


    But you`re right, I had the same thought, too, and think the administrators should consider to "force" people to use their own avatar picture. If you`re reading through the threads, there`s so much unconscious association going on that it would be greatly helpful to get things ordered more easily. Beside, it would bring visual diversity :-)

  2. Bronte, I think you`re the only one who can make and should make that decision. I don`t feel it serves you if we tell you here "I told `em" or "I didn`t tell anybody". It simply depends on too many factors regarding your relationship to family and friends.

    By asking that, I think you might have some problems anyway with them, and they don`t accept your decisions anyway, not only in that case, but in general. Also from the posting in which you were writing that you were thinking that the girl you dated was too good for you, I feel that you have issues with your self confidence. Don`t EVER think a woman is too good for you, it will automatically bring you in an abject position. There must be a reason that she felt attracted to you, just think it out and focus on that. While I think it is very likable to think that someone is too good for oneself, it is not good for the relation, neither to you nor to her. Women need a strong man.. Just stand your ground and be yourself! Perhaps the book "The passion trap" might help you out, too.


    As for your question, maybe you can tell your "real" friends and people who love you unconditionally, they will respect your decision and support you no matter what, for the rest, either don`t tell at all or tell `em to fxxx off, you don`t need them! If you think your family loves you, but simply worries about what could go wrong etc., educate them! Tell them how it will pass off, why it won`t be a fail, that you didn`t rush into that blindfoldly, but that it is very important for you, that you balanced it faithfully, and came only to one conclusion: That you`re gonna make it! It is your life, and it is your decision, so don`t let anybody tell you what it`s good for you, only you really can evaluate that.

  3. This result doesn`t amaze me, actually I feel it`s very poor for 3000 grafts, sorry. He now is dense in one section, yes, and I don`t want to offend anyone, but to me it looks awkward. Maybe it`s just the way his hair is combed on the pictures (which is another issue I would like to point out, because it doesn`t show the hairline at all), but I don`t see a remarkable aesthetic improvement here.

  4. Hi guys,



    I am a 27 year old passive reader of this useful forum for the last two years, and registered a good month ago. At this point, thank you all for being part of this community which imo is the most honestly, undependantly and knowledgeably administrated and moderated over the web, which leads to constructive discussions and an exceptional information level. So special thanks go to Bill, Blake, David, who are leading this forum as conscientoulsy as it is required, thanks go to Spex and Jotronic, but what would this forum be without all the diligent members such as hairthere, pat, spanker, hariri etc. etc. Special greetings to Mickey with whom I agree on almost all his statements. Thanks, mickey, by that, I can sit back and relax here ;-)


    But now to my story: Even when I was a child, I always had a high hairline, which distressed me subtly all my life. I didn`t recede in my early twenties, but as I had a very stressful phase in my life (family, university), in which I wasn`t able to find sleep at night, eat enough, not to say healthy enough, I noticed hairs in the shower and in my hands when I combed through my hair.


    I noticed my hairline had been receding, I didn`t know if I had the female line of breeding which would mean I would be NW 6 by the age of thirty, or the male line, which would mean that I slowly would recede to a NW 4 in my fifties, and this distressed me even more, it was a vicious circle;-)


    I then changed my complete life, worked on my anxiety, changed my alimentation from cigarettes, coffee, pizza and burgers to vegetables, fruits, proteines, chicken, coffee and cigarettes ;-) I also supplement lots of stuff since nearly two years in order to control the loss (multivitamin high dosage, saw palmetto 320 mg, biotine 10 mg, b-vitamins high dosage, 60 mg zinc, 10 g fish oil, black cumin oil). Also the stressful phase came to an end, and since, i completely stopped my hairloss:D. I used to have 10-20 hairs between my fingers when I combed through, now it is literally none!

    I`ve watched pictures of my male breeding line and realised I have the exact characteristics as my father and grandfather, so that was a huge relief.


    I`ve always wished to bring my hairline down a bit, and I started researching a long long time, which method, clinics etc etc. It`s been a journey...


    I had a big limiting factor, and that was money. I am a poor poor student ;) and don`t want to ask my parents for stuff like this, so I tried to find a surgeon that was excellent, but cheap. I knew that this has not be inconsistent with each other, so I reflected a bit on the way to find my surgeon.


    If I would have had a ton of money, I would have gone with Hasson, Feriduni, Heitmann etc., but it was far out of my reach, so I had to look for the cheapest prices first.


    How I found Dr. Bhatti:

    The biggest factor of HT prices simply is the time needed, and where do find the lowest salaries? In India! (please no political discussion; I am not endorsing this!) I found numerous clinics with prices starting from 0,50 USD per Graft for FUE.


    In India, the surgeons can set the prices so low because of the much lower salaries for the crew, as well as lower taxes.

    Secondly, they even have to keep the prices low for the majority of clients from India because of the lower average income rate, and for the foreigners to overcome the inhibition to take such a long journey, and also to compensate their higher extra expenses such as visas, flights, hotel etc..


    I knew of cheap clinics in Turkey, too, which would have been far more easy to reach, but I heard and read negative experiences, even terrible horror stories about them, and didn`t want to make a lottery game out of my HT. So India was the place to go for me.


    From the forum posts here and other places, I found out that the best surgeons in India are Madhu, Radha, ****** and Bhatti. Bhatti was the cheapest of them, and also he seemed to be the perfect choice for me anyway:

    He specializes in FUE only for three years, which was the method I wanted to choose. He also has experience as a plastic surgeon for many many years with great success (I`ve looked up the results of his work), which imo proved his sense for aesthetics, but also his precision skills.

    Furthermore, I liked the results he shows on his website, so I got in contact with him and was very pleased by his counseling.


    My journey:

    After a long conversation and counseling, I finally made an appointment for the 8th of february. I flew from my hometown Munich to Dheli, where I got picked up by a driver organised by the clinic. He didn`t speak any english, but was very nice. On the way to the car, he called the clinic, and handed me over the phone, and I spoke to a nice lady who asked me if my flight had been comfortable, if everything is ok, that I shall tell the driver if I want to stop somewhere or eat sth. etc., so I got comfortable.

    We did a stop to eat the most delicious food in the world, and after 5 hours we arrived at the hotel "The Altius" in Chandigarh (good place to stay).


    I was so tired that I fell in my bed immediately, and at 5 p.m. Dr. Bhatti called me and wanted to meet me in the hotel restaurant. We met at 7 p.m. and discussed the upcoming procedure in the lounge area. I was a little anxious about the operation, but Dr. Bhatti was able to dissolve that completely. I also, as he tld me, would be the only patient the next day, so I would have the full attention of him. We then got the attendance of two very nice gentlemen, a friend of Dr. Bhatti and Dr. Hadjri from the emirates, who had been attending the Darling Buds training program. It had been a very delightful evening with an interesting conversation, but I got to bed early as I wanted to be fit for the next day.


    The next morning, I had breakfast with Dr. Hadjri, whose room was next to mine, and though the appointment at the clinic was scheduled for 9 a.m., Dr. Hadjri chilled and we ate unhurriedly until 9.45 ;-) (Never possible in Germany).


    Arrived in the clinic, which is quite small (he`ll move to a bigger facility in May I think), but very clean. Dr. Bhatti answered my final questions and we dicussed the hairline design, but I was pleased with his suggestions.

    I got comfortable clothes and locked up my belongings, then a blood sample was taken (for some major blood counts, and a HIV test) and I got injected a transparent liquid. The nurse did it the most gentle and professional way I ever got injected a needle, but I didn`t know what it was, and I somehow had an irrational concern about my first HIV test in my life, and as I anyway had been so sensitive about the surgery, everything went black and I nearly fainted. How embarrassing :o The nurses made me lie down in a comfortable position with my legs up, and Dr. Hadjri and Dr. Bhatti appeared immediately. By then, I already had to laugh about my sensitivity, but they told me it was only antibiotics in order to prevent infections.


    After everything was ok with my blood count, and I was not HIV positive :rolleyes: , I laid down in the surgery, and the doc started by shaving my donor and then numbing it firstly with ice cubes, then by injecting the anaesthetic. I felt nothing but nearly unnoticeable pricking, it was not uncomfortable in any way but a nurse used to knock on my head to distract me from any potential pain.

    Dr. Bhatti numbed my recipient area and then used a 0,8 mm Safe Scribe to extract 2364 grafts, then, at app. 1.30 p.m., he was done and did the lateral slits with a blade. Then two young ladies took over and placed the grafts with their deft fingers. They chatted and laughed a lot, but I would have intervened if I would have had the impression that they would not focus 100 % on their work. On the opposite, they seemed highly professional, skilled, experienced and concentrated, so I didn`t bother and even enjoyed the procedure in a relaxed atmosphere. Dr. Bhatti constantly supervised the procedure, but seemed very satisfied with the work.


    We were done at app. 7 p.m., I changed my clothes and then got an extensive briefing on the aftercare for the upcoming days and weeks. I got a ton of after care products, which they boxed for me in a packet, because it would not have fitted in my hand luggage bag. I also got a medical certificate stating that my appearance may be somewhat different from my passport picture.

    I then payed, as agreed, cash in Euros. As the price is scheduled in Dollars (1,25 per Graft), I also profited by the weak Dollar rate , so I payed about one Euro per Graft, which is just incredibly cheap. :) (For me app. 2300 Euros)


    Back in the hotel, I had diner with Dr. Hadjri, and we had an intense conversation about all the world and his brother until my driver came at 2 a.m..

    After only two very long and intense days in India I finally took my plane on the 9th at 9 a.m..


    On the whole, I payed less than 3500 Euros for the whole journey (visa, flights, taxis, hotel, food, souvenirs, and most importantly the procedure).


    A few thoughts about Dr. Bhatti:

    On balance, I am amazed by my experience, the journey, the procedure and namely Dr. Bhatti, who really is one of the best hosts I`ve ever met in my life, who took away my anxiety completely and made me feel comfortable all along.

    Most importantly, I feel that he is one of the best surgeons to choose for FUE, both small and larger procedures, he seemed to me like a person that is very hands on, dedicated to his work and his patients and who always seeks to improve further, look for innovations etc.

    In my case, he was kind enough to excise a sebaceous gland that stuck in my recipient area for some years for free, and even unsolicitedly sent the tissue to a lab on his own cost, and provided me with the analysis a few days later.


    A few weeks ago, Dr. Bhattis possible recommendation here on the HRN was considered, but Bill finally announced that he`ll not gonna make it "this time" because of "concerns" by "some coalition members". I had a conversation with Bill in private about that, because the "concerns" naturally concerned me. Bill finally informed me that the issues that were brought up didn`t concern the results he produces, but in particular the way he promotes himself.

    These are issues I already noticed myself before making my appointment with him.

    I realised that some of his statements about FUE/FUT are too onesided. Why does he make statements such as about his alleged 2% transection rate? Everybody that knows a little about FUE knows that it is impossible to produce such a rate.

    Why does he use terms like "miracle" and suggests in most of his postings that exceptional good results will happen regularly (Post "What to expect 5 months after FUE hair transplant).

    I think I know the answer: Dr. Bhatti is an excellent surgeon (also Bill quoted that), but he is a businessman, too. I don`t feel that this is condemnable in any way, as long as the patients are satisfied. Furthermore, we have to consider that imho in India, the way products are promoted and advertised in general is far more aggressive and questionable than in the so called "western world". The market in India has to be seen under totally other aspects, so I don`t support some claims he used to make, but I see them completely separate from his personal reputation and foremost his surgical skills. I personally got to know him and I can attest that he is not only a great surgeon, but also a caring and honest character.


    To get the picture of the ridicoulosly huge difference between promoting HT`s in India compared to the western way to do so, just have a look on this piece: watch?v=8no1OmuXKW8

    Now please compare that to the promotional videos of Dr. Bhatti... Indians will fall asleep ;-)

    See here how absurd the situation is for now: http://www.firstpost.com/living/lies-damned-lies-tall-claims-of-indian-advertising-537069.html



    He simply finds himself on a market where ridiculous claims are made all the time, and he needs to stay competitive on that particular market. The average indian patient - from whom Dr. Bhattis income depends on a large basis - that is informing himself about Dr. Bhatti is constantly bombarded with ludacris, colorful and screaming promotion by other clinics, promising a full head of hair in every case. By considering all that, I can`t actually blame him for the way he acts, especially if you consider the psychological interdependencies that naturally appear when you are exposed to such a market.

    I don`t wanna attack the whole indian HT market by that, but I would welcome the indian authorities to go ahead and regulate the accuracy of statements being made in advertisements in general.


    That said, I would be glad if Dr. Bhatti would accomodate the requirements of this forum in the near future by acclimatizing to the promotional standards, not because I critizise him, but rather because I fully endorse him and would advise everybody looking into having a FUE to go with him.


    Thanks for your attention, I am currently 10 weeks post op and so far very satisfied.

    I will update on a monthly basis, or if something unusual happens:eek:


    Until then, please find my hair loss website with pictures here:

    Hair Restoration Site for Questionmark

  5. It looks good, I really don`t understand why you`re having issues about your appearance, and you look kind of happy on the pictures.

    Actually, was H&W the only clinic you had concersation with? Perhaps you could post a clearer pic of your donor under harsh (or at least some) lighting, because I don`t think that one could not extract about 2000 grafts or so from that. If you`ll add some more 2000 from your chest hair, you could get down your hairline about 1 or two centimeters down and dense up the rest. (For a shortcut bodyhair doens`t make a difference imho).


    With your shortcut,, I promise it will look awesome, and you won`t need any styling coach :-)


    So I would advise you to talk to at least 4-5 other clinics to get their professional input.

  6. Hi, firstly, you don`t look bad at all, you`re an attractive, healthy young man and should jump around because life is great! Don`t worry, happiness doesn`t depend on your hair, but on the inside. Of course there are interactions, but you shouldn`t let your hair letting determing your life. Every day is precious, and you should make the best of it. Don`t waste your time on trivial topics like your hair!


    Secondly, I don`t think at all that you would look like Frankenstein (who says that? He`s a moron) with a shaved head, in the opposite, you have a good head shape for that. I promise, I wouldn`t say that if I wouldn`t feel that way!


    Thirdly, there still may be a way to densen up up ypur hair and bring down your hairline a bit have you consulted Dr. Umar yet? He specializes in body hair transplants, how about that possibility?

  7. Stephen, there is no miracle solution for your problem. At first I suggest you to check visit a dermatologist and see what he`s got to say. In every case you`ll have to eat very healthy over a period of at least several months, lots of vegetables, no red meat, chicken is fine. Drink a lot. No alcohol. Also, try black cumin oil, three tablespoons a day. Search for a good, natural body lotion. F.e., just click this link, read some reviews of what has helped other people and then make a choice: Search - body lotion dry - iHerb.com

  8. I must agree with most of the posters here that most of the results look good, but imho there are not enough results that would make me consider him one of the best surgeons in the world. Actually I`ve looked at some cases he posted over the last few weeks, and I usually get very interested when I see results being posted here, but after looking at those, I then overjumped the new threads when they were posted.

    That may be due to the really honest quality and lighting of the footage shown, which I highly appreciate, but I think I have to agree with Mickey that there might be some little lack of yield in very few cases:

    F.e. Patient 3, last picture, middle of hairline: 2110 Grafts via FUE with Dr. Vories (Patient Three) - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients


    I think there were grafts placed that did not yield, but I could be wrong..


    As for me, this really is an excellent, exceptional result with a great outcome considering the number of grafts: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/169884-2000-grafts-via-fue-dr-vories-patient-four.html


    It is only my opinion, and I highly appreciate the HRN and Bill`s opinion, but I think the recommendation should be given when more outstanding results will be posted over time.

    Thanks for involving the members, and keeping the spirit of this forum!!

  9. Hi David, had a procedure with Dr. Bhatti two months ago. So far I am very satisfied, and I think you have done a great choice with him!


    As for your questions: After five days, you eventually will have some swelling still, surely you`ll have on day 3 and 4. I looked like a boxer these days... Also your cabs won`t have fallen off yet, they will do so between days 10 - 20. Then the ugly duckling stage will begin, your scalp will eventually be less or more red and people will run away from you ;-) No, just kidding, but it is not that easy going as you might imagine. It depends on the ability to hide the ugly recipient site how you will come along with the first two to three months in your work. During the first 15 days you shouldn`t hide it with a cap or a hat, either, due to the otherwise potentially occurring lack of oxygen support.


    I suggest you to do a little more research on that, just look at the many many patient websites here on the HRN, where people have posted their pics that show their recovery process!


    Sorry for my english, all the best!

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