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Posts posted by Sethticles

  1. Good news for you is that your donor area looks thick and plentiful and in the right hands i suspect anywhere between 6000 - 7500 fue, so seems likely you'll get 2 large sessions,


    my guess is that Dr will place around 2500 to the front hair line and work his way back with the remaining grafts, then after 18months pop back for the second session. i think you have a wonderful result. your existing hairs look thick which will give a great dense look without dense packing

  2. if you're dead set about going ahead with HT, which i really dont think you need to, being that im from australia as well, you need to take in the long haul return flights as major factor, from what i have read from other dudes from australia the most distance you should be looking at is Turkey, for me personally India was my limit, Post care can very tricky when flying, all matter of accidents can happen, fingers crossed they dont, but reducing your travel time is highly recommended.

  3. @ vega..... the no shave FUE photos ive seen plus I also went no shave last time, Dr Bhatti shaves like a bowl haircut, yours just looks different thats all. i think the no shave FUE is kind of pointless, by the time the 2 week period is up, your hair looks so uneven, and the few people off this forum who've also had it end up shaving at 2-3 week period anyway, so if anyone is thinking of the no shave FUE, don't bother, just get it all off the day of the HT, I know ended up suffering from scalp dandruff and God knows what else due to not having a proper shower and wash for 14days. i suspect it added to my shockloss in the non transplanted areas.


    the no shave FUE is only recommended to follow in the FUT footsteps, which makes no sense to me.

  4. I'm yet to understand how this is a good result, the guy looks pretty bald to me with a noticeable scar, everyone can see the scar and everyone can clearly see his crown. plus he looks like he had a very low density donor area, overall pretty poor case for HT, very good chance this will become more noticeable within a year or so. if this is the standard what they call GOLD Standard for FUT scarring I am so so so relieved I went with FUE,

  5. if you're keen to do FUE only, try and find a surgeon who can do you 4000 over 2 days, i think that would be very good start for you, seems odd you not wanted to touch your crown for a few more years, essentially whats the point of doing a HT in the first place knowing you're still pretty much at the starting point.


    2000 for the front to mid scalp and 2000 for the crown and perhaps see if you can get beard transplants so in a few years you can top up the crown with more grafts

  6. I only eat fresh veggies and lean meats, hardly eat anything bad, I gave up eating crap years ago, but since going back on Biotin i have noticed more hair, same diet same exercise. there are alot of fat guys out there with lots of hair and lots of skinny healthy guys like Kelly Slater for one that has no hair. from what i have read alot of body building supplements such as nettle root or tongkat ali are what cause baldness,

  7. to be honest yes i have had various stages of growth and density. i think its to do with going on and off fin and minox or not being so diligent, this whole theory of placing hair in the DHT zones and the hairs being DHT resistant to me seems nonsense... you had walk into a mind field you run the risk of losing a leg, thats my theory, add hair to a dangerous area problems will happen, I suspect all HT surgeon know this but will never admit to it..


    i also found at 2 year stage my overall hair was actually at its best, and already since going back on biotin, my recent shockloss has grown back better than before. Feller very strong anti FUE scare tactics for me have some element of truth but I certainly over come them with a much stricter daily treatment, which i gave up using in the past. especially 14 months post op. i remember i moved apartment and there was a few weeks that i had not unpacked everything and just got into a bad routine.


    I have covered my stages in my bio page, between 9-12 months i lost alot again, 18month lost a lot again, but 2 years came back looking great.


    crown never really filled in hence the top up as most FUT people would say, but originally only had 1500 in massive area, i need 2500 which was not possible at the time.


    so please tell your friend, stick to a good daily meds and foam and oils and shampoo treatment,


    take care mate seth

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