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Everything posted by Eureka

  1. Hey man, I hope this works out also though am definatly sceptical. Every few years it seems something like this comes and goes though lets see how it works out for you man. All the best with it !
  2. Hey man, I'm sure this is set to be one hell of a result ! Keep posting the posts I'd love to see how this turns out in the end 😎
  3. Very nice result! Great series of photos also. Big congratulations to the team and patient 😁
  4. Hey man, I actually lost a lot of weight by eating low carb and in a 6 hour window only from 12 pm to 6pm whilst drinking a cup of water after every meal. Worked really well! Had to stay disciplined though. Certainly when around friends and family 😆
  5. Hey man, this seems to be something a lot of people are doing lately. Good the option is there though one should never have to have it I guess
  6. Hey man, the work looks flawless. Konior is renowned for refined work. This is set to be a great result I'm sure
  7. Hey man, you donor region looks good Are you able to post any better photos of the top ?
  8. It went really well man! We arrived the day before and stayed in a hotel which they recommended a stones throw from the clinic. Only took 2 hours to fly from Birmingham. The hotel was really good, and included breakfast and was only a 2 minute walk to Old Town Square centre. I think I paid ?35 a night if I remember right... I was a bit nervous to be honest when I walked over that morning but did chuckle when I got there. The clinics in a famous historic building called 'Golden Melon House' which I thought is perfectly named for hairloss lol. I met James who I'd been talking with online for a few months and was put at ease right away. James is from London and was very knowledgable about hair loss in general. Man knew his stuff and also met us for a beer that night. Nice guy! I then met my practitioner Erica who was from Florida, lovely, lovely lady. We drew on some different hairlines and settled for something that suited my facial features. James suggested that I keep it a little higher and receded so that it looks as though it has thinned a little to the stage its at now. To be honest I wasn't sure about this at first, but after it was finished and I looked in the mirror I could see my hairline again!!! What a weird feeling that was!!! I was dreading the feeling of having a needle put in my head lol, but I could hardly feel a thing. Infact the worse part for me was having to sit still for 1 hour intervals, as I'm a right fidget arse! Erica was very patient with me tho haha. I had 3 sessions in total during the 2 weeks in Prague, and am incredibly happy with my result! I spent about 2500 pound in total as I took the misses for a 2 week holiday. Prague's incredible! If anybody wants to see my results send me a private message and I'll respond back
  9. Just booked in for August at Vinci in Prague. They have all British and American team there. Result !
  10. Does anybody have any experience of SMP clinics in central Europe? I’ll be working in Slovakia and Austria for 3 months, and would like to take advantage of the lower prices there. So far I have found Skalp in Poland and Vinci Hair Clinic in Czech Republic. Can anybody else recommend any other clinics? I’d like to do some research. Thanks
  11. I tried it years ago before my first transplant, didn't suffer any sides... think its time to hop on it again, as i'm beginning to loose a lot more hair !
  12. Intersting, i'll be following you case with great interest man ! Just had a consultation with the clinic and they quoted me a very good price for the UK. I've had 2 FUE's in Turkey now and am in need of a lot more grafts soonish. He doesn't perform strip unfortunately, they have another surgeon who steps in for that apparently as that was what I was interested in this time around the most. I think the sales guy said he'd been active since this year, so he's fairly new to the HT game, but the work looks quite good ! Hope all is going well with your recovery man !
  13. Hi all, I've had 2 transpant now, one well over 18 months ago, and I had a very small tweak 2 months ago (400 single hairs to the hairline) very good growth overall, and just waiting for the finer baby hairs to come in. I'm looking to use Nioxin scalp renew dermabrasion at home, to remove as much dead skin from my scalp as possible. I have a small amount of seborrheic derm / dandruff which I treat with Nizoral once a week, which mainly flares up in the frontal third where the transplanted hair is, although I have always had this problem since very young. Could dermabrasion damage the newly transplanted hairs considering they are only 8 weeks post? Thanks in advance
  14. I’d be interested to know if anybody has any experience with this surgeon? I’m in need of a hairline repair for an FUE I had abroad a few years ago I’ve had a consultation with the clinic, and they recommend a very small FUE to cherry pick the finest single hairs from my donor. They talked about doing a low density irregular hairline for naturalness. Mines really straight and harsh from my previous transplant abroad. I noticed he did the beard transplant on channel 4 a little while ago. Still interested to hear if anybody has any direct experience with this surgeon?
  15. Ha completely fine. 3 months later all was ok. I've had a further 900 grafts taken since also!
  16. Update Not much has changed 8 weeks on. I buzzed my head to a number 2 three weeks ago and will upload pictures when I return home in a few days. Is it possible that i'm suffering mild shockloss all over the donor area? It looks patchy with thick patches then extremely thin patches. Donor is also still a little pink also. I'm guessing its still early days... though at 8 weeks I would have thought my donor would be back to normal? It's apparent and looks like a bad haircut basically. Pictures coming soon...
  17. Hi all I'm 15 days post op and just wished to have a professional opinion on my donor region please. 2200 grafts have been harvested in total and i'm a little concerned that my donor has been drastically thinned out. It's still early days, but compared to other FUE donor regions after 2 weeks i've seen, mine's looking a little worse off. Honest thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks
  18. One more question… I have extremely fine hair all over, my scalp is very visible in bright light when my hair is buzzed to a number 2. If my hair did thin more this year, would it be an idea to get an all over transplant in between my shrinking hairs… then when they have gone get a further all over transplant to fill in between the newly planted hairs in 3-4 years time? How long do transplanted hairs typically last if one is taking finasteride?
  19. Cheers chaps will check the links. Think i'll wait and see what happens this year on Finasteride and Minox and reasses then - seems the best bet. So far so good I guess, no major sides experienced. I had watery semen for the first few weeks and have small testicular ache's from time to time but generally everything is still working!
  20. Hi Matt thanks for your reply. Is your father or grandfather bald? How long have you been on fin for? When did you first start to loose your hair? Has fin halted anything? Yep I think it would be all gone by the age of 36 if I stopped using fin! I'm thinking its best to ride out the next 6-12 months and see if finasteride can do anything for me first. I'm really hoping it can then I could safely assume a transplant could be more feasible, and not have to worry about a second one for maybe 6-10 years... although I think this is a tall order. I've seen picture's of finasteride taking norwood 5 and 6's back to norwood 2's over the course of 8-15 months and am extremely skeptical if this is even possible? It just seems far to good to be true!
  21. Hi everyone i'm in need of some advise I'm 26 years old and am seriously considering FUE. My Dad and Grandad are both bald and had lost the lot on top by the age of 30. I first noticed my hair going aged 18 and didn't think much of it - its only up until the last 6 months I have looked into ways of saving it after 8 years of receding. I started Generic Finasteride 1mg daily and Kirkland Minoxidil twice daily in November 2012 and have just hit the 3 month mark. I have gained nothing back as of yet but my hair definitely feels different… so I'm hoping it will put a halt to any further recession at least. Now my questions Is it to early to consider FUE? I was hoping to have a procedure as early as April but worry that whilst my transplanted hairs could be ok I could loose the rest and need further procedures later on? Is it common for people on Fin with genetic MPB to get transplants and loose the rest of there non transplanted hair?? I have included a picture of my hairline now (left) and how it used to look before (right) including where I think grafts should be placed (bottom) Please advise! Out of interest what norwood scale is my hair? How many grafts would be needed roughly? I have extremely fine hair all over with a good donor area… Thanks
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