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Everything posted by MJ2012

  1. There are some pretty good HT surgeons in India that some members have flown to from other parts of the world. Why don't you look into them on this forum? That seems to me like the best place to start.
  2. Hey Jay, sorry to hear about your predicament, I suggest you try contacting s2thoudriver he's one of the members on this network that recently had an FUE in Istanbul with Dr Eser Aydogdu and he's raving about the experience and the results certainly seem to warrant it check out his thread with photos http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/166347-2800-fue-dr-eser-ayadogdu-istanbul.html also I recommend you try and contact Dr Rahal in Canada (Ottawa) if the longer travel is an option. Best of luck and keep calm, something will work out I'm sure.
  3. Finehair1, I was just thinking of your post and have this to add, Bedard Hair Clinic charges $4,100 per session, they'll never transplant more than 1,200 grafts. I am not sure but I wouldn't be surprised if Dr Sabourin follows the same scheme. So honestly, your hard earned cash that you have budgeted for this procedure ($5,000) would be much better spent with a physician like Dr Rahal, where you are very likely to get significantly more than 1,200 grafts especially if you consider that they also offer a special discount for out of towners, not to mention the amazing results that Dr Rahal delivers every single time (just look at the posts on these forums). If it's my money, I know what I'd do. Best of luck.
  4. I'm a Montrealer and I've had 3 surgeries with Dr Chagnon from the Bedard Hair Clinic. the first two were not that bad, the third which I've had just over a month ago was not so good, see Bedard Hair Clinic charges a flat rate per session and they claim that they'll transplant whatever they can harvest, funny thing is they never harvest anything close to what you read on the forums here, which means much more surgeries and much more time to reach the result you want. After my most recent disappointment, I finally woke up and smelled the roses, hopefully not too late for me to be able to have one more HT with a doc who'll transplant a significantly larger number of grafts than I've had in my 3 previous surgeries (1,200; 1,185; 765). Please don't waste your money with Bedard Hair Clinic or with any physician in Montreal unless you're looking for a very small number of grafts. For the record, I've seen Dr Sabourin's work and he's no better than Dr Chagnon, the hair will grow, you likely won't get a bad scar, but... it you could get much better results for your hard earned money. I hope this helps.
  5. Dr Charles, thank you for your reply. It's reassuring to hear that coming from you! The scar from my two previous surgeries was quite fine, so I am not expecting a bad scar this time around. I've read that an average person can expect to get 6,000 to 8,000 grafts from their donor area but what I am not clear on is how do my 3 HTs affect that given that only 3,000 grafts have been harvested? From your experience, is it reasonable to hope to get 3,000 to 4,000 grafts after 3 HTs given a decent donor area scar or am I dreaming of the impossible? Thank you for your time!
  6. Hey there, my advice, is wait. Mate, you're only 26 and by the looks of your pic you might very well progress to a NW 7. No single HT procedure will give you a full head of hair at the stage you're currently at and frankly any doctor that would go ahead and attempt such a thing at your age is irresponsible as you will require future sessions guaranteed. For you own sake, shave your head and get used to the look for now, and don't attempt HT before you're 30. I am no doctor, just a fellow hair loss sufferer that has undergone 3 HTs (I am 38). I really feel for you, but you must be patient and think long term, at this stage aggressive HT is not for you.
  7. Hi all, I'm embarrassed to say I've made the same mistake 3 times. I've gone to the Bedard Hair Transplant Clinic in Montreal for my 3 FUT HTs, my last one being on November 1 of this year. Please bear with me while I provide you some background before asking the question I need help with (I appreciate your time and patience). I had 1,200 grafts placed in my crown area for my first HT, my second HT (8 months later) I received 1,115 grafts to my hairline and front 3rd. The results have not been bad, so I went ahead for a third HT (to my crown), where pre-op the doc said that we should be getting about 1,000 grafts, the result was a measly 765 grafts! I was VERY disappointed as not only did the doc fail to come close to the 1,000 grafts but when I questioned him about it, he explained to me that my first surgery they cut from the middle of the back of my head around to above my left ear (20 cm2), the second surgery they cut from the middle to right above my right ear (18 cm2) and the third time around they cut 18 cm2 but due to the presence of scar tissue where only able to harvest 765 grafts. Given that I have a scar from my 2 previous HTs that goes from above my right ear all the way to above my left ear, I would have expected him to take a strip of that length to maximize the number of grafts, instead he stopped at at the back of my head (5 cm2 more could have been cut). I can't understand the strategy employed by Dr Chagon, common sense would dictate that he cut a larger strip to right above my right ear he would've likely come a whole lot closer to the 1,000 grafts he was targeting. What do you guys think? I'm frustrated to say the least but much more important than all of this is now that I've had 3 HTs by FUT for a total of about 3,000 grafts, is it reasonable to hope to have an FUT mega session of about 3,500 to 4,000 grafts with a physician like Dr Rahal who I now know should have been my choice from my first HT? For what it's worth Dr Chagnon has told me that my donor area can sustain 1 more FUT session. For the record, I am not planning on going for another HT before at least another year, but it would be great to get some reassurance that my mistake has not doomed me to be NW4 at best after 3 HTs with the wrong physician. Thanks for your time. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
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