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Everything posted by aramis69

  1. If you are based in the UK, check to see whether any bank loans or credit cards you ever took out, had PPI on it. Chances are you may have been misold unnecessay insurance on it and may be entitled to a large refund. Payouts are usually between a few hundred pounds to ten thousand pounds. Average sum is usually of around two and a half thousand pounds. If you need advice, PM me.
  2. I am just wondering whether any shock loss hair that is likely to come back after a HT, will it regrow the same rate as your transplanted hairs or both at the same time? I am now at 9 weeks post HT and seems like I am seeing some regrowth of my existing hair shed, due to shock loss.
  3. I used a lasercomb for a few years with no results. I believe the FDA approval was for the comb's safety and NOT it's effectiveness in combatting hairloss.
  4. Had my HT performed abroad and was asked to remove my cap by passport control. I politely informed them that I had a surgical procedure done and slowly lifted my cap partially to reveal a medical cap and front part of my head while I feigned discomfort. They smiled and allowed me to carry on without further checking. Same thing happened back in the UK. All was good. You can always opt to be screened in a separate room, if they insist.
  5. Sorry to hear about your experience with your suture removal at the hands of your local doctor. I experienced a somewhat similar situation to you. I had my HT performed abroad, then on the the tenth day, I went to my local surgery (UK) to have the sutures removed by the house nurse. She cut open one end of the knots and then could not grasp the main sutures, because it was tightly stitched. Her eyesight was not great either and she could not see all of the sutures, closely. She told me, rather than risk causing an accidental incision, she would leave it for the doctor to remove them. Two days later, my doctor removed the sutures. With hindsight, I think I will have them removed by the HT surgery next time round. Has Dr Radha recommended you any supplements? Try taking pure Chyawanparash which has a base constituent of Amla. Excellent herbal supplement that I have taken in the past for hair revitalization and general well being.
  6. I used it for about 5 months. I found no benefits to using it except experiencing very dry, brittle hair.
  7. For those of you from the UK, who are considering HT abroad you should be aware that the NHS does not cover cosmetic treatment performed abroad, hence, your local surgery or doctor may not remove your sutures after ten days and may refer you to a private cost nurse. It's best to check with them, before you book your HT. Sutures can be removed by your HT surgeon at no additional cost, so if you're planning to go abroad for HT, book a few extra days.
  8. I'm about 9 days post-op. The protocol I followed as instructed by my clinic was: Post Op days 1 - 9 - Gently pour a cup or two of Johnson's baby shampoo on both donor and recipient area, but gently massage the donor area only. Slowly pour clean water over both areas and allow the hair to dry naturally. I used Distilled Witch Hazel and pure Aloe Vera gel (almost liquid state) on my donor and recepient area during this time. This really helped in speeding up the healing process. Scabs formed on the 5th day. On Post Op day 9, scabs are falling off with grafted hairs attached to them. This is normal. I am experiencing considerable shock loss. Post Op days 10 onwards - I can resume with shampooing both recipient and donor area and encouraged to gently towel dry my recipient area too facilitate shedding and removal of scabs. I believe grafts are anchored on about the tenth post op day. From then onwards you can have a normal power shower.
  9. I'm about the same phase as you and I'm healing really well. Scabs are coming off easily, a few with hairs attached. Nothing to worry about. Tomorrow, I'm going to have my sutures removed - yay!
  10. After just a few months of deciding whether to address my gradual hair thinning around my hairline and midscalp, I finally, got around to consider HT with Dr Humayun of the HTI in Islamabad. I am in my mid forties and my thinning has been slow process, inherited from both my mother and late father's side, although, my father had a full head of lustrous hair throughout his life. The miniturisation of hairs has been most noticeable in the past two years. My choice for Dr Humayun was based on his expertise in restoring a natural hairline with minimal scar visibility using the latest closure techniques and having seen the results of two of my friends who had surgery performed by him. These factors really helped me decide in choosing Humayun. At nine months my friend's scar was totally undetectable, even at close range and hairs were growing through the scar line. I sent a number of photos by email to Shahid, who is Dr Humayun's chief consultant to establish what scale I was on the Norwood chart. Shahid informed me I was a Norwood 4 going onto 5 and that I would need between 2500 to 3000 grafts to be placed on my frontal region and midscalp and that a second HT would be required to address my crown area in later stages. Shahid, I found to be quite responsive and addressed ALL concerns that I had. I booked my HT to be performed on 29th May 2012. I reached Islamabad via Dubai - Birmingham on the 28th May 2012 and used this day to chillout and put my mind at ease for the operation to be performed the next day. I booked into a very secure and clean Guesthouse that was recommended on Trip Advisor (New Cape Grace) and frequented by people having cosmetic surgery performed in Islamabad, especially foreigners. I hired the hotel's trusty driver for the day, who was of an enormous assistance in obtaining a sim card for my Android, exchanging currency, taking me for my consultation with Shahid and driving me to the scenic views of Margalla Hills in Islamabad in the late afternoon and indulging in a BBQ served with freshly pulped mango juice at an altitude of about a 1000 meters high (a must do!). The clinic itself is set in the heart of the business hub of Islamabad (Blue area) surrounded by other clinics and diagnostic centers. I was directed upstairs to the main reception area where the receptionists were expecting me. The clinic itself is very modern, clean and has a relaxing environment. The staff were all courteous and friendly. They constantly offered me refreshments. Half an hour later Shahid called me in to his office. Shahid is a very friendly and likeable guy who thorougly examines your scalp, laxity and density. He will explain the procedure and will answer in detail any questions you may have and what you can realistically expect out of your HT. At the end of the consultation, I had to sign some papers and then have a blood test. The following day (HT), I had a hearty breakfast. I reached the clinic at 8.20am, the security guard directed me upstairs and to my surprise, only one staff member reached there, she was quick to offer me refreshments. All other staff arrived within 5 minutes. I don't think there was any other patient at the time for a HT, although, I was informed there was only one other patient who arrived later. I was ushered into the surgery room at about 8.45am, where I was introduced to a team of friendly technicians, two females and two males. Between them they had about 20 years of grafting experience with the main tech at 12 years. I was given an intravenous injection on both arms, a painkiller and a sedative. The effects of the medication started right away. I never felt such a heavy head in my life! If I remember correctly, one of the techs started to place needles around my donor area. I hardly felt anything at all. I do possess a high pain threshold. The pricks were more akin to a mosquito bite. Soon the area became numb. Techs kept asking me if I was o'kay and whether I felt anything. They were quite meticulous and ensured all the area was covered. There were one or two areas that I did feel a sensation when pricked so they injected those areas too. Once the donor area was covered, I had to wait about 5 minutes for the surgeon to come and slice the donor area. Boy, did I feel giddy! I have hardly taken any medications in my life due to leading a very active and healthy lifestyle and so I had not built up any toleration to these medications. Seemed they had a strong effect on me. Whilst waiting for the surgeon, I had small banter with the techs. They really made you feel at ease. Dr Humayun came in and I exchanged very brief pleasantries. A simple 'hello' and that's it. He lined me up against the mirror took some photos at different angles and then marked me up with a couple of revisions. He kept stepping back like a rennaissance artist adding the finishing touches to create a perfect template markup according to my facial structure. Next, I was made to lie face down and then the slicing of the donor area began. Did not feel a thing! Dr Humayun had to tug hard to peel off my donor area. This was done fairly quickly. Next, the closure of the donor area was performed. Dr Humayun took his time in suturing me. The donor area was sliced in 4 parts, each one given to a tech member where they started to dissect the grafts. Dr Humayun, then started making the incisions for the grafts. He works extremely fast. Though, I was unimpressed by his demeanour as he did not communicate with me at all. It would have been nice and reassuring, having flown thousands of miles to Islamabad from the UK not knowing anyone and having a surgical procedure for the first time to engage in some small talk, not necessarily a lengthy conversation. I was conscious at the time. When the incisions were completed, Dr Humayun left the room quickly. I asked to see my scalp on a mirror. It was not a pretty sight! I was very 'oozy'. I could see a lot of blood, compared to most photos I have seen on this site, mine was perhaps the bloodiest! The tech did a good job in trying to clean up the area. I then had lunch, juice and Green tea. When I was ready, the graft planting session began by the two female techs. I had a ten minute nap. My wife called me on my cell phone during the grafting session and the main technician really assured her that everything was going smoothly and not to worry. By 3.30pm, my HT was finished. The techs did not seemed to be tired at all and we really enjoyed each other's company and small talk. Dr Humayun came in to have a look at the final results and quickly disappeared. With my head bandaged and wearing a sterilised cap. I was taken to another room where a female consultant went through the aftercare regimen and provided me post operative instructions. Finally, I was escorted into Shahid's room where I finalised my bill for the HT treatment. I believe my total grafts were about 2670, I was hoping for more. But my laxity and density was about middle of the road and there is only so much you can extract. I paid in pounds sterling at the prevailing rate and got a great deal with plenty of loose change left over. Feeling giddy and still sedated, Shahid did not want me to wait for a taxi, so he was kind enough to escort and drop me off to my hotel in his private car. I had extensive swelling around the top part of my head and was advised to use icepacks for about 5 - 10 minutes for every hour for the next two days. The hotel's manager went out of his way to ensure that icepacks were delivered to me every hour. I stayed in my room for the remaining part of the day. At about 7.30pm, the pain around my donor area started to kick in, but let me tell you it was quite minimal, just a couple of places around the sutured area. I did feel stiff necked trying to avoid jerky movements. I took my painkillers, antibiotics and valium as directed on time. Felt very sleepy, so I setup my upright sleeping position with the extra pillows provided by the hotel, I also had my own travelling pillow (from Ebay). See attached photos. Within 10 minutes, I nodded off and I slept like a baby, I mean really deep sleep. Woke up about 1am in the middle of the night, because my stomach was growling and so I ordered a subway sandwich and then went back to sleep. Continuous sleep without interruption. Next, morning, I woke up early, but still had considerable swelling on my forehead. Spent all day in the Hotel's lobby and my room. By evening time, pain had subsided and the tightness around my neck relaxed to allow me to start packing my bags for the next day's flight. Shahid provided me extra surgical caps and swabs. I wore a very loose hat over the surgical cap. At Islamabad airport I was asked politely to remove my cap, but informed them that I had a surgical operation, although the security were curious they allowed me to proceed without fuss. Same thing happened at Dubai and Birmingham airport. Security staff were pretty understanding, I did not have to take my hat off. They saw that I had a surgical cap underneath my hat. Reached Birmingham on 31st May 2012. I have no pain, but lots of swelling which has travelled down to the lower part of my forehead. Dark Scabs have already formed. I have to wash my donor area gently for the next ten days and then on the tenth day I can wash my grafted area. The sutures will be removed by my local surgery on the tenth day.
  11. Dr Humayun (recommended by the coalition) in Islamabad has very reasonable charges. I have my HT (FUT) scheduled next week at his clinic. If I have 3,000 grafts transplanted, it will cost me about 2,000 UK pounds which includes my visa, my plane ticket and accomodation at a nearby guesthouse.
  12. Now that is revealing. I drink copius amounts of green tea daily and am currently considering HT in a month's time. I will need to abstain from it until after HT. I juice raw carrots, celery, apples and berries (sometimes Pomengranates). Is this o'kay, Dr Lindsey?
  13. Very interesting observation and tips Dr Lindsay. South Asians incorporate alot of garlic and turmeric in their cooking. Middle Easterns use less spices and more Olive oil in their food.
  14. I have tried Hairomega for about 6 months with no results.
  15. Here's what I came across regrading FDA's reassessment UPDATE 1-Sexual side effects added to Merck drug labels | Reuters
  16. I'm from the UK and considering HT from Dr Humayun next month hopefully. Two of my friends have had it done by Humayun. One was a nervous pharmacist, but is now a very satisfied patient. I am selecting Dr Humayun on the basis of his skill at restoring natural looking hairlines, experience, minimal scar visibility and last but not least, affordability. I wouldn't be overly concerned about this region of the world, Dr Humayun's clinic is based in the commercial hub of Islamabad. There are many expats living in Islamabad including Caucasians and is a temporary home to foreign diplomats, NGO's etc ... you can see many western orientated shops, leisurely pursuits and eateries catering for them and the city's residents. If you want to keep low key, I suggest searching for a 'recommended' Guest house rather than a hotel on the TripAdvisor site. The one I am planning to stay at has 24 hours security, is about 10 minutes walk or 5 minutes drive to the clinic. It also has a high rating amongst foreign visitors. @RayukMann - Hope all goes well for you. Please do post your experiences.
  17. I am considering having HT performed by Dr Humayun of Islamabad, perhaps in about a couple of months’ time and was wondering if anyone who has had the strip surgery with him offer some advice/tips. I plan to stay in Islamabad for 5 days and then head back home to the UK, where on my tenth day will have my stitches removed by my doctor. Even though Shahid (Dr Humayuns’ assistant consultant) has recommended a particular Hotel, I have found an ideal guesthouse to stay at mainly due to cleanliness, freshly cooked meals, the proximity to the clinic, shopping centres and nature trails (I love natural scenic beauty). I have been told by a couple of people that if you travel alone and for just a few days, you will get hassled by airport officials in Islamabad. Has anyone who has travelled to Islamabad airport ever experienced issues? Where did you have your blood samples taken before the HT procedure? How detectable/noticeable has Dr Humayun’s incision scar been after it has full healed? I used to have the number two back and sides hair trim, am I still able to have the hair this short without the scars being so obvious? One of my friends who has had a HT with Dr Humayun said he can get away with a number two and half trim without the scar being detectable. Is the pain after the HT, localised to just the scalp area or the entire head? How did you sleep for the first few days after the operation? Any advice would be truly appreciated as I am borderline on whether to go ahead or not with the procedure. Thankyou ALL.
  18. Try massaging Morrocan oil, otherwise known as Argan oil to the ends of your roots. Argan oil is non-greasy, has a very pleasant smell and provides a myriad of hair nourishing benefits. Excellent for bringing shine and lustre to wavy hair. You only need a small amount applied to damp hair.
  19. I have tried the Lasercomb regularly as instructed for a few years and it has not thickened my hair and it has not regrown any hair. The only reason I continued to use it was the false notion that if I stopped using it, my hairloss would actually accelerate.
  20. I have tried Tongkat Ali in the past and found that if I used it for a prolonged period even after cycling it, my hair would thin out noticeably.
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