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Posts posted by Billena

  1. This patient illustrates the importance of minimal color contrast between the hair and the skin. A 2567-graft session to the frontal half of his scalp can be seen before, during, and 18 months after treatment. Because the 35-year-old patient traveled a great distance to reach Dr. Wesley's center, the "after" images that he volunteered were taken in his own home.









  2. Before surgery patient often ask, "Do I need to shave my head?"


    In Dr. Wesley's practice, patients are not required to shave their heads for a traditional strip harvest approach to hair restoration surgery. Instead, they are encouraged to wear their hair at a minimum of 3/4" in length. However, Dr. Wesley is able to achieve an effective camouflage of sutures in the donor area in patients with even shorter hair length.






    Although hair that is slightly longer in the donor area makes it easier to perform the surgical donor closure, this video demonstrates how - before (left image) and two weeks after (3 pictures on the right) - the donor area can already appear very normal. This allows patients to comfortably return to work, school, or social activities.





  3. Softening a "pluggy" appearing hairline can be achieved in a single session.






    This 42-year-old male had previously undergone two hair transplants that left him with an unnatural appearing hairline. Dr. Wesley effectively softened his hairline with 2000+ grafts and, after only seven months, the patient was already beginning to benefit from this repair session.







  4. This patient had undergone multiple transplants (including an unsuccessful repair attempt) prior to consulting with Dr. Wesley. Our focus was to reduce the donor scar and soften the "pluggy" looking hairline from his prior transplants.



    His improvement from his repair session with Dr. Wesley can be viewed in the video montage.



  5. FUE can also serve as a "cherry on top" after a strip harvest.


    This patient had already had prior hair transplantation at a different clinic and desired a 1) more refined hairline with a 2) more comfortable experience. FUE using sections of his virgin donor scalp was the choice. Beard FUE was also performed. The grafts were placed throughout the hairline as well as into the prior linear scar from a previous session.


    A total of 1283 FU were used to treat this patient. This approach enables patients to wear their hair at a longer length immediately after an FUE session. In general, each section should be about 75% as wide as the donor hair is long.












  6. While some patients are tremendous candidates and others not candidates at all, there are many patients within that spectrum. This 35-year-old male had a permanent "safe donor area" that was limited to the back of his head (the area just behind his ears was too thin to harvest because and it did not likely include permanent hair).


    A video montage of the procedure can be viewed here.


    Despite his limited donor area (resulting in 1897 FU), he had enough to frame his face and lightly cover his frontal half (including areas of future loss). This would leave a patch of thinning in his crown that looks natural. Later in life, if he choses, he can return to address that area with another session. However, harvesting too many grafts in his case would likely produce a wider scar than his limited donor area could cover.


    He returned at 9 months for follow-up pics and a smile on his face.





  7. Using a total of 4,176 FU, the patient was able to address both areas that bothered him most: the crown and the recessions along his hairline.


    Video: Treating Both Crown & Frontal Scalp


    In addition to the coverage of his balding crown (see previously), this 34-year-old patient was able to fill in his fronto-temporal recessions as seen in the attached pictures as well as the accompanying video montage.



  8. This 65-yr-old man had a transplant by a different physician nearly 20 years before presenting to our practice. Since that initial session, his pre-existing hair continued to thin, exposing the original pattern designed by that surgeon. A session of 2007 micrografts throughout the frontal half of his scalp provided a dramatic improvement in density.


    The hair characteristics of this patient prove quite desirable: wavy, great density in the donor area, and salt and pepper coloration. These combined features serve to most effectively provide scalp coverage.




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  9. This gentleman had undergone two procedures at a "no-longer-existing" hair institute approximately 20 years ago. The strikingly unnatural appearance of the resulting plugs around his crown forced him to wear a hat at all times.


    Using a combination of excision and punch site closure, the crown plugs were removed. In addition, he had a 1938 FU pattern designed throughout his mid scalp (to be shown in about 6-9 more months!) to provide hair that will more naturally cover his treated vertex.


    The patient returned 3 months later and - for the first time in YEARS - didn't have to wear a hat. Still, a focused treatment with microderm stimulation was performed by Dr. Wesley (after the "post" pictures were taken) to further smooth out the appearance of his vertex.


    Combined, Dr. Wesley's treatments will help "reverse" this patient's less-than-ideal hair transplant from years before.



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