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Everything posted by Billena

  1. A 14-year-old boy underwent reconstructive ear surgery. Unfortunately, it left him with massive scarring alopecia throughout the right side of his scalp. This deformity left him very self conscious and often prevented him from taking part in water activities that would expose his unsightly scar. As a proud physician/surgeon member of Little Baby Face Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to performing reconstructive surgery for children with facial birth deformities, Dr. Wesley and his staff performed a follicular unit transplantation (FUT) session at no cost to this young man’s family. A total of 1331 grafts were used to fill in both the linear scar atop his head and the two large hairless regions surrounding his right ear. The boy’s hair follicles were incubated in platelet rich plasma (PRP) throughout the duration of the procedure. The Little Baby Face Foundation helps cover transportation and housing costs for families in need. Participating physicians/surgeons donate their time and surgical facility to perform pro bono cases to children in need. Happy Holidays!
  2. A 38-year-old man underwent a follicular unit extraction (FUE) session in which a total of 2068 grafts with Dr. Carlos K. Wesley. He wanted to bring his hairline down slightly in order to more effectively frame his face. The patient returned one year after his procedure and images of the patient can be seen below. The patient’s hair follicles were incubated in platelet rich plasma (PRP) throughout the duration of the procedure.
  3. A 45-year-old man underwent a follicular unit transplantation (FUT) session in which a total of 2538 grafts with Dr. Carlos K. Wesley. His desire was to not only “frame his face” more effectively by increasing the density throughout the frontal half of his scalp, but also provide a light amount of hair coverage throughout his bald crown. The patient returned one year after his procedure and images of the patient can be seen below. Within the next week, will also post a video displaying his crown one year after this procedure. As with all of Dr. Wesley’s patients, he was NOT required to cut his hair for the procedure. As a result, this patient was able to return comfortably to work and social activities within approximately 10 days of his procedure. The patient’s hair follicles were incubated in platelet rich plasma (PRP) throughout the duration of the procedure.
  4. A 23-year-old man was losing self confidence in part due to his markedly-thinning hairline. While valid arguments exist for avoiding any surgical hair restoration treatment in young men, the impact from a healthier facial framing can also lead to a more positive self perception. He underwent a follicular unit transplantation (FUT) session in which a total of 2379 grafts were used in the design. The patient returned one year after his procedure and images of the patient can be seen below. As with all of Dr. Wesley’s patients, he was NOT required to cut his hair for the procedure. As a result, this patient was able to return comfortably to work and social activities within approximately 10 days of his procedure.
  5. All surgical dates have now been filled. However, patients may still sign up for in-person consultations with Dr. Wesley on Wednesday, October 19th if they would like to consider one of the procedures listed above during his team's next tenure in Los Angeles.
  6. Patients often ask about effective ways to conceal any donor scar after follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Two popular options are follicular unit extraction (FUE) from either donor scalp, beard, or chest or skin micropigmentation (SMP). Here are a couple examples of both for you to decide for yourself.
  7. Dr. Carlos K. Wesley will be conducting in-person consultations, PRP treatments, and surgeries (both FUT and FUE as shown below) the week of October 17, 2016 in Los Angeles, CA. Currently, all surgical dates have been filled by patients except for one date. Please call our appointment secretary, Barbara, at 844-745-6362 to schedule or to confirm your appointment. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) Female Hair Restoration Hair Transplant Revision Surgery Scar Revision with FUE Platelet Rich Plasma for Women (PRP) Platelet Rich Plasma for Men (PRP)
  8. A 42-year-old man wanted to refine his markedly-thinning hairline. He underwent a follicular unit transplantation (FUT) session in which a total of 2266 grafts were used in the design. The patient returned one year after his procedure and images of the patient can be seen below. As with all of Dr. Wesley’s patients, he was NOT required to cut his hair for the procedure. As a result, this patient was able to return comfortably to work and social activities within approximately 10 days of his procedure.
  9. This 38-year-old man sought many consultations in and around NYC regarding the design of a new hairline. Some felt that his hairline should be lowered dramatically with a broad, flat arc that completely filled in the recessions as well as his temples. Ultimately, he opted for a more conservative pattern that - while providing more density throughout his frontal scalp - preserved mild recessions. He liked the fact that this pattern would not draw attention to itself and simply frame his face. He can be seen before and 10 months after a 2042 graft follicular unit transplantation (FUT) session with Dr. Wesley. During the procedure platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was used as a holding solution for the hair follicles.
  10. A 49-year-old wanted to have a full head of hair to celebrate his upcoming 50th birthday. A combination of follicular unit transplantation (FUT) coupled with both scalp and beard follicular unit extraction (FUE) was deemed the best approach. The patient can be seen before and about two years after his two sessions. A combination of over 4000 grafts were used to fill in his crown and add fullness throughout the caudal portion of his scalp. In addition, his hairline was slightly advanced in order to ensure that all of his scalp was addressed. As with all of our patients, this patient was not required to shave his hair within the recipient area. This enabled him to return to work and social activities sooner.
  11. A 45-year-old man had an ambitious goal: to advance his hairline nearly 3cm. After careful examination of his donor area, a 2014-graft follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedure was deemed the best approach for achieving his vision. The patient can be seen before and one year after his session. In addition to creating a new hairline, areas of future hair loss were filled in to blend in with his pre-existing hair pattern. As with all of our patients, this patient was not required to shave his hair within the recipient area. This enabled him to return to work and social activities sooner.
  12. This man in his 20’s was not a good candidate for surgery. He was opposed to taking Propecia due to concern regarding the sexual side effects. After learning about the option of Dr. Wesley’s topical formula for hair growth, he opted to try this daily spray. His time course of hair growth can be seen before, 7 months after, and one year after initiation of this topical treatment coupled with a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) session. effects
  13. This 37-year-old man wanted to thicken his frontal scalp and re-establish the hairline that he had only a few years ago. His emphasis was that the results look natural above all else. He underwent a follicular unit extraction (FUE) session with Dr. Carlos K. Wesley in NYC. His graft breakdown can also be viewed below. He can be seen before and one year after his procedure in which platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was one of the components used as a holding solution. Our FUE results on patients with different hair characteristics can also be viewed on our Results Gallery.
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