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Posts posted by dingdong12

  1. i too am belfast and strongly urge you to consider dr saifi of poland. his charges are a fraction of price including farjos. i consulted with many docs before picking dr saifi. if you research him on here you will see that the reviews are more than positive . i will be posting pics soon but there are already lots of pics out there. try looking up porchester pirates profile for pics.

  2. hi sfmg


    i am indeed from belfast. good to hear from you. i am so pleased with my results so far and its not even the 5 month mark. there such a transformation to my hair already.


    how many grafts did you have? how was your experience. im going to upload some pics this week

  3. future ht doc; its great to hear from moderator . i agree both parties have a level of responsibility but the real responsibility to outline terms and conditions lie with clinic concerned and they must ensure that patient is fully briefed on all matters.


    this thread should make clinics review their policies not only on refund issues but across the board and while one earlier poster remarked this was a pointless issue it couldnt be further from the truth . i dont know what planet that posters living on but its obviously a different one to everyone else given the reaction !!!!

  4. ej . the duty of care is on feller medical to make sure patient is fully aware of deposit policy !


    as i stated earlier a hair transplant can be an unnerving experience and the patient might not always ask the relevant questions. hair transplant clinics do this day in day out and are the professionals , they should be telling everyone there refund policy and not expect patients to read on website.


    granted perhaps bob should have asked and a certain amount of responsibility lies there but paramount the responsibility lies with feller medical

  5. gandolph ; of course it refects on feller medical even if dr feller did not know about your situation personally.i appreciate how frustrating that must have been for you and is yet another example of how the common man is supposed to adhere to all instructions dealt out by organisation but as soon as the tables are turned and the organistions break there end of the bargain its a aw well tough luck and take it on the chin . absolute rediculous. its getting to the stage that we all need a signed discalimer before we do anything!


    you were genuinely put out by fact your appointment was cancelled

  6. no clinic needs bad press and its great that feller medical is in the position it is in terms of being one of the leading clinics worldwide.


    however not all clinics are in same boat , some are just starting off and any negative press could be devastating to there success so i dont see if they were to return the deposit as it being "hush money ". they perhaps think that for the long term success of their business it is the best option to do as well as pwehaps being ethical especially if a substitute patient can be found

  7. 1978 mat. ; hindsight is a wonderful thing and im sure boblero will investigate further before handing over money again .


    however when dealing with something as emotive as hair loss we sometimes rush into things without thinking and make hasty decisions. (we have seen it a thousand times on this forum) therefore the clinics out there have a duty of care to be open and clear about what patients are signing up too .

  8. chrisdav; being able to afford broadband is not the issue , some people simply do not use the internet my parents are a very good example of this however they could afford too if wanted. are you saying that the only way to get a price for hair transplant is from website ???? i dont think so !!!!!! i had a consultation with doctor who gave me quotation after reviewing my hair loss, not once did he tell me i would need x number of grafts and then tell me id have to look at his website to see how much that would cost!!

  9. another point . i think it was spex who said earlier that it says very clearly that on feller medicals website that deposits are not refundable.


    what if the client did not touch base through the website and saw or hear radio/tv advertisement etc. the client may never have come into view of the clinics website. a business cannot rely on the fact that it says no refunds on website when the client may never view website.

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